as good as me you never will be
i think it is 50 hours and after that play on every map with the team u need the ribbon for. because i received my far east and middle east service ribbon just after i passed the 50 hours global time.
Doing a search revealed lots of different answers on how to get service ribbons in SF.  The one good post showed the stats for someone who had all 6 ribbons.  By taking the lowest common denominator of theater time, play time as that side, score, best round, no tks, play all maps, etc, it became clear.

However, I wanted to test the best round, tk, score, play all maps theory.

I can tell you positively that it is 50 hours in theater + 20 hours as that side play time AND NOTHING ELSE.
- I did not play all maps with the SAS in it.
- I had a crappy round of sub 40 points
- I tk'd 2 people to make sure the round sucked

I had just over 50 hours in theater and 19h 47m as SAS.  So I played one crappy round of warlord, then shut off the 'puter and waited. said EA games would update in 5 hours.  So I waited the 5 hours, turned on my 'puter, and presto, there was the ribbon.  It did not get awarded in game.  It just appeared in my award section on BFHQ.

Pretty simple really.  Some people have made it way to complicated by saying you need 80 points in the round, no tks, play all maps, etc.  Forget all that.  It is a simple 50 / 20 hour time trigger to get the award.

I am nearly the 20 hour time on Insurgent too so I would expect to get that one shortly.  My test on the SAS ribbon was spot on within minutes of the 50 / 20 hour marks.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7079|AUS, Canberra
well all i can say is bring on the new stats pages, chuy is getting all the reqs direct from ea/dice so that should put an end to this once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+17|7103|Dayton, Ohio
I received the Navy Cross earlier today.  Of corse it just appeared outside of a round.  I have only 449 wins as USMC so the 500 in UBAR must be wrong. 

I just broke the 250 hours as USMC.  So I would guess that it's 250 hours and perhaps 400 wins.

Last edited by WormGuts (2006-03-28 21:54:49)

Who the hell elected you leader of this outfit?
And now for more news of the wierd.  I was looking and didn't see the MEC/PLA service ribbon thing discussed as having a definate answer.  I've had mine for about 2 weeks if not a little longer.  I play maybe 2 or 3 hours two or three times a week.  Link to my miniscule stats is included.  Check out my time in and the ribbons.
Moderator Emeritus
+236|7114|Portland, OR, USA
I'm missing the Euro Force award(s).

Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6931|Little Bentcock

roguegeneral wrote:

The crieteria for the MID EAST RIBBON and FAR EAST RIBBON
I'm a little suprised no one still doesn't know the criteria for these awards.The generic criteria is time in theater and time in service.
I have played all the maps from all sides= time in theater.Time in service the real requirement  is 250 hours global. I recieved both ribbons after  I hit the 250hr mark... I play karkand all the time was checking stats and saw the new ribbon i got mid east ribbon. That was the weekend I hit 250 hrs globally. I went and played 1 china map I received the far east ribbon. Neither ribbon showed in the game I think  or I wasn't paying attention but they were in my stats once the round ended...

Mid East ribbon
250hrs global=time in service
MEC map rotation= time in theater

Far East Ribbon
250hrs global=time in service
China map rotation=time in theater

the requirements for time in theater is just a total of playing the maps not how long just that u have played them once  I think...
I suspect these are correct and would like credit for these ribbons since  u have no info on these as of yet..

No way, i have all those ribbons and have not played neware near 250 hours, especially when i got them, i was well under 100 hours, so sorry but u r wrong
Time in theater doesn't mean time with a specific army. Playing USMC on Karkand means that you also play in the MEC theater. Understand?
+45|7052|Toronto, Canada

WormGuts wrote:

I received the Navy Cross earlier today.  Of corse it just appeared outside of a round.  I have only 449 wins as USMC so the 500 in UBAR must be wrong. 

I just broke the 250 hours as USMC.  So I would guess that it's 250 hours and perhaps 400 wins.
I got my Navy Cross with less than 500 wins.

Take a look at this guy:

He has way less than 500 wins, but he has passed the 250 hour mark.  It might be 250 h and 250 wins now.  Didn't Chuy say somewhere that he had the master list of rewards requirements from EA or something?
+86|6966|San Francisco, CA
so..this is WIKI related but i figure since UBAR and WIKI are like brother & sister, it fits here..but why does the Submachine Gun


have a picture of an AK-47? Last I wasn't an SMG and anti-tanks don't have the AK as their secondary..or..other know what i mean. Am I just being anal about having an AK for an image for submachine guns when it clearly isn't one?

