Dilbert_X wrote:
FEOS wrote:
See, that's where you show your ignorance. When you buy something like like say...a missile...it's assumed to be an expendable. Thus its replacement is part of the budgetary cycle.
And say if the cycle is suddenly changed, for example by being at war instead of peace, everything changes.
War doesn't "suddenly change" the cycle. For either the US or the UK. It's been the same cycle for eight years. What's requested changes (type and amount), but the cycle remains the same, because it's the same cycle for the entire government, not just the DoD/MoD.
Dilbert_X wrote:
Got a source for your latter statement, since it's the first time you've brought it into the argument?
Actually its the second time, and yes probably. I do remember there were severe 0.50 shortages, and they were buying Czech stuff which was half the cost but unreliable.
Your MoD was buying Czech-produced .50 cal rounds? Without running them through testing first? Simply because of price? Sounds like they have some of your clones working at MoD.
Dilbert_X wrote:
Arty isn't the right tool...and Dilbert won't let them buy new stuff because then they can't get MRAPs or helicopters.
You keep making stuff up that I haven't said.
Not been trapped by anything, if anything its you by your hidebound dogma - kthx.
I'm not making anything up. It's exactly what you said.
Shouldn't be using Javelin because they're too expensive. Their use prevents MoD from being able to buy MRAPs and helos, which are needed more (in your mind) than anything else. You somehow link the two--a false linkage. When I bring that false linkage to full light--where it clearly makes no sense whatsoever--you disavow all association.
Dilbert_X wrote:
Cost is not irrelevant, there is a limited budget, money spent on anti-tank guided missiles is money which won't be spent elsewhere.
Dilbert_X wrote:
they are desperately short of MRAPs and helicopters,
Dilbert_X wrote:
The MOD is stretched for cash, there are tradeoffs between ongoing costs and money spent on new eqpt.
So...based on the above: Can't use what you've already got (javelin) because that would somehow prevent you from getting what you need. That is utter nonsense, but it's what you said.
Your troops using the equipment they've been given (which is damn good equipment, btw--javelin) doesn't keep them from getting MRAP and helos. Your government's budgetary priorities do. Simple as that.