I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6995|Cologne, Germany

well, if he used the glitch, he was rightfully reset. Normally, EA will have a look at some evidence before resetting stats.

We will see in due time.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6897|Malaga, España

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

All the naysayers who defend {TA}Firestorm are (possibly) wrong. The circumstantial evidence is right there. Admin of a server, top player in the world for a few weeks, and he goes down with the rest of the Commander/Admin hackers. I still have a high respect for FireStorm, but I will say that he obviously got what was coming to him. As for the Fraps video, why doesn't Rouje repost it, or host it on google/putfile so we can see the proof.

And to the guy who was amazed that he was beating {TA}Firestorm in points finally (LOL), I think so too .

Edit: P.S. However, now that I think about it, wouldn't {TA}Firestorm have a high BRS (over 254) if he used the commander glitch?
1) why there is no video published yet, if u red the whole thing, he clearly sais that he post the video online as soon as the Commander glitch is Fixed, so n00bs wouldnt copy it and do it themself...but obvious this bug has been published on a 100 sites by now. so if 1.3 is out...i wanna see that video
+24|6830|45° 30',North by 73° 35',West

Locoloki wrote:

Daddy.... what did you do at work today... well son... i kicked some major noob ass, scored 1900 legit points... kicked a few team killers... banned then when they came back.....and son let me tell you, on bf2 i am god. some day i will teach you to kick this much ass, and together we will rule the bf2 world together in an unstoppable alliance
+24|6830|45° 30',North by 73° 35',West

dshak wrote:

I love all the people on here who call the poster a snitch, or bitch at him for turning a cheater in...

especially those who feel the need to throw tantrums about it, save us the time of decoding it and just plainly type "I'm a cheater to, leave us be so we can unfairly accumulate high scores which sadly makes us feel good about ourselves."

I especially like the guy who said "we all do it" or something like "who here hasn't cheated or glitched in a game"... ME

I laughed, and laughed, and laughed when I thought about all the time this poor shmuck invested. classic. Clearly he did it, EA doesn't just arbitrarily reset accounts, but hey, if the rest of you cheating rats want to tell yourselves that so you can continue to feed your FALSE ego, feel free.
LOL, Another sweet kick in the teeth!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Well, at least that's all cleared up. But in answer to someone accusing the thread starter for his best round score?

At least one thing's for sure: he padded for knife and pistol badges. Just look at the received time

They never lie
Pope Picard II

All I can say is his stats history point that he didn't use the commander glitch:


Note the consistant earning rate that is feasible - He is obviously a good commander. There are no huge discrepancies like the OP suggests of huge leaps made in single rounds in the middle of the night. The only leaps are where the stats were not updated in several days (rest your mouse on it to see).

Now you may say, perhaps he idled all day and then commander glitched one round at night and went to bed. But if we look at his kill stats (including artillery) - he would have low deaths as a commander:


We see a consistant and non-zero kill rate. Eg. he is not idling away and then jacking 2k points at night and going to bed.

Compound this with the fact that hundreds of people have played with him to scout him out and see if hes a wanker or not says that he did not get reset for what the OP said and what he did get reset for we do not know.

Edit: also note the consistant SPM you'd expect of a good commander with his own server (E.g. he almost always gets commander due to his rank, and the player base stays similar so that there are no huge peaks or dives in his commander score which is what you would expect in this scenario):


Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2006-04-11 01:45:45)

I didn't read all the posts, but in my opinion, you're a rat.

I mean the topicstarter. And then I'm especcialy talking about the second part. Turning someone in who was on a knife/pistol server. That is just weird.

Last edited by Speelbal (2006-04-11 01:48:12)

Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
thanks for the link!
I am happy that EA 0wned that glitching n00b!

Speelbal wrote:

I didn't read all the posts, but in my opinion, you're a rat.

I mean the topicstarter. And then I'm especcialy talking about the second part. Turning someone in who was on a knife/pistol server. That is just weird.
i suppose you think NOT cheating is weird too.

Last edited by bigelectricat (2006-04-11 03:33:22)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS
Oh, that's why his commander score was, um, unusually high!
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Speelbal wrote:

I didn't read all the posts, but in my opinion, you're a rat.

