Sturgis, a tux-wearing lesbian was denied her picture being published in the yearbook. Why? Because she was not dressed “traditionally.” Read more here.
One of the most memorable events of high school is going to take your Senior yearbook picture and waiting for the day those books come out. The Senior’s pictures are usually a little bigger, in color and it represents you and all of the hard work you put into graduating.
This year, Ceara Sturgis, a public high school student in Copiah County is being excluded from her yearbook for wearing men’s clothing in her picture.
Ceara is an honor student, trumpet player, and goalie on the school’s soccer team. She is also openly gay and says she does not even own girls clothing, she just wanted to represent herself, and dress how she felt comfortable.
American Civil Liberties Union is now involved and the school could be facing legal action, as Ceara mother has also hired an attorney.
A local TV station discovered that in the 2008 Wesson yearbook featured a “Backwards Beauty and Beau Pageant,” where students playfully dressed in clothing of the opposite sex. It is odd that they are okay with that, but have trouble with an openly gay student dressing in a tux. Sturgis said in an interview,
I'm usually pretty fair on issues like this and am not a homophobe at all, but doesn't the other students have a right to a year book not full of outrageous photos? What's to stop a person from posting more extreme year book photos just because they can or because it would be "hip".