The X stands for
+1,813|6252|eXtreme to the maX

Peace an illusion, says Israel FM
Israel's foreign minister has said there is no chance of an early solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and told people to "learn to live with it".
Avigdor Lieberman does not lead Israeli peace negotiations, but his statement casts a pall over latest US diplomatic efforts to revive negotiations.

Envoy George Mitchell is in the region, spearheading Obama administration efforts to relaunch negotiations.
Talks are stalled over the issue of Jewish settlements on occupied land.
Mr Mitchell is due to meet Mr Lieberman and Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Friday.

Reports quote US officials saying the visit was unlikely to conclude with a resumption of talks.
But the envoy said before a meeting with Israel's president: "We're going to continue with our efforts to achieve an early relaunch of negotiations... because we believe that's an essential step toward achieving the comprehensive peace."

In a radio interview, Mr Lieberman said people who thought Israel and the Palestinians could reach a deal "do not understand reality and are sowing illusions".
"We have to be realistic - we will not be able to reach agreement on core and emotional subjects like Jerusalem and the right of return (of Palestinian refugees0," he said.
"I am going to say very clearly - there are conflicts that have not been completely solved and people have learned to live with it, like Cyprus."
His suggestion was a long-term interim deal to ensure prosperity, security and stability and leave tough questions until later.

Policy proposal
Mr Lieberman's comments are broadly in line with a policy proposal from within the Israeli foreign ministry leaked to the Israeli press on Thursday.
The document, which the BBC has seen, says: "Creating expectations that a comprehensive solution to the conflict can be reached might lead again to disappointment and frustration that will sour our relations with the US and Europe, and cause a violent reaction among the Palestinians.
"We can reach a interim agreement between the sides without solving the core issues such as Jerusalem, right of return and borders - that is the maximum which realistically could be attained and it's very important to convince the US and Europe of this."

The Foreign Ministry said the reports about the policy proposal were "partial leaks from internal documents" and the leaks were regrettable.
It said Mr Lieberman had "requested a survey of existing policy and possible recommendations" as part of a "comprehensive discussion on Israel's foreign policy".

Stalled talks
The Obama administration has been struggling for months to pressure Israel to freeze settlement construction on occupied land, a key Palestinian demand for restarting talks.
Israel has countenanced a temporary limit on construction in the West Bank, but not in occupied East Jerusalem.
The fate of East Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees hase not been the subject of the latest peace efforts.
Palestinians and Arab states say there must be a just and fair solution to these issues, while successive Israel governments have sought to keep all of Jerusalem under their control and argued that a right of return for Palestinian refugees would mean the end of the Jewish majority in Israel.

President Barack Obama called the refugees' situation "intolerable" but has not backed their right of return.
Jerusalem in recent days has been the scene of rising tensions and sporadic clashes, focused on access to the al-Aqsa mosque compound, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, a flashpoint site in the Old City.
So basically the Israelis aren't really trying to achieve a lasting settlement, although all arab parties including Hamas have said they would accept the 1967 borders and Israel could then live in peace.
They want continued conflict so they can portray themselves as victims and continue the process of annexing Palestinian land.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France
I don't think "Israelis don't want peace" is right.

I think its "Israelis don't like the terms"
+5,233|6675|Global Command
sux to be Israel right now.

How can you make peace with brainwashed people who have been screwed over by everybody?

I mean seriously. Jordans king killed thousands of pallestinians and none of the Arab nations do anything meaningful to help them.
Stability, security and prosperity first.
Then follows tolerance, understanding, and fairness.
Then you can talk about reparations, justice, and making things right.

Trying to do it all at once usually doesn't work.
Trying to do it all at once, revenge gets mistaken for justice, total ruination mistaken for reparations, and 'making things right' becomes a euphemism for 'stacking the deck for future advantage'.
Look at the Treaty of Versailles after WW-1, for one example.

Now, how to implement the above idea in Israel and the middle east?
Don't know.
If I did know, it'd be worth at least a handful of Nobel Peace Prizes.
One for a vague idea, two more for a good idea, another for a good idea that might work in theory, and another three for a plan that did work in reality.
Based on the current going value of the Nobel Peace Prize today, of course.
+2,187|6714|Mountains of NC

how much money is in war
+605|6695|San Diego, CA, USA
How can you have peace with every country on your border is an enemy?

