Start watching at 2:00 in, from there on it just derails itself.
Start watching at 2:00 in, from there on it just derails itself.
i heard she has a nice cock
wouldn't surprise me, she looks good in some of her videos but I guess they could make anyone look good with enough editing without the video editing she looks ewwGooners wrote:
i heard she has a nice cock
yeah i was just thinking the same thing
That wasn't that crazy as far as shit she does.
Bless God? Doesn't God do the blessing?
She's pretty stupid.
She doesn't want "equality sometimes" but she doesn't want free speech in the music industry. Bitch is on tilt.
She's pretty stupid.
She doesn't want "equality sometimes" but she doesn't want free speech in the music industry. Bitch is on tilt.
The message is good. The delivery is .
Xbone Stormsurgezz
"Bless God and bless the gays"
Aren't they kinda two oposing things?
Aren't they kinda two oposing things?
Last edited by Finray (15 years, 5 months ago)

She's one crazy hermaphrodite.
Fall seven times. Stand up eight.
Would someone just punch her in the face? How is she still relevant?! I cannot stand Lady Gaga. Now, RTL 2 has decided to use a line from her "Love Game" single on ALL of their splash screens in between commercials and programs. RTL 2's new slogan is "It's Fun". Want to know what line they use from her single on these splashes? Here it is: "This beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick". WTF?! The picture constantly changes, but it's been everything from 10 year old girls playing, skateboarders doing tricks and back to a family of four watching TV together. Do they honestly think Germany and the rest of the German world is that dumb?
I have no problem that she's got a cock. Big deal. Fuck sakes, she looked like a low rent Marilyn Manson wannabe in that video there. Her music is just horrible, though.
I have no problem that she's got a cock. Big deal. Fuck sakes, she looked like a low rent Marilyn Manson wannabe in that video there. Her music is just horrible, though.
Mr Gaga
She won't be next year.CapnNismo wrote:
How is she still relevant?!
Then it'll be someone else's turn to have their 5 minutes of fame.
(and everyone will have forgotten about "Lady" Gaga, and instead will be talking about the new person like he/she affects their lives.)
"Obama, I know that you are listening......ARE YOU LISTENING!!!" Also.....Nobel Peace Prize worthy.
I agree with her message at least, sure she's a little crazy but she's right about this.

gaga are you listening?
1:05 in.
Also, 5:00 .. it's nice to have a prez that is presidential.. been awhile.
1:05 in.
Also, 5:00 .. it's nice to have a prez that is presidential.. been awhile.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
She gave a NahZEE Salute starting @ 00:16 /Seig Heil