Amdi Peter
This is a thread for dreams and dreaming (the thing you do when you sleep).

What was your most weird dream or best dream?

This is the thread for it.

I, myself, recently had a dream, in which I dreamed. Anybody knows what is means?
+1,411|6785|FUCK UBISOFT

I dreamt finray, oisin, cammy, you, and others were permabanned.
Meow :3 :3
Honestly, I've had dreams involving bf2s/bf2s members before.  Can't recall who, but they were really random.  I think it means too much time on the forums
Fantasma Parastasie

Amdi Peter wrote:

Anybody knows what it means?
+605|6151|Birmingham, UK

CanadianLoser wrote:

Honestly, I've had dreams involving bf2s/bf2s members before.  Can't recall who, but they were really random.  I think it means too much time on the forums
i had one about War Man.


Anyway there's always one dream i get when i'm ill, it involves a clown, and me running away from it, but i always fall off something, into just a yellow pit of nothing

But i love clowns though, i'm not scared of them or anything, i'm not that guy
El Beardo
steel woolly mammoth
+150|5763|Gulf Coast

I had a really short recurring dream for years when I was a bit younger. I would go to get the mail late at night and when I was at the mailbox an all white 80's style Camaro would come speeding around the corner and run me over before I could get away.
Artifice of Eternity
I always have acid-trip dreams. The kind where things shape-shift on a black background slowly. My most recent started as a sewing kit and ended as a strange animal something like the Grinch. There were probably around 15 or 20 stages between those two, not all of which I remember.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
I can haz titanium paancakez?
I don't remember my dreams. I guess I go too tired to bed to have any.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5432|Fuck this.
A few years ago, I had a dream involving Leprechauns, rainbow moss, and bacon trees...
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Fantasma Parastasie
remembering dreams is pretty much entirely a conscious effort. It's not hard at all
1) genuinely want to remember dreams. Think about it a little before going to sleep, make sure it's the first thing you think of the following morning.
2) don't get up immediately after waking up. Take a minute to try and remember as much as you can. This will actually help you remember more dreams in the future.
+718|6564|Austin, Texas

Lucien wrote:

remembering dreams is pretty much entirely a conscious effort. It's not hard at all
1) genuinely want to remember dreams. Think about it a little before going to sleep, make sure it's the first thing you think of the following morning.
2) don't get up immediately after waking up. Take a minute to try and remember as much as you can. This will actually help you remember more dreams in the future.
yes. Also try to write down what you dreamed in the morning if poss. You can eventually have lucid dreams if you do it right (realize you're dreaming and have the ability to do whatever you want )
One time a few years back I was at my parents house and my Mum left a cup of coffee beside the bed in the morning. I drank it and went straight back to sleep. The dream I then had was as freaky as hell. My mind was awake but my body wasn't or vice versa or something. My dream was of me in bed, exactly as I actually was and as vivid as if it was real, with me incapable of getting out of bed. It felt like there were 10 ton weights on all of my limbs. I tried to grab onto things to haul myself out but to no avail. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't do it. Try it out for the laugh - one of my brothers did it as an experiment a while after and the same thing happened to him.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5831|Catherine Black
Had a dream I posted here about my teeth cracking in two, and I woke up on the edge of consciousness and couldn't stop myself grinding my teeth.

I once had a dream where I met up with ATG and fired off a few rounds, lulz.
Fantasma Parastasie
that's not a dream cameron, that's sleep paralysis.
Artifice of Eternity

CameronPoe wrote:

One time a few years back I was at my parents house and my Mum left a cup of coffee beside the bed in the morning. I drank it and went straight back to sleep. The dream I then had was as freaky as hell. My mind was awake but my body wasn't or vice versa or something. My dream was of me in bed, exactly as I actually was and as vivid as if it was real, with me incapable of getting out of bed. It felt like there were 10 ton weights on all of my limbs. I tried to grab onto things to haul myself out but to no avail. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't do it. Try it out for the laugh - one of my brothers did it as an experiment a while after and the same thing happened to him.
lol, sleep paralysis. I love it when that happens, but only because I know what's going on. The first time it happened to me I had an experience similar to yours; it's just frightening. I thought I was actually paralyzed for life because I was convinced I was awake.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+84|6530|Newcastle Upon Tyne.

