CameronPoe wrote:
lowing wrote:
You hated BUsh long before the collapse the glogal econamy was even forseen or cared about. 8 years of Bush and the economy collapsed 3 months before he left. SO you can stow that bullshit.
Because hindsight on the economy makes us love him so much more than we originally did....
lowing wrote:
Diplomicy wa tried for 10 years before came to power regarding Iraq, diplomatic efforts were failed and you know it. Europe is only pissed off because they lost a bedfellow when Saddam was removed.
Since when is removing a tyranical dictator and his sons and freeing a nation doing nothing? As far as the "detainees", I agree they shoulda died on the battlefield instead of being recirculated into combat.
It took the US two weeks to topple a 'real and present danger' that was quite evidently anything but. It was fucking horseshit - all to do with oil, strategic advantage and regional power-playing - all morally wrong reasons to go to war. It was dressed up with lies, hypocrisy, shoddy intel and the pretence that it was done for the Iraqis - who largely deeply resent the US intervention and continued presence. Iraq is not a fucking free nation by any stretch of the imagination you delusional fool. FACT. You feign concern for Iraqis when you utterly despise muslims from the bottom of your dirty soul. Give me a fucking break.
lowing wrote:
He didn't take a double standard he took a side, the correct one I might add, Israel is here tostay, ( oh and he didn't created it) any effort to now destroy it is hostile.
He took a side, thereby becoming a hypocrite with no principles and no sense of justice. FACT. The creation of Israel turned Palestinians into what the Jews had been, dispossessed wanderers or oppressed subjects. But of course Bush couldn't play fair now could he. He had to announce that he would turn a blind eye to further transgressions of the Geneva Convention on the part of Israel (settlements).
lowing wrote:
"He achieved practically nothing only anarchy, division, death, economic strangulation and hatred." <----- he fought back against this, not created this. Unless of course he created it by standing up and fighting back and not appeasing.
Oh yeah, things were so anarchic everywhere before Bush came along. lol... Thanks for pushing the Taliban and Al Qaeda into nuclear-capable Pakistan. GG.
1. none the less, do not try and use this a point of hatred for Bush. The economy has got nothing to do with it.
2. Love this one, we pay 2.30 cents for gas, and have no exports of oil from Iraq, that I am aware of, but yeah it was all over oil. Also I do not hate Muslims, they are individuals. I hate the "religion" Islam, get it right. If you are allowed to hate zionism without hating "Jews". THen I am allowd to hate Islam without hating individual Muslims.
3. opinion on your part, and nothing more.
4. No Cam, you are right, the world was in utter peace and their was no Islamic terrorism or unrest in the ME before Bush came along and fucked it up. He created the whole problem. Funny how you keep telling me I am delusional.