lowing wrote:
Spark wrote:
lowing wrote:
Nope, I said the lazy and and the parasites love liberalsim and benefit the most from its ideology. Are you really going to deny that?
I really don't give a shit what they think.
I agree, however that is why I do not want govt. controlling my life. take medicare for example, this govt. controlling only those that are 65 and older, what percentage of the population is that? 15 20 percent? and they have fucked that up royally.
How on earth does "the government runs healthcare" equate to "the government controls my life"
Also look at the mail system. Private buisiness is blowing htem out of the water as well. What is it that gives you faith in govt. when no examples of competency exists to support your opinion?
There are plenty of examples of governments doing what they're supposed to be doing dude. Plenty. Just because they don't get reported - who cares about a government program that runs quietly and does what it's supposed to do?
1. Never said you were supposed to care what they think. I said they benefit the most from liberal ideology and you know it.
yeah ok
let's get back to things that are actually relevant.
2. It isn't JUST healthcare, I also mentioned retirement, education, industry. If you can not see how govt. interfering in these things is not going to give them control while taking it away from you, then you are their perfect little liberal. The kind of person they love.
The government does not 'intefere' in education, it
runs education. It sets the cirriculum that the students learn. It provides the funding that allows schools to run at a cost which is affordable.
3. Really? like what. name a few govt. programs that are not plagued with cost overruns, bureaucracy, fraud waste and abuse.
In my judgement, there is only one consideration: whether it works or not.
http://www.economicstimulusplan.gov.au/ … fault.aspx works. Basically wiped all traces of a recession from the economic landscape in this country.
http://www.environment.gov.au/settlemen … index.html $8000 solar panel rebate. Probably the main reason for the massive growth in the solar panel industry between 2007-2008.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_Air_Act made city air breathable again. And removed artificial cooling as a local weather phenomenon. Also cut down on acid rain.
There are a whole lot of RnD projects all over the place that would not exist without government funding.