
What do you think?

I agree with everything.21%21% - 11
I agree with most of it.40%40% - 21
I agree/disagree with some of it.28%28% - 15
I disagree with most of it.5%5% - 3
I disagree with everything.3%3% - 2
Total: 52

Given control of BF2's patching, I would implement the following:

* Add chance to render crippling, rather than destructive blows to airborne vehicles
- helicopters: disabled rotors; spins out of control; pilot/copilot has 75% chance of being killed if they try to jump out; can land on a reasonably flat surface to escape without blowing up if the chopper is mostely level
- jets: falls out of the sky; pilot takes continuous damage from flaming cockpit; 50% chance of ejection not working
- continued fire will destroy dying air vehicles

* Add chance to render crippling, rather than destructive blows to land vehicles
- tanks: turret swivel slowed/jammed or tread blown, reducing armor effectiveness. can be fixed by supply crate or engineer
- APC's: gas from damaged armor begins to hurt passengers
- land transports: destroyed tire hampers ability to control vehicle; chance of rolling, flipping, or a combo of both if initially moving at high enough speeds
- all armed land vehicles: chance of ammo igniting inside the vehicle at three bars of health, gradually taking out people within

* Restore the area-of-effect damage potential of the Blackhawk minigun to a compromising effectiveness between how it is now, and how it was at first. As it is, I can kill people faster by switching to a passenger seat with a pistol in my hand.
* Empty vehicles remain the property of their team for 10 seconds after spawning, and 5 seconds after abandonment.
* Ability to fire any non-LMG/sniper rifle firearm one-handed from Special Forces' personal quad and jetski (would make for some good Bond chases)

* A selectable revolver handgun for each army, available as a toggle in class choices. Not an unlock, but a constant feature.
* Give knives a stab animation that cycles along with all the spammed sideways blows.
* Ability to toggle slugs for shotguns. Quantity of slugs equals a single full load of shells (before reloading is required).
* Abillity to toggle C4 to timed demolition, and claymores to remote detonation.
* Ability to hold a grenade with a pulled pin (by keeping the spoon depressed) before throwing it, decreasing deployment time. Do this by holding down the left mouse button (before tosses) and the right mouse button (before roll/drop).
* Give snipers binocs for a wider field of zoomed view.
* Ability to adjust zoom ratio on binocs and scopes.
* A laser rangefinder for snipers and tanks if continued calculation of distance-to-mesh/terrain won't cause significant code lag
* Parachute given 30 second recharge time. If you get bumped by a helicopter or building, I guess you'd out of luck.
* For 30 seconds after being revived, a player will have an 8 second-to-revive delay should he die again. This should wrap up some of the the more extreme stat-pad circle jerks.
* Give significant concussive explosions a chance to knock a victim over for a brief stun period.
* Allow players with a prefix to invite players with an identical prefix to join their squad upon death.
- scenario: AMD Bubba (on the USMC side) invites AMD Urkle (on the MEC side) to join his squad; AMD Urkle accepts. Urkle dies while on MEC, and is automatically pulled over to USMC on Bubba's squad.
* New class: scout (sort of a mixture of sniper and specops). Thread here.
* Impact of significantly large bullets into terrain has a small (for balance) chance of injuring players in line with you and the impact zone (but within a certain distance beyond the impact zone) with kicked-up rocks and debris. Fire an M60 into gravel at a 30 degree angle and watch what happens to a cardboard box in front of it.

* Globally increase map stall ceiling by 15 to 30 percent.
* UAV's no longer self-destruct when expired, but instead fly off the battlefield with no further transmitted data
* Give the commander an option to place an airstrike marker (similar to the artillery marker) of his own free will, or as requested by a squad leader. This marker, once on the map, would allow a small timeframe in which aircraft can gain teampoints by killing, and avoid TK punishment from any friendlies dumb enough to sit under the strike marker. The prospect of increased score will help focus a commander's air assets, and thus increase his own score. Airstrikes ordered within a certain radius of an uncappable flag will not yield team points.

