Stand and Deliver
+86|6079|United States
hey guys, i suck with women, actually people in general
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6863|Riva, MD

Bevo wrote:

I must agree with Kennings. One of the best things you can do also is not be afraid of eye contact. It takes lots of practice and quite a bit of nerve, but you'll come off as very confident. Don't go staring her down or anything, but when she looks at you look back at her. If you're not confident about yourself you'll tend to look down or away. Head up, chin up.
I look away about a half-second after whenever we catch eachothers glance unless I'm approaching her.  It's hard as hell to keep the look, but when I first started doing it a year or two ago it wasn't hard at all.
+718|6667|Austin, Texas

_j5689_ wrote:

Bevo wrote:

I must agree with Kennings. One of the best things you can do also is not be afraid of eye contact. It takes lots of practice and quite a bit of nerve, but you'll come off as very confident. Don't go staring her down or anything, but when she looks at you look back at her. If you're not confident about yourself you'll tend to look down or away. Head up, chin up.
I look away about a half-second after whenever we catch eachothers glance unless I'm approaching her.  It's hard as hell to keep the look, but when I first started doing it a year or two ago it wasn't hard at all.
All I can say is practice. Be more comfortable with who you are. Dominance is asserted in many ways throughout the animal kingdom, and keeping eye contact is self assurance. If you're uncomfortable with yourself or a situation, you'll tend to look away. It's a natural reaction. Especially now that you think it may mean something you'll be even more self conscious. Looking at it from your perspective it's probably very difficult, but you must put effort into changing yourself.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6863|Riva, MD

Bevo wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Bevo wrote:

I must agree with Kennings. One of the best things you can do also is not be afraid of eye contact. It takes lots of practice and quite a bit of nerve, but you'll come off as very confident. Don't go staring her down or anything, but when she looks at you look back at her. If you're not confident about yourself you'll tend to look down or away. Head up, chin up.
I look away about a half-second after whenever we catch eachothers glance unless I'm approaching her.  It's hard as hell to keep the look, but when I first started doing it a year or two ago it wasn't hard at all.
All I can say is practice. Be more comfortable with who you are. Dominance is asserted in many ways throughout the animal kingdom, and keeping eye contact is self assurance. If you're uncomfortable with yourself or a situation, you'll tend to look away. It's a natural reaction. Especially now that you think it may mean something you'll be even more self conscious. Looking at it from your perspective it's probably very difficult, but you must put effort into changing yourself.
Yeah, it is definitely something I want to change.  I guess it's all practice like you said.

best racial generalisation ever.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Wiki Contributor

Lmaoo wtff, who said that? You make her sound like a dog
+1,716|6878|St. Andrews / Oslo

_j5689_ wrote:

Btw, another really good sign I think is that she didn't mind at all when I touched one of her dreads.  She didn't even look up when I did it(she was trying to text me to see if I could receive it).  And she's black, that's the significance of being able to touch her hair.  For those not understanding, touching a black chick's hair is usually a huge mistake unless she trusts you a lot.
That is undoubtedly one of the greatest single posts I have ever read on BF2s.


"For those not understanding..." - it's gentle polite sincerity is genius. A-Grade.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Wiki Contributor

I lol'd
+1,716|6878|St. Andrews / Oslo

Uzique wrote:

That is undoubtedly one of the greatest single posts I have ever read on BF2s.


Mostly because most of the competition ended up being trolls, but I I'm 96% sure that this is genuine, lol.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6863|Riva, MD
Should've known you assholes would blow shit out of proportion

cool vibes with the dreadlock groping though, bro
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Fear is a Leash
+85|6317|New Austin, Not

_j5689_ wrote:

Should've known you assholes would blow shit out of proportion
It's all in jest
I need to find a male only gym, I know that half the women can't help themselves, but when I'm half way through a set it's really off putting to see a women checking me out.

I don't think they quite see the mirrors dotted around the room .
Fear is a Leash
+85|6317|New Austin, Not
Is it wrong to date a chick 3 years my junior (well soon to be 2)?

I don't plan to make a move just yet. Quite hesitant in fact.

If it makes any difference im 19.

19/2 = 9.5 + 7 = 16.5
You're cutting it very close, but I suppose it's ok since she'll soon be turning 17.
+786|6266|Ontario | Canada

mtb0minime wrote:

19/2 = 9.5 + 7 = 16.5
You're cutting it very close, but I suppose it's ok since she'll soon be turning 17.
What kinda math is that?

Jenspm wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Btw, another really good sign I think is that she didn't mind at all when I touched one of her dreads.  She didn't even look up when I did it(she was trying to text me to see if I could receive it).  And she's black, that's the significance of being able to touch her hair.  For those not understanding, touching a black chick's hair is usually a huge mistake unless she trusts you a lot.
Wait,.. she has dreads?