I mean the topicstarter. And then I'm especcialy talking about the second part. Turning someone in who was on a knife/pistol server. That is just weird.
Knife/pistol servers are illegal. The guy deserves to be reset just like anyone else who has played on them.

EA Obviously had enough evidence to reset the #1 player in the world, it is not like they would just reset him if there was alot of doubt.
Weather he cheated or not, the guy who reported him did the right thing. You say hes a snitch, but hey, if you see the #1 player cheating, you'd say hes not deservent of his title, therefore should be reset.
To all you saying 'who the #$&^ cares, its just a game' - sure its just a game, but alot of people in this game care about stats, just like people care about eg. football stats (I always use that example...why ). Its the same concept.
If he cheated, he deserves to be reset,
If he didn't cheat...well, EA would not have reset him. I'm sure they would have thought long and hard, and were absolutley sure that he DID cheat.
You say he doesnt have a high BRS. Maybe he glitched, but just didnt add that many points onto his score (I have no idea how the glitch works) soit doesn't look suspicious. All the points would have added up.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6897|Malaga, España
+102|6856|New York
Boy they will Reset stats faster than a speeding bullet, But god forbid you make a mistake with your Email on your account like .con instead of .com and reformat and Then forget your passowrd. You cant have it sent because of the .con in the email, so you get screwed out of a legit 200 hours of play? EA says they cant do nothing to help, Gamespy says your shit out of luck, Bla Bla Bla, But man Get in the Precouse top 10 and they Put your asshole under a microscope.

Figures. They will break there balls to deal with Point whores but cant do shit for a legit player who made a typeo in there email when signing up. WTF!

I wrote 4 ADMINS at BF2rs and not one of them answered me about Asking Gamespy or someone to get into there database and fix this. But boy send them a vidio of a guy thats Not too far ahead of Blazin, and Boy they trip over themselves To get the guys stats erased!!!

Screw you EA and Gamespy.

Last edited by <[onex]>Headstone (2006-04-11 04:12:51)

------------------------------------Flame War Intermission-------------------------------------------------------

You know, when your not busy playing exciting online action games, why not take the time to learn to cook. Heres a great recipe for chicken Tikka Masala:

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

675g or 1&1/2 lb's of chicken breasts (skinned)
90ml or 6 tbsp of tikka paste (I prefer to make my own but you can buy some wondeful things at supermarkets today )
60ml or 4tbsp natural yoghurt
30ml or 2 tbsp oil (i generally recommend olive oil for all cooking but with this dish I would also add a knobb of butter or a milky margarine
1 onion chopped (try to dice it quite finely for a smoother texture to the dish)
1 garlic clove crushed (Or you could buy it in a tube (my preferred option having arthritis you understand )
1 green chilli chopped (chosen to a strength of your chilli to taste, dont go for strong if you arent keen on hot dishes)
2.5cm or root ginger (muche better in my opinion than ginger powder)
15ml or 1tbsp tomato puree (could also add a blended sund dried tomato or two to enrich the depth of flavour)
15ml or 1tbsp ground almonds (careful not to add to much it can be very overpowering to the dish)
250ml or 8fl oz water
45ml or 3 tbsp butter (you can use margarine but it isnt quite as nice)
50ml or 2fl oz double cream
15ml or 1tbsp lemon juice

fresh coriander, natural yoghurt, toasted cumin seeds & naan bread to serve

Step One: Pull yourself away from the computer screen for a moment to add the tikka paste & yoghurt togeter with your chicken breasts, mix thoroughly in a bowl & leave... play for about 20 mins

Step Two: Pry yourself away from that heated second round to start the tikka sauce. heat the oild on the hob & sweat your onion to a light golden state, then add your chilli, ginger & garlic adding in your onion juice slowly for another two minutes, then add your tomato puree mix it through on the heat then add the ground almonds & begin adding water slowly & letting it simmer down for te next 15 minutes then add your sauce to the food processor to get it to a smooth consistency (this is an optional step)

Step 3: Return your sauce to the saucepan & back onto the heat then add your marinaded chicken & the double cream & cook for another 4-5 minutes stirring occasionaly to ensure an even cook.

