
Lt Svensson wrote:

Its ok by me. Think that many made some strange stuff to get the gold one. I got mine through spawn rape at Karkand. Some would say thats cheating...
I wouldn't say that. I'd promote that....

edit: I'd promote that instead of a knife/pistol ranked server to get it.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2006-04-28 08:53:45)

glad there is some gamers who dont take this game too seriously haha
+50|6847|Southern California
EA has created badges and a rank system to make us addicted. It's just that simple. I don't really care what anybody does to get the badges they want. I earn my badges the "hard" way and I know that, so I don't really care about anybody elses badges. More power to anybody who can get the badge they want any way they can.
Have you seen my nutz?

pure_beef_69 wrote:

Well i know most of you dont like these servers because you all get jealous because people use their brains and get the knife/ pistol badges an easy way.

Well i think its funny that you all complain over some shitty badges. Its a game, now i know i post alot of shite but its because i dont take this seriously at all and it winds me up when i see people constantly trying to hunt down players who are using there heads to get badges.

Yes point hacks, aimbots are bad they are for pricks but as for the knife pistol servers then let them be!?!!!

I could look at half of your stats and see that most of you dont get your kit badges from actually using that kit as a foot soldier but instead hide in a armour or planes and get your badge that way. Well surely that way is cheating because you have an unfair advantage amongst all the other hard working players who are foot soldiers?

What im saying is that this is game <----some thing that has been said so many times before. We are ment to have fun. get badges how you want and let others do the same. It doesnt affect how you play the game at all. so let it be.

Lots of love me *pours petrol all over this thread ready to ignite all the flamers that come through*
Knive a pistols are allowed just not ranked
I like pistol knife only servers, there fun and different to regular bf2
It does, however seem unfair that people shold so easily get their expert knife badges like this
I think so. Its hard enough to get them when a tank, apc, plane or a chopper is after u and ontop of that when the guy ur fighting has a gun better then a pistol.

lynxlyran wrote:

What kind of dumbass runs around with a knife out at a gun figt?

OK I was one of those dumasses. For three months I bought into this "its the honorable way to get it" line of BS. Stupid stupid stupid, you don't run around and charge at ppl carrying PKM's trying to knife them. Or lie in wait until an enemy runs by and take off after him, because there is always another guy behind him and therefore you. "Watch the UAV, its your friend" Yeah, a lot of control over where the UAV is and by the time you flank around, the UAV is done and the ppl you were flanking are dead or gone before you get there.

I get a kick out of all the posters who basically say "I got my knife badge the hard way, It was easy" Well, what was it?

After 120 knife kills and an untold number of embarassing deaths. I decided my knife skill was certainly above basic and probably deserving of veteran status.

"Hey Joe, did you see that dumbass trying to charge me with his knife?" and Joe says "Yeah I saw him a few minutes ago too trying to sneak up on you when I shot him full of lead". 

I got my blade badge the FUN way.

All hail knife n pistol servers!!!
Hey, if you suck royal arse, that's not my problem. Don't cheat to get em.

I got my expert knife and pistol badges the easy way. By getting some skill with a knife and pistol.
You with the face!
I agree with the title.

I played an infantry only server, once. (only cars were allowed)  That was so much fun.   I only wish they allowed it on ranked servers.  Yes, it takes a dimension out of the game, but it was a nice change.  It was nice not to worry about being spawn raped by a tank at the hotel on Karkand.

I would like to see Pistol/knife/infantry only servers.  Yes, it does change EA's rank system, but, as anyone can see, it is an imperfect system as is.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-04-14 15:24:01)

another point aswell - hlaf if not all the pistol /knife only servers you go on actually are far from it and end up turning into normal battles as people forget the rules and get into armour etc and use the normal guns. the difference is that you will normally find several opponents that actually jhust want knife/pistol kills so you go after them each time.....hardly cheating esp when you compare it to spawn camping which i have seen countless people do to get badges.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

I knew it...he asks for the flame and now the lil guys angry.

Moving on...
You know Mason, for "moving on" you sure have done a lot of extra talking.

badhq wrote:

Skinnister wrote:

badhq wrote:

Ok People Round of Drinks On me Who ever smokes weed Round of that on me 2
lol you and my buddy 13knives would be great friends lol
Is He from UK
no unfortuntly not ...good 'ol american

pure_beef_69 wrote:

I could look at half of your stats and see that most of you dont get your kit badges from actually using that kit as a foot soldier but instead hide in a armour or planes and get your badge that way. Well surely that way is cheating because you have an unfair advantage amongst all the other hard working players who are foot soldiers?
nope, nope, not me
i got all but one on foot, except the vehicle ones of course
the only i got in a tank was veteran repair, but that was repairing commander assets the entire round, some bomber got carried away with blowing those up

but i must be missing something, whats so special about knife and pistol servers? are there some how more points involved or something?
+27|6802|Mashtuur Boulevard
Im a firm believer in Knife / Pistol only servers.