* One city map with no armor and no aircraft would be add a bit of spice. Transports and ground defense in the form of mounted LMG's still acceptable. No TOW's though, just to give AT guys something to do.
* Two new, Navy-oriented maps with appropriate vehicles, and a relevant badge.
- These armies would be fun for such a map: JMSDF (Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces) vs PLAN (People's Liberation Army Navy), probably in the South Pacific.
* Give a couple city maps to a China, perhaps in Southeast Asia.
- PAVN's (People's Army of Vietnam) biên phòng (Border Defense Force) vs a PLA 'patrol' (incursion) comes to mind for one map.
* A map in Hawaii for Armored Fury would be cool, as well as one for Washington/Oregon's Columbia river (I made an overmap for the latter once, but I'll have to find it again).

* Implementation of PhysX accelerator code to calculate client-end particle systems (kicked up dirt from explosions, various non-harmful debris, splashed water, etc.). Wouldn't you love to see dirt, dust and mud slapping your windshield from artillery strikes?

* For the Brigadier General rank, require either two sets of expert badges: armor/transport/ground defense, or aviator/heli/air defense. This would eliminate alot of 'chrono-padding'. Thread here.

* Fix the 'rockets/arty bouncing off of trees' bug.
* Fix the 'red-name' bug.
* Fix the 'no-effect projectile-impact after the shooter dies' (rockets and tank shells having no effect after the person who fired them gets killed, etc.) bug.
* Fix the disappearing TV-guided and laser-guided missile bug.
* Eliminate TK calculation for secondary wreckage explosion (nothing funnier than five friendlies crowding around the wrecked hull of that APC you just blew up, only to die and give you a massive ~ -20 teamscore, but still...).
* Eliminate suicides for empty vehicles colliding with a player (yes, I'm guilty of last-second bailing on my lawn darting).

These are by no means the only features I would like to see, but they were all that I was willing to type in this timeframe, and is probably more than people will be willing to read. All this being said, I expect zero "agree with everything" results in this poll. :p

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-04-11 18:35:21)

agree with some - the early realism wishes had me shaking my head sadly, how many times does it have to be said that this is not a sim
I agree with everything

The "simulation changes" mentioned by $kelet0r are not so much for simulation as they are for adding a bit of cinematic flavor to the game. To me, for example, every chopper explosion looks like a burnt grasshopper floating slowly to the ground below, and only the little bits of debris blown off of the wreckage gives it any variety...which is to say, very little. How awesome would it be if you blew a rotor and sent the pilot into a spin, where he slams into a cliffside? Even in C&C, the helicopters spin to their doom (despite every one taking identical turns). And even so, disabling blows would be chance, not constant.

If I was suggesting simulation stuff, I'd have mentioned multiple-man tank crews and jet loadout options.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

it would be retarded to have revolvers
Yet my own revolvers have never jammed. Speed-loaders would take care of any reload animation awkwardness.

The revolver...

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-04-12 02:46:01)

GunSlinger OIF II
it would be retarded to have revolvers
Pope Picard II

I thought it was well thought out and agreed with everything I read.

I'd rather they fix the parachute deploying then adding a 30 second delay though. Half the time it doesn't deploy due to lag, and the other half, it deploys then disappears and you have to press it again fast to redeploy it a second time.

I definetly agree some new kind of pistol that actually does some damage but requires solid aiming would be nice. The current pistol is too weak. It isn't balanced that it requires 5 bullets to kill an unarmored target, and it takes two headshots with the pistol for a kill.
WCR official whiner
+6|6991|Madrid, Spain
interesting stuff, agree with part of it. how about the WCR?

WCR is a bit of a point of contention. Some people say it should stay the same, some want it changed, but most people don't really care. But I'd be all up to changing the 3:1 W/L ratio to a 4:1 K/D ratio. Heh...