Step 4: Put your naan bread on the plate, add the tikka masala pour your serving yoghurt gently over the top of the sauce, sprinkle the toasted cumin seeds & a few spriggs of coriander to garnish.

Step 5: Voila you have one delicios meal, wasnt that better than flaming people?

----------------------------------Intermission Over----------------------------------------------------------------
Nothin better than a good Ruby...........
+102|6856|New York

beerface702 wrote:

most of you people who run servers, would use the Glitch if u had the chacne back last year. thinking you would never get caught

admit it.

move on with your lives
The Hell i would! You can look at ANY player that admins our server and see Not one of them have padded or glitched. So to make such a general sweeping statement like that is In the least Ignorant. Either that or your jelouse you dont have or cant afford your own server and Love the fact that hard working people pay for the servers you play on.

Hell, Our ban lists on our other servers for cheats cought is almost a half mb big, Thats how much we despise cheats, do you really think people that run servers Abuse it like this guy might have? It really chaps my ass when server admins are Put down, when they go out of there way to rent these servers(and a dedicated server box also) and people make general statements like this.

PS. Ive played on Blazins server Once, and i shot him 4 straight times, he was laying down thinking he was hideing and i came straight at him and shot him, he NEVER reacted or tried to defend himself. That alone tipped me off way back in january that there was something wrong here. But i didnt go out of my way to record a vidio or turn the guy in.  I in all honesty wish the Ranking system wasnt around, It has turned Good gamers and what was a great game into a bunch of rude spawnkillers and base rapers and thats sad. ALL for Points, what ever happened to the Notion that you bought a game for the friendship and the fun you had playing with people who shared your love of gameing? Ive been playing games on the PC since the days you had to actually program the game into the PC code for code just to play, Ive seen what use to be fun turn into nothing more than a point whoreing fest of nameless rude people who dont care anymore about haveing fun and making friends that share your same intrests.

I mean its even gone as far as people comitting suicide over there High level charecter getting killed off in WoW.

WoW , just WoW.
i killed my self cos my character died....he made the right choice.

Silver18 wrote:

Speelbal wrote:

I didn't read all the posts, but in my opinion, you're a rat.

I mean the topicstarter. And then I'm especcialy talking about the second part. Turning someone in who was on a knife/pistol server. That is just weird.
Knife/pistol servers are illegal. The guy deserves to be reset just like anyone else who has played on them.

EA Obviously had enough evidence to reset the #1 player in the world, it is not like they would just reset him if there was alot of doubt.
Weather he cheated or not, the guy who reported him did the right thing. You say hes a snitch, but hey, if you see the #1 player cheating, you'd say hes not deservent of his title, therefore should be reset.
To all you saying 'who the #$&^ cares, its just a game' - sure its just a game, but alot of people in this game care about stats, just like people care about eg. football stats (I always use that example...why ). Its the same concept.
If he cheated, he deserves to be reset,
If he didn't cheat...well, EA would not have reset him. I'm sure they would have thought long and hard, and were absolutley sure that he DID cheat.
You say he doesnt have a high BRS. Maybe he glitched, but just didnt add that many points onto his score (I have no idea how the glitch works) soit doesn't look suspicious. All the points would have added up.
They're illegal allright. But I've played on them too, before I knew it was not permitted. Will someone report me to EA? The ROE is full of unclear text. State the rules point by point. I think when Firestorm performed the glitch, he thought it would be a one-timer. I don't exactly know what went on, but I think he thought he'd discovered a glitch which would occur only 1 time.

I don't think NOT cheating is weird. I think reporting someone who playes on a knife/pistol server is just weak. Be the man you're expected to be and face and tell the particular person that he's playing on a knife/pistol server, which is not allowed.  If the person replies with: "O shit , I din't know it was illegal.", go on with your life. Do you see him again AFTER you've told him, you will tell this person that he will be reported and then you do so. I don't know how "the rat" has done this, but if he has done it according to my little story, all is a-ok. If not, shame on you, dirty backstabber.

Now, have fun flaming other persons.

+53|6893|Omaha, Nebraska

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

All I can say is his stats history point that he didn't use the commander glitch:


Note the consistant earning rate that is feasible - He is obviously a good commander. There are no huge discrepancies like the OP suggests of huge leaps made in single rounds in the middle of the night. The only leaps are where the stats were not updated in several days (rest your mouse on it to see).

