10 point lead, milady. favor of the broncos.
wtf is this football shit
awsum, fanks burnzz
that's unamerican! oh wait . . . ebug, i hoped today was a good day . . .ebug9 wrote:
wtf is this football shit
ebug9 wrote:
wtf is this football shit
Edit: failcode
Last edited by ebug9 (2009-10-19 20:45:06)
Hey this Cee lo + DangerMouse stuff is pretty awesome!
Bevo wrote:
needless thread
ATG wrote:
Bevo wrote:
needless quote
shut up atg
ATG wrote:
im quoting something that doesn't exist
Woot 6-0!!!!
On the live page, when someone quotes without typing anything, it shows up as the member saying ""
got more soul than a sock with a hole
Gooners wrote:
shut up atg, and sodomize me with your ban hammer
Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep cause I miss you babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Don't wanna fall asleep cause I miss you babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Help maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere by using your best judgment and granting people the benefit of the doubt when taking place in discussions.ATG wrote:
Gooners wrote:
shut up atg, and sodomize me with your ban hammer
Refrain from posting messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or are otherwise of questionable content (if you have to ask, the answer is 'No.')
Respect the site, staff, and members.
Positively contribute to the forums with useful posts and information relevant to the section being posted under.
Last edited by Miggle (2009-10-19 20:53:43)
enjoy it while it lasts, denver boiSonderKommando wrote:
Woot 6-0!!!!
fuck the broncos!
usmarine wrote:
ownedMiggle wrote:
Help maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere by using your best judgment and granting people the benefit of the doubt when taking place in discussions.ATG wrote:
Refrain from posting messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or are otherwise of questionable content (if you have to ask, the answer is 'No.')
Respect the site, staff, and members.
Positively contribute to the forums with useful posts and information relevant to the section being posted under.
Bannedebug9 wrote:
usmarine wrote:
ownedMiggle wrote:
Help maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere by using your best judgment and granting people the benefit of the doubt when taking place in discussions.
Refrain from posting messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or are otherwise of questionable content (if you have to ask, the answer is 'No.')
Respect the site, staff, and members.
Positively contribute to the forums with useful posts and information relevant to the section being posted under.
i call shenanigans. SHENANIGANS!
karma abuse tbh.
Quit your crying ffs.
Don't quote me the rules.
Don't quote me the rules.
it's cold outside
Macbeth wrote:
it's cold outside