Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

I was a registered republican for about 15 years. Never once have I seen Macbeth as the GOP type. I think he would have a tough time fitting in at the local young Republican society.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

i voted for Reagan.
i watched the party run for the rail.

i vote in every local election now, and will only endorse the dogcatcher.
the party i grew up with is now the party of lowing, and has no roots in reality anymore, just idealogy that's failed.
+3,936|6646|so randum

lowing wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Because of the mindset most of the members of the GOP are like this

Now I'm an atheist and am a Republican. I like things like low taxes, guns, strong military, strong law enforcement and so on. But this is just depressing.

If you're a Republican you have to be ProChristian or whatever. Was listening to Hannity today and in all honesty Rush is more grounded in reality than that religious nut.

Now seriously I always made fun of people who joined third parties because in American politics on the national level third parties are useless for more than fucking up an election. But it's a sad state of affairs when the largest party which holds your beliefs in regards to national security and economic issues force a religious test on everyone and the other parties stances make you want to go into the woods with a rifle and rebel.

Always thought Panthers "Grow up or die" slogan was overboard but for fuck sake I hate when people ask me my party stance and I get lumped in with those retards it's depressing.

So any other GOP member or members of any political party hate being lumped together with the exremist members of their party?
If you wanna feel better about your ideology, try being a liberal for a day, you will feel better after you throw up.
omfg the point of this thread is not to box people away, but to vote for who ticks your boxes.

but sorry, in lowing world everything is b&w
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

Macbeth wrote:

I like things like low taxes, guns, strong military, strong law enforcement and so on.

burnzz wrote:

i voted for Reagan.
oh, and reagan, he intentionally delayed the return of the american hostages in the american embassy in teheran so that carter eventually would not win the presidential election in 1980 (which the latter most probably would not have won anyway even if the hostages had been freed before)

cl4u53w1t2 wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i voted for Reagan.
oh, and reagan, he intentionally delayed the return of the american hostages in the american embassy in teheran so that carter eventually would not win the presidential election in 1980 (which the latter most probably would not have won anyway even if the hostages had been freed before)
fucker, i'm not that old, and can you back up your claim? i was in middle grade when he one the first time, so i don't recall that in American media.

facts, or GTFO.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

cl4u53w1t2 wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i voted for Reagan.
oh, and reagan, he intentionally delayed the return of the american hostages in the american embassy in teheran so that carter eventually would not win the presidential election in 1980 (which the latter most probably would not have won anyway even if the hostages had been freed before)
Carter was rubbing noses with Tito, Ceausescu, Ortega, and Kim il-sung while the economy was crumbling. He was the definition of failure. Reagan had what most politicians don't. The ability to by taken seriously be his enemies.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

cl4u53w1t2 wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i voted for Reagan.
oh, and reagan, he intentionally delayed the return of the american hostages in the american embassy in teheran so that carter eventually would not win the presidential election in 1980 (which the latter most probably would not have won anyway even if the hostages had been freed before)
Carter was rubbing noses with Tito, Ceausescu, Ortega, and Kim il-sung while the economy was crumbling. He was the definition of failure. Reagan had what most politicians don't. The ability to by taken seriously be his enemies.
i didn't say carter was a saint. i just said that reagan was a fuckin cunt
+149|6369|teh FIN-land

Kmarion wrote:

Reagan had what most politicians don't. The ability to by taken seriously be his enemies.
not sure it was reagan or specifically his finger over the button of worldwide nuclear devastation that was taken seriously. tbh reagan was often seen as a bit of a fool surrounded by evil and diabolical power-hungry pigs with their snouts in all kinds of dodgy troughs. A bit like Bush, in fact.

burnzz wrote:

cl4u53w1t2 wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i voted for Reagan.
oh, and reagan, he intentionally delayed the return of the american hostages in the american embassy in teheran so that carter eventually would not win the presidential election in 1980 (which the latter most probably would not have won anyway even if the hostages had been freed before)
fucker, i'm not that old, and can you back up your claim? i was in middle grade when he one the first time, so i don't recall that in American media.

facts, or GTFO.
why so angry, you uneducated tosser?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

cl4u53w1t2 wrote:

burnzz wrote:

cl4u53w1t2 wrote:

oh, and reagan, he intentionally delayed the return of the american hostages in the american embassy in teheran so that carter eventually would not win the presidential election in 1980 (which the latter most probably would not have won anyway even if the hostages had been freed before)
fucker, i'm not that old, and can you back up your claim? i was in middle grade when he one the first time, so i don't recall that in American media.

facts, or GTFO.
why so angry, you uneducated tosser?
Dude it's in German.  Don't think many of us can read the language.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

m3thod wrote:

Dude it's in German.  Don't think many of us can read the language.
i don't think that was a mistake . . .
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Kmarion wrote:

I was a registered republican for about 15 years. Never once have I seen Macbeth as the GOP type. I think he would have a tough time fitting in at the local young Republican society.
cancelled your subscription?
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

FatherTed wrote:

lowing wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Because of the mindset most of the members of the GOP are like this

Now I'm an atheist and am a Republican. I like things like low taxes, guns, strong military, strong law enforcement and so on. But this is just depressing.