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-04-11 16:06:11)

WOW! Hey I think you forgot about the kitchen sink. LOL
Really though well thought and I hope being as long as it is people will take the time to read it through. I agreed with a few a lot and and a few I didn't buy hey everyone is different. Here are the ones I liked or liked but maybe with a twist.

1 - "Grenade Pin" That would be nice only maybe add after puilling pin timer starts if you hold too long by-by!
2 - Veh damage - EI: Tank Turrent, wheels, tracks........"plus gives engineers a need"
3 - Player prefix - Good idea but maybe with this modification being sometimes friends none clan or different clan want to play together. While on a server submit request to switch "IE Button"  to a squad on the other team.  This way you are put on que when someone quits on the other team or another player joins the server you will be switched based on your que status and teams equality.
4 - Airstrike Marker - i like the idea of a marker but for squad leaders. This way a squad leader could place a marker on the map to point were they would like the comander to place an airstrike, uav or supplies. Sometimes while comander you get request but can't locate were they want them easily. This marker would show on the comanders map screen.
bad touch

i agree with everything because it is organized nicely

BMAsRevenge wrote:

4 - Airstrike Marker - i like the idea of a marker but for squad leaders. This way a squad leader could place a marker on the map to point were they would like the comander to place an airstrike, uav or supplies. Sometimes while comander you get request but can't locate were they want them easily. This marker would show on the comanders map screen.
It would operate exactly like artillery, which means that a squad leader can call for it, and the commander can place it. Only difference is that it's players and not automated cannons doing the damage.

It would also give me an excuse to spam "you have your orders, soldier!" into a pilot's ear should he not realize the need for massive spider bombs on a certain area.

[edit]The pair of "disagree with all" answers are a bit confusing, as that conveys desire to retain the red name and the disappearing projectiles bugs, as well as faulty TK's. Probably the reason I put those obvious tweaks there was to expose those people who click on "disagree with all" as not paying any attention to the thread, and trying to be cool. [/edit]

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-04-12 04:53:58)

+50|6868|Cambridge UK
Given that BF2 needs fairly ninja PCs as it is, the implementation of a lot of your ideas (gravel kicking up from stray bullets, and all those extra damage models for vehicles for example) would send the sys reqs through the roof...
i like the idea of how the helis and jets go down with style, but its all very nice thinking this but its whether they implement it into the game
Yet my own revolvers have never jammed. Speed-loaders would take care of any reload animation awkwardness.

The revolver...
wow this guy is awesome !
I agree with most of the things written here. Mods exists for that kind of improvements, cuz Dice wouldn't likely add this stuff one day.

pure_beef_69 wrote:

i like the idea of how the helis and jets go down with style, but its all very nice thinking this but its whether they implement it into the game
Thus, 'dream-tweak.'
+10|6867|Columbus, OH
I agree with most of this,

Given that BF2 needs fairly ninja PCs as it is, the implementation of a lot of your ideas (gravel kicking up from stray bullets, and all those extra damage models for vehicles for example) would send the sys reqs through the roof...

Like a lot of visual effects in PC games these would obviously be able to be turned off, so that he Gamer on a budget could still enjoy the game.

I always thought it was strange the way the choppers, and planes just stop dead in mid air when you shoot them down.

I would also like to see some sort of short period of inulnerability, or invisibility right after spawn to give you a second to get your surroundings before your capped by a spawn camper.  Maybe you could enter the game "on the run" so to speak.  You spawn invis and invulnerable, but can't shoot. you have 2 or 3 seconds to find cover, or locate enemies, then you appear.

I also feel that Shoulder Mounted Stinger Missiles should be implemented.  A good Jet or AH driver knows where all the AA points are, and can easily kill them.  If you could play a class like the AT, but AA instead.  This would make it a lot harder for someone to base rape with a single aircraft.


