Ok, well this was like an epiphany to me after a game at Krackhouse yesterday. I was thinking, could these jet whores go on if they really died. So I came up with this.
Same basic idea of conquest except no flags, but you still ahve to conquer your enemy. But heres the catch:
One life unless revived
Vehicles will be unrespawnable, if you choose to repair them it will take a long time
Medics will take longer to heal others
No crosshairs or X box so you better know if you hit him or not before you pull your pistol out
Headshots will be unrevivable
If shot in the treads on tank unable to move unless repaired AKA total screwdness
Given amount of Gas grenades (w/e is in the tank)
Only 1 arty attack per round
But now you're thinking, wth you noob, thats close to impossible. Ahh, but what if I said a special scoring system will be available. Haven't thought that part yet and it may interfere with awards. But anyway, you get the idea, when everyone dies on one side they lose whoope. Yeah, so waddya guys think? Too hardcore?
Same basic idea of conquest except no flags, but you still ahve to conquer your enemy. But heres the catch:
One life unless revived
Vehicles will be unrespawnable, if you choose to repair them it will take a long time
Medics will take longer to heal others
No crosshairs or X box so you better know if you hit him or not before you pull your pistol out
Headshots will be unrevivable
If shot in the treads on tank unable to move unless repaired AKA total screwdness
Given amount of Gas grenades (w/e is in the tank)
Only 1 arty attack per round
But now you're thinking, wth you noob, thats close to impossible. Ahh, but what if I said a special scoring system will be available. Haven't thought that part yet and it may interfere with awards. But anyway, you get the idea, when everyone dies on one side they lose whoope. Yeah, so waddya guys think? Too hardcore?