CameronPoe wrote:
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
...yeah, it is. People whine and complain about any sort of downturn or misfortune, but in the bigger sense of things that is small peanuts.
Unemployment benefits soften everything, because it is essentially a way to force the man that is eating to give the man that is starving a share. That doesn't mean when everyone runs out of food things are dandy.
South America is along those lines - if things are really shit, no religion can keep people in line, but it is an extremely effective tool up to that point. How you can deny that, I don't understand. It is as if your personal beliefs prohibit you from seeing any benefit whatsoever in the public sense.
You just keep moving the goalposts then. Japan trumps your argument and any logical reasonable person will recognise that. Since WWII that nation has rebuilt and become an international powerhouse and paragon of stability.
The goalpost is a stable nation. Not a nation that does well for 50 years, a nation that survives for 500 years.
You spill some blood, you make a few good speeches, you have a nation that stands for 100 years. It is pointless to be arguing about such short terms. I am trying to talk about a nation that can stand for hundreds of years, because at its core the culture is built to last.
CameronPoe wrote:
'If things are really shit, no religion can keep people in line' - so essentially Napoleon was full of shit by your own admission.
Religion cannot stave off anarchy, it is ridiculous to assume it can. There is an awful lot between stable society and anarchy where religion plays quite the role.
CameronPoe wrote:
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
You have got to be kidding me.
Erm. No. Try reading anything to do with the Japanese economy. Or stick your head in the sand, whichever.
Your source has headings that are aimed at a 12 year old, is half a page long, and start with "The Daily Mail City team explains Japan's deflation problem, where prices are falling." I am pretty damn sure I have seen you bashing the Daily Mail here before. the wiki article and the citations it looks to me like there was the "lost decade" we have been hearing so much about lately, and then recently things haven't been going so well because of the global economy. They seem to have one of the strongest economies in the world. I don't really understand where you're coming from.
CameronPoe wrote:
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
If I stop responding to a point, fine. You ignoring my valid response in order to say I'm ignoring
Valid response? 'Japanese people have strange sexual tastes ergo Napoleons comment about nations not functioning without religion holds'. What a laugh.
Japan is not a stable nation, ergo Napoleon's comment about nations not being orderly without religion holds.
Japan is not a stable nation because of its aging population. Either their baby-making culture must change to accommodate this, or they must introduce immigrants and their culture to the state.
CameronPoe wrote:
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
I didn't say it did have to do with religion. The point is a society that cannot maintain its population and culture cannot be considered stable - Japan fails the former test. I am looking for how one could create a content nation that passes these tests without religion.
Ludicrous. When Japan 'fails' then send me an email on it. Plenty of content people that don't need an emotional crutch. If Japan as a nation fails it won't have a single thing to do with religion. There is little or no correlation between religion and birthrate, as I pointed out with Italy. Sweden has 4% attendance at church - you gonna tell me they are unstable too? Take a reality check.
It fails a
test, I did not say the nation would fail. I don't understand how you could have possibly misread that.
I have never said there is a correlation between religion and birthrate. The point is a country cannot be judged until it has a stable birthrate, no matter how the culture that gets it there is formed. There are plenty of natalist dictators.
CameronPoe wrote:
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
No, but their low birth rate even compared to other modernized nations is largely due to their sexual culture. The idea that a man can have sex with whomever he wants so long as he loves only one woman fucks up domestic population growth, and is causing pretty serious problems in their society. It is not "wrong", it just creates a different problem set that can be just as difficult to deal with as other religion related issues.
What are you a sex therapist or something? How do you begin to make such an extrapolation? Do you know any Japanese people? Are you telling me Japan is polygamous or something, because one of my buddies would be intrigued to hear about that given the fact he has a Japanese gf? What is your source/though process in coming to the logical conclusion that their sexual culture is stunting population growth?
I watched a show on it on the Discovery Channel. It was pretty interesting, it was talking about why there is so much porn/prostitution coming out of Japan, "love hotels" that are used by even married men, how marriage is viewed in that culture, etc. It seems to make sense to me, considering the stereotype, the extensive pornography, and the birth rate.