Aslong as they remain unranked.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6895|Malaga, EspaƱa

RAIMIUS wrote:

I agree with the title.

I played an infantry only server, once. (only cars were allowed)  That was so much fun.   I only wish they allowed it on ranked servers.  Yes, it takes a dimension out of the game, but it was a nice change.  It was nice not to worry about being spawn raped by a tank at the hotel on Karkand.

I would like to see Pistol/knife/infantry only servers.  Yes, it does change EA's rank system, but, as anyone can see, it is an imperfect system as is.
Infantry only are for CounterStrike Whores , if i happen to be joining such server without looking at the Server title , and get kicked for using a Tank or Chopper i report the motherfuckers
1) as for the ROE it clearly sais that i,m allowed to use every vehicule on every ranked servers
2) I hate Whiners that hate vehicules .

Now about the Knife Pistol only server, i never joined them and never reported them coz i dont fucking care. coz i know all the guys in it are pethatic losers.

as an Advice i did a small experiment.
because of the fear of the Red / Blue tag still beeing around the people are more afraid of shooting snipers last time as beeing a sniper i had a total of 20 times beeing in close contact with the enemy and 6 times i got shot. well , to get ur knife badge be a sniper kit and just walk around by enemy forced but avoid standing in front of them so ur nick shows up. sneak up their backs and stab him
Tank Troll
+71|6841|London, UK
well when i got my vet badge i got 5 knife kills straight away on karkand by being sneaky, and its pretty stupid when i was about to get my 6th and i was inside the body knifing away 3 bloody times only to see myself some how get shot, though many times the other person would tked in the process, but u really cant blame ppl using knife servers to their badges cause noobs would rather shoot em then take out their knife, i have never seen any1 take out their knife against me except when i say 'U BLOODY NooB, fight with a god damn knife, GEEZ.' then they do but then another person just comes shooting, shooting?? in a knife fight i dont understand y they cant come along and try and knife me. now using pistols in a pistol/knife server, that is trully noobish its a gun if yr really good u could easily get 18 kills with a pistol, maybe their should be knife only servers

WarmPudgy wrote:

i must be missing something, whats so special about knife and pistol servers? are there some how more points involved or something?

Last edited by WarmPudgy (2006-04-15 16:46:12)

+68|6831|Reefersyde, CA

badhq wrote:

Ok People Round of Drinks On me Who ever smokes weed Round of that on me 2
pass the weed
Lt Svensson
Do any1 remember the US Special Forces guy over in Afghanistan? If i recall it correctly he and his tm where to clean a building. Well inside, due to the chaos, when he entered a room he found him self alone, facing 3-4 tangos. Since they where so close to him he did'nt have space to use his M4 and thus used his knife. He cleaned that damn room with his knife all by him self!! I belive he got the Dest.Serv.Cross for his action. Do you think he would qual for the BF2 knife badge??

I got my expert knife in Karkand by hiding around corners and waiting for bad guys to run past. The key is to have your running meter full so they run out of breath before you do. I also find it's easier to get a kill if you squat and stab.

And it wasn't on a knife/pistol server. It was just a full 64

Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-04-19 11:13:27)

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

gorkum wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

I knew it...he asks for the flame and now the lil guys angry.

Moving on...
You know Mason, for "moving on" you sure have done a lot of extra talking.
There is only room for serious debate in my PM. You want some, PM me. Otherwise stick to what you know. Smart ass isn't it.
+13|6792|Victoria, Australia
It's cheating because it takes out most of the fun and challenge of these badges. It feels so much more rewarding getting vet pistol by side-stepping the Karkand Krew, and charging at the Marines with your knife out (innuendo ftw).
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Simple question: would you play on ranked knife and pistol if it was NOT possible to get your badge on them?

pure_beef_69 wrote:

Well i know most of you dont like these servers because you all get jealous because people use their brains and get the knife/ pistol badges an easy way.

Well i think its funny that you all complain over some shitty badges. Its a game, now i know i post alot of shite but its because i dont take this seriously at all and it winds me up when i see people constantly trying to hunt down players who are using there heads to get badges.

Yes point hacks, aimbots are bad they are for pricks but as for the knife pistol servers then let them be!?!!!

I could look at half of your stats and see that most of you dont get your kit badges from actually using that kit as a foot soldier but instead hide in a armour or planes and get your badge that way. Well surely that way is cheating because you have an unfair advantage amongst all the other hard working players who are foot soldiers?

What im saying is that this is game <----some thing that has been said so many times before. We are ment to have fun. get badges how you want and let others do the same. It doesnt affect how you play the game at all. so let it be.

Lots of love me *pours petrol all over this thread ready to ignite all the flamers that come through*
If you suck so bad that you cant earn the badges regularly then you SHOUDNT HAVE THE BADGE, its an an award for People superior with the knife and pistol. Not for a buncha Fags jerking each other off in the same server.

You Smell Me............

im out.
soup fly mod

forget pistol/knife servers...anybody know a good "karma only" server?

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