Peace through strength.
+2,187|6714|Mountains of NC

welcome to america


how much money is in war
More to the point;
Who's money is in the war, and why?
The X stands for
+1,813|6252|eXtreme to the maX

Pug wrote:

I don't think "Israelis don't want peace" is right.

I think its "Israelis don't like the terms"
The terms are trivial from Israel's perspective.
- Retreat to the 1967 borders - ie hand back some valueless desert
- Recognise the right of return - in practice they'll use US money to buy off the Palestinians who want their land back

Hardly a big deal, but peace is not what they want.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6252|eXtreme to the maX

ATG wrote:

How can you make peace with brainwashed people who have been screwed over by everybody?
Are you talking about the Israelies or Palestinians there?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Israel has a right to defend themselves, Palestine has a right to rebel.
+605|6695|San Diego, CA, USA
That "valueless desert" is very tactical lands (i.e. Golan Heights overlooks the rest of the country...from there you can place artillery and shell the place with impunity).

If I was Israeli I wouldn't give 1 acre of land back to them.  What I don't understand is why Egypt doesn't just absorb Palestine?

I guess even the Egyptians don't want anything to do with the Palestinians either (I mean they have a terrorist organization as their government - why we should definitely take them seriously...lol).

Israel is such an evil country they've committed genocide on the Palestinians and blow up random civilians.
+605|6695|San Diego, CA, USA

Macbeth wrote:

Israel is such an evil country they've committed genocide on the Palestinians and blow up random civilians.
Exactly...like they also fired over 8,000 low-accuracy rockets into the adjoining country, into population centers with civilians - each a war crime according to the Geneva Convention.
+149|6368|teh FIN-land

Harmor wrote:

How can you have peace with every country on your border is an enemy?

Peace through strength.
they make their own enemies, mainly by stealing land and attacking everyone in sight.
The X stands for
+1,813|6252|eXtreme to the maX

Macbeth wrote:

Israel is such an evil country they've committed genocide on the Palestinians and blow up random civilians.
Indeed they have.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Sure, Hamas want's it though.. cause you know, they said it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Sure, Hamas want's it though.. cause you know, they said it.
Right after Hamas breaks a ceasefire and get their asses shelled they bitch and complain.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Macbeth wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Sure, Hamas want's it though.. cause you know, they said it.
Right after Hamas breaks a ceasefire and get their asses shelled they bitch and complain.
It's either that or get accused of selling out by the militants.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Sure, Hamas want's it though.. cause you know, they said it.
Right after Hamas breaks a ceasefire and get their asses shelled they bitch and complain.
It's either that or get accused of selling out by the militants.
I know. Just saying, big bad Israel gave them plenty of chances. After a while it gets tiring.

And don't roll that around in your head or discuss it with the family or do  whatever and end up permanently banning me for something since I have a bunch of AWMS.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Macbeth wrote:

And don't roll that around in your head or discuss it with the family or do  whatever and end up permanently banning me for something since I have a bunch of AWMS.
wtf ..Are you high?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
"learn to live with it" = Fuck off all
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
Fully Loaded
The jews never wanted peace, its obvious. They were offered 3 TIMES A 10 YEAR TRUCE BY HAMAS. Guess what the "peace loving innocent jews" said?
Fully Loaded

Macbeth wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Sure, Hamas want's it though.. cause you know, they said it.
Right after Hamas breaks a ceasefire and get their asses shelled they bitch and complain.
the ceasfire last year????


the jews broke the ceasefire, as usual

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/no … lestinians

i never knew people were so ill informed
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6728|SE London

Macbeth wrote:

Israel is such an evil country they've committed genocide on the Palestinians and blow up random civilians.
Yes, they have. How do you think they got where they are today? It was with a sustained terror campaign.

Bombs strapped to Donkeys in Arab marketplaces are a perfect example of the Israelis blowing up random civilians.

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