If you're a Republican you have to be ProChristian or whatever. Was listening to Hannity today and in all honesty Rush is more grounded in reality than that religious nut.

Now seriously I always made fun of people who joined third parties because in American politics on the national level third parties are useless for more than fucking up an election. But it's a sad state of affairs when the largest party which holds your beliefs in regards to national security and economic issues force a religious test on everyone and the other parties stances make you want to go into the woods with a rifle and rebel.

Always thought Panthers "Grow up or die" slogan was overboard but for fuck sake I hate when people ask me my party stance and I get lumped in with those retards it's depressing.

So any other GOP member or members of any political party hate being lumped together with the exremist members of their party?
If you wanna feel better about your ideology, try being a liberal for a day, you will feel better after you throw up.
omfg the point of this thread is not to box people away, but to vote for who ticks your boxes.

but sorry, in lowing world everything is b&w
Oh, I thought he was trying to feel better about himself and his ideology. Ok never mind, only do what I suggest if you need a way of feeling better. It is the perfect emetic.

By the way, I am gunna add "not everything is B & W" to the liberal argument arsenal.

So to sum up, when a liberal is confronted with an argument they need to get out of, or can not win they now have at their disposal

1. you're a racist

2. you're a bigot

3. you're a Nazi

4. you're delusional

5. you're an idiot

6. you're generalizing

8. you're selfish

7. there are only a "few"

8. you hate everybody and everything

9. and now.......NOT everything is B & W

With weapons such as those, who the hell needs an actual argument?

Last edited by lowing (2009-10-12 12:26:18)

Goodbye :)
+399|6626|Somewhere else

The problem is is the Republican Party is in disarray.

They don't have any strong leaders.  Steele needs to find his balls and openly disown and condemn pundits like Limbaugh and Beck, or their ideas and claims.  Those two are at the extreme right and are doing well enough to turn off any left leaning republicans or undecided people.  Not to mention that they are both idiots.  Their speech is offensive and while their fans love it, it pushes moderate people away from the party.

The other thing is is that the Republican Party has always held onto the religious vote, almost too tightly anymore to their own detriment.

It's one thing to appease the religious voters, it's another to make religion apart of their (the candidate's) political agenda.  That's where religious republicans often go too far.

Plus, Palin crushed the Party's credibility.   She was a nightmare.  I know it's easy to rag on her, but THERE IS a reason it IS so easy to rag on her.  McCain may not have been the best Republican Candidate, but he was a good one.  Choosing Palin was so suspect and seemed like a cheap attempt to buy female votes.

Plus, after the election, Palin and McCain aides started shit slinging, showing that their candidates' entourage couldn't even get along, that looked bad.

Palin...god....No intelligent Republican would or should back her, at least behind closed doors, speaking truthfully.

And Steele saying he's bring an urban hip hop vibe to the party.... so transparently lame.  Then there was Jindal's speech after Obama's address to Congress.  Disaster.I don't really see a solid group of candidates really.  It didn't help with the 8 years of Bush.   Political Party's aside, Bush was a fucking nightmare.

The Party needs to re-organize and evolve a bit.   They seem to have an old school, out-of-touch feel.  Traditions are fine, but some seem awfully dated.
+5,233|6675|Global Command

Macbeth wrote:

Now I'm an atheist and am a Republican.

You are so conflicted you are going to turn yourself inside out and get soul cancer.
The Year of the Cow!

ATG wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Now I'm an atheist and am a Republican.

You are so conflicted you are going to turn yourself inside out and get soul cancer.
Why, are they mutually exclusive?
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
+5,233|6675|Global Command
According to the majority and the party line.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

ATG wrote:

According to the majority and the party line.
Not according to this:
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The Year of the Cow!
I think the greatest tragedy is the lack of information most people have about the issues. People don't take it upon themselves to know what is going on and make their own decisions.  They take the word of whatever media they happen to trust and run with it.  I really don't have a big issue with the real democrats and Republicans that I know.  They are very down to earth and much less polarized than the media plays it out to be.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)

AussieReaper wrote:

This makes me want to punch whales:

Not sure how it makes you feel though, 'Beth.
I'm agnostic, and I don't have any problems with what he said.  I disagree, but that shouldn't have too much bearing on how I vote, considering the irrelevance of this issue.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

ruisleipa wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Reagan had what most politicians don't. The ability to by taken seriously be his enemies.
not sure it was reagan or specifically his finger over the button of worldwide nuclear devastation that was taken seriously. tbh reagan was often seen as a bit of a fool surrounded by evil and diabolical power-hungry pigs with their snouts in all kinds of dodgy troughs. A bit like Bush, in fact.
Nuclear devastation eh?
Xbone Stormsurgezz

cl4u53w1t2 wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i voted for Reagan.
oh, and reagan, he intentionally delayed the return of the american hostages in the american embassy in teheran so that carter eventually would not win the presidential election in 1980 (which the latter most probably would not have won anyway even if the hostages had been freed before)
First: prove it
Second: Reagan got us through the cold war.  He knew how to deal with our enemies.
Third: be thankful Carter didn't get a second term.  He's the biggest failure of a president we've had in the last 70 years.  Of course, Obama is quickly closing the gap...

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