Last edited by Shadovve (2006-04-12 10:29:17)

i like the sound of most of the ideas.how about these.

a melee feature added so when ammo runs out you get to smack people in the face with the butt of your rifle.

how about once you kill someone you can crouch with your knife & finish them off so they aint revivable.

maybe bit of blood,not big splattered brain puddles or nothing because of the games age rating,but maybe a thin spotted trail so once someones wounded down to a few bars of health & they leg it you can follow the bleeder to finish the job.

fuel guage for heli's & planes so at some point in the round thier forced to do a propper landing before it fills up.

give us a descent boat so we can finaly use those damn open/close hatch controls so we aint such easy prey in that fking rubber dingy lol.

dissable the enter vehicle key for commanders unless theres someone else already driving forcing them to just be passengers to stop the nubs flying/hogging armor that could be put to propper use by the team.

when commander place arty strikes they've got so many seconds before its fired to cancel it,incase the enemy that was there has moved on wasting the strike or team members have moved in at the last second to cap the flag.

when swimming your able to duck under water for a limited time depending how much of your run meter you have left before you start to drown & lose health.

un nurf blackhawk miniguns & fit the same guns on that fat useless mec heli.

give attack heli pilots the option to eject copilot's so you dont end up with some nub that just sits there admiring the view not shooting.

add a buddy list to the browser enabling you to join friends & whatever server thier on so you dont have to use third party websites to find ya mates.

change the english voice over option so that whatever team your on talks in english but the enemy team still use whatever language thier meant to be speaking.

in special forces give assault the zipline & snipers the grapple hook.

stop that damn eurofighter bouncing up & down,if i wanted to bounce i'd go bung a £1 in a kids ride outside toys are us.

add the option to duck in passenger seat on mobile aa same as you can on tanks for cover.

copilots in the bombers should get 360 degree rotation to make it easier to spot planes on your ass.

fix heli & bomber tv view so that your not stuck there while its reloading.

make the view slots in the back of apc's bigger so you can shoot the passengers sitting in the back.

when you highlight a server in browser add the option to see what round its on.also show negative team points of players on that server so you know not to bother joining cause its full of tk'ing asshats.

most of my ideas are pretty easy to add in a future patch (wont hold my breath though lol).theres loads more ive thaught of but my brains just farted & i cant remember no more at the mo.

.-=5TON3R=-. wrote:

how about once you kill someone you can crouch with your knife & finish them off so they aint revivable.
Ummm... it would be funny to see everyone stabbing corpses, it would seem that you are surrounded with necrophilyacs...
lol yeah or everyone would look like thier tryin to do some gardening crouched down stabbing at the soil with the knives:)

Last edited by .-=5TON3R=-. (2006-04-12 16:31:50)

+22|6927|England, UK
This game isn't a simulator.

and if it was..

" Add chance to render crippling, rather than destructive blows to airborne vehicles
- helicopters: disabled rotors; spins out of control; pilot/copilot has 75% chance of being killed if they try to jump out; can land on a reasonably flat surface to escape without blowing up if the chopper is mostely level"

Helicopters would actually release the blade, then eject the pilot out fo the helicopter, and blast away from the flames and helicopter completely.
We don't want it to be too realistic, or it would take half the fun and quick action out of it.

Next you'll probably have people checkin there is no rubel on the run ways or something. lol
Professional Nubcake
+58|6907|Here to Eternity
Hey guy,

You have a lot of good ideas, but I'd rather have a semiauto pistol, like an H&K Mk 23, than a revolver, as it would be nice to still have a silenced sidearm for the sniper and specops classes. But other than that, I'm in agreement with just about everything else you've come up with.
+190|6888|Home of the Escalade Herds
* Increase splash damage on attack heli rockets, having to hit them pretty much directly to get a kill is just plain dumb

Shadovve wrote:

Given that BF2 needs fairly ninja PCs as it is, the implementation of a lot of your ideas (gravel kicking up from stray bullets, and all those extra damage models for vehicles for example) would send the sys reqs through the roof... I would also like to see some sort of short period of inulnerability, or invisibility right after spawn to give you a second to get your surroundings before your capped by a spawn camper.  Maybe you could enter the game "on the run" so to speak.  You spawn invis and invulnerable, but can't shoot. you have 2 or 3 seconds to find cover, or locate enemies, then you appear. I also feel that Shoulder Mounted Stinger Missiles should be implemented.  A good Jet or AH driver knows where all the AA points are, and can easily kill them.  If you could play a class like the AT, but AA instead.  This would make it a lot harder for someone to base rape with a single aircraft.
Kicked-up rocks need not be visible. They aren't going to be moving all that slow anyway. Therefor, it would cause no video lag. A bit of spawn-immunity would be helpful, but only for about one second, and only in uncappable bases. Otherwise you have an unfair advantage against attackers. I've spoken out against shoulder-mounted AA for some time now. You can take down helicopters with a couple of experienced AT guys and a support. You can take out low/slow-flying jets with a single AT rocket. Stinger installations are all over maps. Mounted LMG's hurt choppers. Transport guns hurt all aircraft. Tanks can take out choppers, and so can APC's. An experienced sniper can use the M95 to cripple airfields and hovering choppers. I think that just about wraps up "aircraft ownage" in games with good players.

.-=5TON3R=-. wrote:

when commander place arty strikes they've got so many seconds before its fired to cancel it,incase the enemy that was there has moved on wasting the strike or team members have moved in at the last second to cap the flag. when swimming your able to duck under water for a limited time depending how much of your run meter you have left before you start to drown & lose health. un nurf blackhawk miniguns & fit the same guns on that fat useless mec heli.
Should only be allowed before the first shot is fired, and there isn't much time at all. Just use arty intelligently. It should be mentioned that there is a drowning sound in the Special Forces file, but I suppose they never decided to use it. Brief glimpses of underwater areas reveal horrible, unfinished visual effects. Every army should be just a bit different, vehicle-wise. Just be glad they didn't use the AH-60 from one of the pre-release videos.

raz wrote:

This game isn't a simulator.

and if it was..

" Add chance to render crippling, rather than destructive blows to airborne vehicles
- helicopters: disabled rotors; spins out of control; pilot/copilot has 75% chance of being killed if they try to jump out; can land on a reasonably flat surface to escape without blowing up if the chopper is mostely level"

Helicopters would actually release the blade, then eject the pilot out fo the helicopter, and blast away from the flames and helicopter completely.
We don't want it to be too realistic, or it would take half the fun and quick action out of it.

Next you'll probably have people checkin there is no rubel on the run ways or something. lol
I've already commented that those first suggestions were not for simulation purposes. They were to add some action/cinematic quality to destruction, rather than the tired old saw of 100% crispified explosions with near-complete loss of momentum.

PRiMACORD wrote:

* Increase splash damage on attack heli rockets, having to hit them pretty much directly to get a kill is just plain dumb
Interestingly enough, the chopper rockets on Special Forces have quite a bit of splash damage.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-04-13 00:43:24)

i just hope they dont give up on bf2 patches once 2142 comes out,not that i want more changes/stuff being nurfed,just maybe a few performance improvements for people with lower spec pc's & maybe a few extra features & eventualy working all the bugs out.if they keep up with the bf2 patching i can see me playing this game for a long time to come as its got a great comunity/teamwork & i love the intense battles i have nearly every day,no doupt they will cause look how long people have been playing bf vietnam.

forget 2142 futuristic weapons they aint my thing other than ut2007 when it arrives.

long live bf2 & bf2s.com:).

.-=5TON3R=-. wrote:

i just hope they dont give up on bf2 patches once 2142 comes out,not that i want more changes/stuff being nurfed,just maybe a few performance improvements for people with lower spec pc's & maybe a few extra features & eventualy working all the bugs out.if they keep up with the bf2 patching i can see me playing this game for a long time to come as its got a great comunity/teamwork & i love the intense battles i have nearly every day,no doupt they will cause look how long people have been playing bf vietnam.

forget 2142 futuristic weapons they aint my thing other than ut2007 when it arrives.

long live bf2 & bf2s.com:).

Last edited by (HUN)Rudebwoy (2006-04-13 01:44:22)

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