Rohirm wrote:

Is it wrong to date a chick 3 years my junior (well soon to be 2)?

I don't plan to make a move just yet. Quite hesitant in fact.

If it makes any difference im 19.
Means she's 16 heh,.. I'm not gonna start the flame wars, but for me that would have been a no no at 19.

Stimey wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

19/2 = 9.5 + 7 = 16.5
You're cutting it very close, but I suppose it's ok since she'll soon be turning 17.
What kinda math is that?
A bad one, supposedly to calculate the maximum allowed age difference. Use this one instead:

Lai wrote:

V[t] = (15*e^(0.0861*t[m] - 2.646)) / (e^(0.0861*t[m] - 2.646) + e^(-0.0861*t[m] + 2.646))

In which case:

V[t] = Maximum Allowed Negative Age Difference (MANAD)
t[m] = Age of Male Subject

Subsequently, with:

V[w] = t[m] - t[v]

V[w] = Real Age Difference (RAD)
t[m] = Age of Male Subject
t[v] = Age of Female Subject

P[i] = V[w] - V[t]

P[i] = Pedophilic Index (PI)
V[w] = Real Age Difference (RAD)
V[t] = MANAD

Evidently, the PI gives an indication of the level of pedophily associated with the male subject in an existing or intended relationship, by determining if and how much the RAD value deviates from the MANAD.

We originally also coded a programs that could be run easily by adolescent males with a sex drive that approached despair. They simply had to input their age and that of a specific girl, and the program would say something like "hit it" or "find sheep". There were however no levels of advice other than positive or negative asd the Pedophilic Index was not incorported into the program back then.

Note that these formulae only apply to relationships were the proposed male subject is older than the proposed female subject. A different set of formulae could have been developped for relationships were the proposed female subject is older than the proposed male subject, but this was not seen as desirable, as the (possible) occurence of these relationships seems to be very rare and whenever such a relation does occur, motives often differ entirely. In these rare cases the relationship is generally mutually emotionally based rather than single sided sexually-convenience based or driven.
For a reliable calculation of the MANAD, I would need your and her exact age (in days). With the limited data you provided (respectively "19" and "16"), I can only say that your MANAD is aproximately 1.76 while your RAD is 3.00. That gives you a positive PI of about 1.24,.. which is BAD!
Fear is a Leash
+85|6317|New Austin, Not
Ok, she is a no go then.

This is all rather interesting, considering there are even mathematical formulas on a touchy subject such as this.

Last edited by Rohirm (2009-08-29 00:45:43)


Rohirm wrote:

Ok, she is a no go then.

This is all rather interesting, considering there are even mathematical formulas on a touchy subject such as this.
Well, if you're serious with this girl, I don't mean to put you off. However, most times 16 year old girls simply dig older guys because they are older guys Older guys that date 16 year old girls usually do so because it is easy, easier than dating older girls and/or they simply take advantage of them.  However, if you genuinely have a thing for this girl and can establish beyond reasonable doubt she has genuine interest in you (and isn't just into you because you're older), in other words if the two of you just fall in love and she happens to be 16; I guess the rules could be stretched a bit. Still though, if you just "like" her and nothing more than that, I wouldn't bother with her. If you just want to fool around a bit, try somebody closer to your own age.

People often say that girls are emotionally more mature than guys, hence the often encountered age difference. From personal experience I'd say this is rubbish. Sure, yeah some girls may be more mature than some guys, but I wouldn't go anywhere near a general statement. People just differ between another, nothing specifically sex or gender related in this aspect. I know 22 year old girls that behave like 15 year olds. Spoiler (highlight to read):
Personally I tend to go for girls slightly older than myself, because I find younger ones to be immature. Then again in Russia I had this thing with a girl whom I suspect to have been younger, yet I'll tell you she was more mature than some of the older ones. I guess it is even more a cultural thing than a gender issue.

Last edited by Lai (2009-08-29 03:49:01)

It doesn't matter about age you fools. You'll soon come to realise that. The older you are no one gives a shit.

I have zero girl problems

Pulled every girl in a group of 4 yesterday, fucking awesome stuff.

Soon I'm off to visit another girl for the bank hliday weekend!
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

Finray wrote:

awww finrary is jealous.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

bennisboy wrote:

Finray wrote:

awww finrary is jealous.
Of those slags you pulled yes >.>

Finray wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Finray wrote:

awww finrary is jealous.
Of those slags you pulled yes >.>
Lol they weren't slags. I know them all from uni.

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