Finray wrote:
Uzique wrote:
christ spare me the next 3 pages of poorly-understood 64-bit 'geek-talk' attempts from finray.
he gets his computer knowledge and pro-gaming kudos from reading other people's posts on internet forums, ffs.
Higher computing, zing.
oh shit finray has a shitty scottish higher-education qualification in 'higher computing'. they barely cover that shit in 'higher computing', i know my fair share of dumbasses that did BTEC diplomas in ICT, you've hardly studied core architecture at fucking MIT. take your "zing" and shove it, you get all of your gaming and computer knowledge from fucking google, you're a poseur and it's painfully obvious to everyone as soon as you open your mouth and start yapping on incessantly about 'xyz' bullshit.
for the record: vista is better than xp. if you dont like vista, the problem is YOU.
64-bit is better than 32-bit, if it doesnt work, the problem is YOU or YOUR shitty apps, failing that it's your failure in choosing windows 64-bit instead of OSX which is the killerest most awesome 64-bit OS in the motherfucking occidental world.