CameronPoe wrote:

One time a few years back I was at my parents house and my Mum left a cup of coffee beside the bed in the morning. I drank it and went straight back to sleep. The dream I then had was as freaky as hell. My mind was awake but my body wasn't or vice versa or something. My dream was of me in bed, exactly as I actually was and as vivid as if it was real, with me incapable of getting out of bed. It felt like there were 10 ton weights on all of my limbs. I tried to grab onto things to haul myself out but to no avail. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't do it. Try it out for the laugh - one of my brothers did it as an experiment a while after and the same thing happened to him.

Maybe you have that?

My dreams are often vivid and other times i barely remember them. Maybe its the inportant ones you remember.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5831|Catherine Black
Triple post lolz.
+3,611|6664|London, England
I used to get that alot (sleep paralysis), no so much anymore. I had a dream last night that was influenced by video games. First by Midnight Club, then GTA IV, then Half Life 2 where I had to take out a Strider. That Strider giant beam cannon thing is fucking scary in a dream where you're actually "there".

The thing is, I haven't even played HL2 in years. Oh yeah, and 90% of my dreams are set in and around my old house, despite the fact that I haven't lived there in about 6 years. Somehow, in some way, my old house features in a dream. Most of the time.
Fuck sake OP, there are billions of dream threads cos someone creates a new one every time they have a dream!
Fantasma Parastasie

bennisboy wrote:

Fuck sake OP, there are billions of dream threads cos someone creates a new one every time they have a dream!
oh boy, the OP offended all those threads? that's just antisocial!

Lucien wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Fuck sake OP, there are billions of dream threads cos someone creates a new one every time they have a dream!
oh boy, the OP offended all those threads? that's just antisocial!
Erm no, its just unnecessary

bennisboy wrote:

Lucien wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Fuck sake OP, there are billions of dream threads cos someone creates a new one every time they have a dream!
oh boy, the OP offended all those threads? that's just antisocial!
Erm no, its just unnecessary
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I posted this in EE Chat April, but that whole thread was deleted.

So it starts off around Christmas time. I'm in Long Island for some reason. Then I take a sleigh (without any horses or anything on it) across a bridge that's exactly like the one that leads into my town. I ride it down through the train-yard in my town, then I got on for a bit and the train yard turns into a steel mill. Then when I get off I go to my "place" (yeah that's what I'll call it) and I find out I'm in Detroit. One of my friends was at my place and so we talk about how Detroit sucks because it's full of crime and AIDS. So then after a few minutes some Mormon guy comes in, he rips what looks like a circuit board out of the wall and says it is Mormon relics. He then says that my towel is a Mormon relic also so he takes that. Then he recruits me to help him find some more Mormon relics in Cuba. We then drive to Cuba in all of two minutes and we find that Richard Nixon (a Quaker IRL) is the leader of the Mormons. Also Nixon was on a Seagway scooter. However just then some guys in black trench-coats with M16s show up and start shooting at the Mormons. I then get in their car and they tell me that they are The Brotherhood of Nod and that the Mormons are trying to summon Mormon Jesus so that he can defeat regular Jesus and enslave the word for forever. So then we go back to my house (not "place" house) and we think of where the Mormons could have escaped to after we routed them in Cuba. After like 15 minutes this one Nod guy rips another circuit board / Mormon relic out of the dry-wall and realizes that the Mormons are in Africa. So then we all get into Motor-cycles and my mom's station wagon and are about to drive to Africa when my alarm goes off and I'm all like FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

I shit you not, I had this dream and I recall it perfectly.

Last edited by Doctor Strangelove (2009-10-07 11:05:23)

prince of insufficient light
Yesterday when I took a nap, my dream started getting really weird but still somewhat plausible. I started thinking it was probably a dream, so in my dream I was like okay hold up, I think this is a dream. Then I tried to move my eyelids, I felt one of my eyelids twitch IRL, then in my dream I was like okay legit, this is a dream, continue.

Looking for my Scooper

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Yesterday when I took a nap, my dream started getting really weird but still somewhat plausible. I started thinking it was probably a dream, so in my dream I was like okay hold up, I think this is a dream. Then I tried to move my eyelids, I felt one of my eyelids twitch IRL, then in my dream I was like okay legit, this is a dream, continue.

Lucid Dreaming

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