Hello all who are interested, << PLEASE DONT REPLY HERE, REPLY AT WEBSITE. THANK YOU! >>
First of all, this is a BF2 [Battlefield 2] Gameserver. It is (at the time) a 46 slot server that plays 24/7 Dragon Valley w/autoadmin.
Now, the name of this server is Tyrants of Tomorrow. We are fairly new [about a month now] and we are in need of players to join the server. Admin position is totally free. We are considered by many people that we are a very nice clan. Admin is free but we very gratefully accept donations. We do promote our admins from admin to senior admin to head admin. If you want to join the clan come on over to www.tyrantsoftomorrow.com and apply in the Admin applications forum.
Our server is hacker free, as it runs PBBHub. And our server is punk free thanks to 24/7 AUTOADMIN [AdminMaps] and our admins of course.
After joining you can get a personal greeting that greets you every time you enter the server, and it can say whatever you want. You get a lot of respect and people always know your admin rank because of the tag you wear. =tot= member =ToT= Admin =TOT= Head Admin. You get access to BF2CC [admin tool] After you prove yourself as admin.
We have a TeamSpeak server running 24/7. Our server IP: Our TS IP:
There is more information at the site, www.tyrantsoftomorrow.com. Please contact me (LilPres) if you have any questions i will be very happy to answer them. Xfire-lilpres [email protected] Or PM (personal message) me at the website after you register.
Thank you,
Tyrants of Tomorrow-Administrator
First of all, this is a BF2 [Battlefield 2] Gameserver. It is (at the time) a 46 slot server that plays 24/7 Dragon Valley w/autoadmin.
Now, the name of this server is Tyrants of Tomorrow. We are fairly new [about a month now] and we are in need of players to join the server. Admin position is totally free. We are considered by many people that we are a very nice clan. Admin is free but we very gratefully accept donations. We do promote our admins from admin to senior admin to head admin. If you want to join the clan come on over to www.tyrantsoftomorrow.com and apply in the Admin applications forum.
Our server is hacker free, as it runs PBBHub. And our server is punk free thanks to 24/7 AUTOADMIN [AdminMaps] and our admins of course.
After joining you can get a personal greeting that greets you every time you enter the server, and it can say whatever you want. You get a lot of respect and people always know your admin rank because of the tag you wear. =tot= member =ToT= Admin =TOT= Head Admin. You get access to BF2CC [admin tool] After you prove yourself as admin.
We have a TeamSpeak server running 24/7. Our server IP: Our TS IP:
There is more information at the site, www.tyrantsoftomorrow.com. Please contact me (LilPres) if you have any questions i will be very happy to answer them. Xfire-lilpres [email protected] Or PM (personal message) me at the website after you register.
Thank you,
Tyrants of Tomorrow-Administrator