Wood chipper
flame thrower
black hole
deodorant condom

CLP and a wire brush
specula with a razors edge.
Cleaning up my bookmarks and found this someone else posted a while ago...thought was interesting:

Zip zop zoobity bop.
work for 8 hours. 6.30am now, im up since 3pm. not good not good
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
G'night BF2s <3
dick face

Baba Booey
hah wut
I work for 12 hours. I've been up since 12:30pm yesterday. It is 2 am now and I get off work at 6. 1 hour drive home and collapse on the couch. Good times. Day 3 of 3 is almost over.IrishGrimReaper wrote:
work for 8 hours. 6.30am now, im up since 3pm. not good not good
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)

will my eyesight return any time soon?AussieReaper wrote:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Canary isles trip booked.
Currently packing my bag for a 4 day course at HMS Caledonia
27 ( Wonder when our hero will return? ) days and I'll be sipping a cold beer on a warm beach with the missus. Can't wait to get out of this cold weather and walk around wearing only speedo's without the fear of getting hypotermia.
One of my colleagues stole my mouse, so now I'm stuck with a rollerball mouse that doesn't work.
What a great start to the week. Fuck sake.
One of my colleagues stole my mouse, so now I'm stuck with a rollerball mouse that doesn't work.
What a great start to the week. Fuck sake.
Unplug KeyboardZimmer wrote:
One of my colleagues stole my mouse, so now I'm stuck with a rollerball mouse that doesn't work.
What a great start to the week. Fuck sake.
Find said employee
Smash keyboard over their face
Hunt him down and kill him
I know fucking karate