Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5569|Athens, GA
dude gtfo
There is.
+1,380|6836|Devon, England

Jebus wrote:

m3thod wrote:

you've prob got bad breath
Nah, I don't, I'm pretty sure of that

You gotta know we kiss a lot, though. I just want to get that kiss right after the hug lol, she just keeps hanging on to me if you know what I mean
When you pull away from the hug, look at her and say "Kiss me", not in a gay, whispery sort of way, and not in a demanding way, just in a normal way.
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
There's this hot girl sitting across the coffee shop with headphones in and doing homework... And I dunno how/too pussy to approach her.

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
leave her alone.  She has her headphones on for a reason.

...unless you can get a cheeky smile in.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+3,611|6766|London, England
Get out of the fucking coffee shop, I thought you were a True Blue Texan. What the fuck are you doing sipping a Latte with your presumably Apple Mac Laptop and your fucking fuck sake Bevo
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
Yeah I shot her a glance when she looked up and other than a double take, pretty much returned to her work. It's pretty noisy here, as it's really the first floor of some physics building I think.

Good thing I have another hour to waste, will look for an opportunity methinks.

@mek: it's a school building, and I'm on my phone, burning time between classes

Last edited by Bevo (2009-09-29 10:50:28)

Looking for my Scooper

FFLink wrote:

Jebus wrote:

m3thod wrote:

you've prob got bad breath
Nah, I don't, I'm pretty sure of that

You gotta know we kiss a lot, though. I just want to get that kiss right after the hug lol, she just keeps hanging on to me if you know what I mean
When you pull away from the hug, look at her and say "Kiss me", not in a gay, whispery sort of way, and not in a demanding way, just in a normal way.
Well that is actually a problem lol, she's kinda glued to me, pretty much. If it wasn't for me our hugs would last an hour. I'm okay with long hugs, but not that long man
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
she sounds really clingy.  You're going to have problems in the future.

I smell possessive.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
Bugger, she left.

And yes, clingy = very bad.
+3,611|6766|London, England

Bevo wrote:

Yeah I shot her a glance when she looked up and other than a double take, pretty much returned to her work.
Well then there's the initial recognition of your existence. You have your school timetable and so does she, so she might be there again in the future and so would you. Then you could go on the next step once you see her again at a later time, just do it like that, she'll know you as that dude that's there sometimes, eventually you can just start giving smiles and stuff... and so on and so forth

of course this shit never works in real life, I'm just saying is all.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
you're sort of right, attraction can manifest itself with recurring visits.

At least that's what I've found.  Girls have been more inclined to flirt with me if they seen me a couple of times and know i will make a re-appearance.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+718|6666|Austin, Texas
Yes mekingtons, I often stop by there on tues and thurs so if she appears again I may open up a conversation. If not, there's another 5-6 'potentials' in mind, whom I have class with.

Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5569|Athens, GA
dude you go to ut and are a good looking guy. if you cant get a chick, you might be gay
+718|6666|Austin, Texas

ICCULUS wrote:

dude you go to ut and are a good looking guy. if you cant get a chick, you might be gay
I have high standards.
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5569|Athens, GA
ok so theres this hot ass asian chick that i have a crush on. problem is that ive only hung out with her once and she lives an hr away. dont have her #, so the only way i could contact her is through facebook. i live in an awesome college town with thousands of hotties, but for some reason, i cant stop thinking about the azn. shes cool as fuck and extremely gorgeous.

so whats my play? ive never really had trouble talking to girls, but i just feel kinda weird messaging some girl on facebook that i barely know, and i have no clue what to say. if you guys give me some successful tips, ill post a pic of her

Bevo wrote:

ICCULUS wrote:

dude you go to ut and are a good looking guy. if you cant get a chick, you might be gay
I have high standards.
me too bro...me too

Last edited by ICCULUS (2009-09-29 15:32:44)

+718|6666|Austin, Texas
ig: I once had a similar dilemma. Easy fix, I think.

Strike up a chat (with the chat interface). Then either say you have to go and leave her your number, or tell her that facebook is acting weird on your computer and ask her for hers. Either way is fairly likely to move from facebook --> phone, whether its calls or texting/whatever.

The second way is probably better, but the first will work too if you're confident.
+3,611|6766|London, England
how did you meet her in person in the first place. Find out if you'll ever bump into her again, or try and make it happen
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5569|Athens, GA
i was planning on that, but she rarely uses it, and i never see her online
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5569|Athens, GA

Mekstizzle wrote:

how did you meet her in person in the first place. Find out if you'll ever bump into her again, or try and make it happen
we have a few mutual friends. her ex lives like 4 houses down from my moms house. only time i hung out with her was at a phish concert over the summer. she added me on facebook the next day, but i havent seen or talked to her since
+718|6666|Austin, Texas

ICCULUS wrote:

i was planning on that, but she rarely uses it, and i never see her online
shoot her a message saying there's x concert in town if you want to go, leave phone number?
+3,611|6766|London, England
Yeah, get the ball rolling with phish talk
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6635|Gogledd Cymru

Just say you were thinking about the concert the other day and you thought of her and would you like to go hang out sometime
I am all that is MOD!

ICCULUS wrote:

ok so theres this hot ass asian chick that i have a crush on. problem is that ive only hung out with her once and she lives an hr away. dont have her #, so the only way i could contact her is through facebook. i live in an awesome college town with thousands of hotties, but for some reason, i cant stop thinking about the azn. shes cool as fuck and extremely gorgeous.

so whats my play? ive never really had trouble talking to girls, but i just feel kinda weird messaging some girl on facebook that i barely know, and i have no clue what to say. if you guys give me some successful tips, ill post a pic of her

Bevo wrote:

ICCULUS wrote:

dude you go to ut and are a good looking guy. if you cant get a chick, you might be gay
I have high standards.
me too bro...me too
Just send her a message on fb and tell her you want to hang out sometime.  Ask for her digits.  If she doesn't give them to you or respond move on to the nubile college population.
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5569|Athens, GA
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6862|Riva, MD
O.K., not even gonna talk about how I misjudged.

I walked out of the nurse's office today right after the switching class bell and I immediately saw the girl I like and then she saw me a second after and didn't stop looking at me the entire time and then I said Hello and then she smiled and waved and I just kept going to go up the stairs.  It wasn't that big of a deal in the moment but then I thought about it and it made me want her again.

Then several hours later I saw her in the hallway outside of one of my classes as she was walking to her class and she didn't see but my heart-rate jumped like BOOM when I saw her.  And she was wearing this short skirt, omfg I wanted her so badly

I'm not sure what to do though, I could say hi to her and chat to her again in the office but we eventually run out of stuff to talk about and then she looks off in a different direction, and then I just say bye to her and leave when that happens.  What am I supposed to do about that?  And does what happened in the hallway even mean anything

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