Now you may say, perhaps he idled all day and then commander glitched one round at night and went to bed. But if we look at his kill stats (including artillery) - he would have low deaths as a commander:


We see a consistant and non-zero kill rate. Eg. he is not idling away and then jacking 2k points at night and going to bed.

Compound this with the fact that hundreds of people have played with him to scout him out and see if hes a wanker or not says that he did not get reset for what the OP said and what he did get reset for we do not know.

Edit: also note the consistant SPM you'd expect of a good commander with his own server (E.g. he almost always gets commander due to his rank, and the player base stays similar so that there are no huge peaks or dives in his commander score which is what you would expect in this scenario):

Good post and well read... Just to bad the rest of the sheep here are unable to read or put those graphs together themselves.

I am still waiting for this so called video to be posted... Oh wait I bet it was deleted after he emailed it to EA!
Kick His Ass!
+371|6848|Howell, Mi USA
so firestorm felt the need to increase the gurth of his E-penis by cheating. i really don't give 2 shits if he cheats, maybe it makes him feel better because he has no life and can spend 2000+ hours playing Bf2.

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

------------------------------------Flame War Intermission-------------------------------------------------------
Thats awesome. Best post ever. Thanks for that.

To mis-quote Tyler Durden:

"Eventually you do not own your stats, your stats own you"

It is just a freaking number people. Let go. You can do it. I have complete confidence in you. And if it was always about the number for these top players if you get rid of their stats they will leave.. gone.. period. That is the saddest thing of them all. When did we stop wanting to enjoy the game and having numbers rule our vision of fun?
+102|6856|New York

KurtisMayfield wrote:

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

------------------------------------Flame War Intermission-------------------------------------------------------
Thats awesome. Best post ever. Thanks for that.

To mis-quote Tyler Durden:

"Eventually you do not own your stats, your stats own you"

It is just a freaking number people. Let go. You can do it. I have complete confidence in you. And if it was always about the number for these top players if you get rid of their stats they will leave.. gone.. period. That is the saddest thing of them all. When did we stop wanting to enjoy the game and having numbers rule our vision of fun?
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! Post on Bro!!

Speelbal wrote:

I don't think NOT cheating is weird. I think reporting someone who playes on a knife/pistol server is just weak. Be the man you're expected to be and face and tell the particular person that he's playing on a knife/pistol server, which is not allowed.
good luck trying that on people who cheat. they will laugh at your face as they kick you out of the server. you really think those people are stupid enough to not know what a knife/pistol server is for?

Last edited by bigelectricat (2006-04-11 08:39:11)


Cyberwolf wrote:

R0lyP0ly wrote:

you are an asshat who possesses no skill. who CARES if he glitched?? huh? who does? It affects you in no way other than crying because you aren't the best BF2 nerd. It is a GAME. Let that sink in for a moment...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................aGAME ................................................................................................................................................................................... With that in mind (hopefully), we can move onto the fact that his being a whiny little kid and cheating his way to the top only shows is true real-life shortcomings. Just keep your over-adventurous nose in your own area of influence - your home, your CD key, your account. If you are one of those types that protests outrageous acts such as cheating on a virtual object, then show integrity and lead by example -  great actions are seen, not heard. Thank you, but please, to each his own. Have fun with your life, knowing you don't affect his.

/rant over/

Have a Nice Day!!!
Obviously you care since you took the time to post...Ironic how many hyprocrites there are!
Actually, my friend, this thread involved complaining about whether or not you, the player, thought Firestorm should've been reset. For me to have been a hypocrite, I would have flamed all those who cared about his "resettedness", and THEN said yes, he should have been reset, or NO, he "shouldn't've". i actually was wanting this all to stop, bc his account does NOT affect yours. Just play on.

PS. Next time you wanna throw around hypocrite, make sure you know what it means

pss. yes, i did indeed make up 2 words in the above para (" ")

KurtisMayfield wrote:

To mis-quote Tyler Durden:

"Eventually you do not own your stats, your stats own you"
whoa... thats deep dude.

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