… 6-sun.html
how has it come to this point? how in a free country all you need to do to have someones guns taken away is CLAIM they threatened you, or assaulted you. you then have no need to prove that it happened... oh no, now the accused needs to prove that it DIDN'T.
but don't worry, all of your guns will be safely locked away in a police vault, and you'll have lots of time to think about your defense while you try to pay for the lawyers fees. then try to get your property back (if it hasnt been "lost"(stolen), destroyed, our auctioned off by now) from the police who have been taking SUCH good care of it.
there have been a number of times where a pissed off ex-girlfriend/boyfriend have called in that they feel their lives are in danger just because they know what will happen
it's a sad day when a person cleaning their shotgun in the back yard is a "danger to public safety" yet a police officer firing 19 rounds at an unarmed suspect in the dark (hitting a number of occupied houses in the process) isn't, and is just doing his job
I don't mind having to get a firearms license, or the safety course required, since the average person knows very little about firearms at all.
i do mind the bullshit "restricted" status on many rifles, shotguns, and handguns though
AR-15 is restricted
Ruger mini 14 is not restricted
the SKS (in some variations) is restricted
the ruger mini 30 is not restricted
for those that know what those rifles are, does that make sense to you?
restricted means that you have to call the firearms center and ask for permission to take your (evil baby killing assault weapon)restricted firearm to a government approved range where you hold a current and up to date membership
and that is the ONLY place you can use it, you can't even bring it to a gunsmith without one of those ATT forms (authorization to transport)
for some reason the SVD is prohibited but the SVT-40 isn't
it boggles the mind
there is so much more i want to put in this post, i just don't know where to start
why does it make national news when a drug dealer is capture with 5-6 guns and a small bit of ammo, but is ignored when a legal gun owner is arrested falsely?
what can be done to try and reverse this downward spiral?
this is just another in a long list of bullshit things that's been happening here... all you need to do to really screw with someone is call in an anonymous "i saw him with a gun" call and you can guarantee that the special multimillion dollar tactical team will say hi to him.article wrote:
A quiet evening turned into quite the scare for Jason Lang.
Lang, his wife and their three-month old son were about to sit down for dinner at a friend's house in the 500-block of Pritchard Avenue on Friday when the heavily armed tactical support team arrived with guns drawn.
In what could be classified as a case of mistaken identity, Lang said police were acting on a tip that he was spotted carrying a gun earlier in the day.
"I was pretty freaked," the 31-year-old Lang said. "All these guns were pointed at me in the front yard, and I hadn't done anything."
Lang had been brandishing something that afternoon, but it was no gun. Hours before the incident Lang and his friend, Chris Bailey, had come across a discarded washing machine and microwave oven in a back lane. Figuring the appliances might be gone if they went back to get a truck, the two men carried the items a few blocks to the Bailey's home.
When Lang went out the front door to get some hoses for the washing machine, he saw several police officers outside with their guns drawn.
"They had me down on the ground, handcuffed me and started asking me a bunch of questions," he said. "While they were doing this, more cops stormed into the house. It was like the whole SWAT team was there."
Lang said he was eventually told that someone said he had been carrying a gun.
"I don't know where the heck they got that out of us carrying a microwave and a washing machine," he said.
Lang said police searched the house and found nothing. The whole ordeal lasted about 30 minutes.
A spokesman for Winnipeg police said officers must take any reports of firearms seriously.
"He has to understand those officers are acting in good faith," Const. Jason Michalyshen said of Lang. "They're acting on the information they've received, and they have to deal with situations in the way they're trained."
Michalyshen said the number of unfounded gun calls from members of the public -- especially in the North End, which has seen plenty of gun violence this summer -- has been higher than normal at times this year.
how has it come to this point? how in a free country all you need to do to have someones guns taken away is CLAIM they threatened you, or assaulted you. you then have no need to prove that it happened... oh no, now the accused needs to prove that it DIDN'T.
but don't worry, all of your guns will be safely locked away in a police vault, and you'll have lots of time to think about your defense while you try to pay for the lawyers fees. then try to get your property back (if it hasnt been "lost"(stolen), destroyed, our auctioned off by now) from the police who have been taking SUCH good care of it.
there have been a number of times where a pissed off ex-girlfriend/boyfriend have called in that they feel their lives are in danger just because they know what will happen
it's a sad day when a person cleaning their shotgun in the back yard is a "danger to public safety" yet a police officer firing 19 rounds at an unarmed suspect in the dark (hitting a number of occupied houses in the process) isn't, and is just doing his job
I don't mind having to get a firearms license, or the safety course required, since the average person knows very little about firearms at all.
i do mind the bullshit "restricted" status on many rifles, shotguns, and handguns though
AR-15 is restricted
Ruger mini 14 is not restricted
the SKS (in some variations) is restricted
the ruger mini 30 is not restricted
for those that know what those rifles are, does that make sense to you?
restricted means that you have to call the firearms center and ask for permission to take your (evil baby killing assault weapon)restricted firearm to a government approved range where you hold a current and up to date membership
and that is the ONLY place you can use it, you can't even bring it to a gunsmith without one of those ATT forms (authorization to transport)
for some reason the SVD is prohibited but the SVT-40 isn't
it boggles the mind
there is so much more i want to put in this post, i just don't know where to start
why does it make national news when a drug dealer is capture with 5-6 guns and a small bit of ammo, but is ignored when a legal gun owner is arrested falsely?
what can be done to try and reverse this downward spiral?
Last edited by krazed (2009-11-04 16:23:05)