Please don't hurt me.
+2|6920|Glasgow, Scotland

mrnatrium wrote:

i have something to add to the purple heart
you need a K/d ratio of 1:4
(minimum of 5 kils and 20 deats)
BUT you need to die first 20 times whitout killing and then shoot 5 peeple whitout dieing (own experience)
so die first then shoot!
also works on:(6:22 7:24)
i understand that its great getting a new medal, but the purple heart is a medal that i aim not to get and after each rnd i play, if i still havent got it, then i am doing ok.
The SF Ribons for Navy and others need 50 hours+ and not 5 hours.

check this guy, he have SF ribons on all 50h+ armies and not on the others. (on april 11, 2006)


please correct it in UBAR, this place could be the first one to be correct about it.

Long life to B.F.2.S.  you guys ROCK !

=99th= ZalexEA

Last edited by ZalexEA (2006-04-11 08:58:10)

proof on NAVY CROSS.

A guy by the name of StokoE has his navy cross without 500 wins
i was looking at my stats on bf2s and i noticed the only map i hadnt played was dalian plant. I went and played the level for 20 minutes, come back and check my stats and i have the ribbon. im not sure if their are any other requirments apart form playing every chinese map but mabey you have to be chinese for a certain amount of time as well (i have played chinese just over 10 hours). there may also be a time in thearter requirment (i have played about 20 hours on chinese maps). Any ways just thought that some people might want to know that this is probably one of the requierments. Enjoy ur gaming

if you wnat to check my stats my name is jax_t

Last edited by jax (2006-04-16 00:41:20)

Hey folks. I played all the maps for at least 1 second and have under 25 hours of BF2 logged.

I received the ribbons today.

My username is p90killer.

My ribbons may take time updating. As you can see, I have the middle east one yet appear not to have played one of the maps. This is wrong - I have played them.

You don't need 250 hours of anything. You just need 1 second.

EDIT : Here is my link :

I DO have the Far East AND Middle East. It just hasn't updated yet.

Last edited by p90killer (2006-04-16 12:26:46)

i agree with p90 killer, my friend got his PLA ribbon after playing about 2 hours as china and about 4 hours on chinese maps. he had played them all. i think that the only reck is play ever chinese map for 1 second. you also dont have to play as chinese on all of the chinese maps because i got my PLA ribbon when i had only played dagain oilfields for 5 minutes which was only 1 round as american
+37|6947|Chicago, Il
I just got my Insurgent SF Ribbon.......  ANd I'm Under 50 Hours inthe THeater....  ALl my other SF Ribbons for the Theaters came right after 50 Hours so I just dont understand it....
  I went over 50 Hours on MecSF the other day too and that one didnt show up yet...  So COnfusing....
I just got my first Special Forces ribbon for army service (SAS in this case) and I wanted to point out that UBAR lists the requirements as 100 hours in theatre, when it's 50 hours.  I think it was speculated before, but since I just got it (and was keeping a very close eye on my progress) I'm 100% sure.  My stats will update here shortly to reflect it.

I played every SAS map and my best round was over 100, so those might be a requrement but I cannot confirm it.  My next ribbon will be the same (Insurgents, 5 hours away), however my other SF ribbons I don't have the 100 BRS but I'm over 40 hours away for those and probably won't try to get them.
Yes, as I said 7 post before, it's 50 hours not 5 hours, and not 100 hours like said now on UBAR.

50 Hours, all the guys I saw with those ribons have 50 hours +

Zalex, in the search of truth.

Last edited by ZalexEA (2006-04-18 11:25:05)

Corrosion Inhibitor

ZalexEA wrote:

Yes, as I said 7 post before, it's 50 hours not 5 hours, and not 100 hours like said now on UBAR.

50 Hours, all the guys I saw with those ribons have 50 hours +

Zalex, in the search of truth.
ru sure about that? 50 hrs? cause ive seen ppl with them with only 25 hrs. what chuy has in ubar is what EA Sent him. thats what they said the requirement is. I personally belive that these server side awards have mutiple requirements, getting the correct combination of requirements will get u the award. I belive what they sent chuy was the final requrement. IE. if u did not get the other requirements to get this award it will be given to u when u reach 100 hrs automatically.

Last edited by IBKCKNURASS (2006-04-18 12:54:38)

poo pickles
this thread is worthless unless you already know about it. for example, a search for TOPICS uncer 'MECSF ribbon' will not pull this up, despite there being some data on the ribbon. had i known about this thread, then i would've come here first without even doing a search. i'm just saying...
nice name
ha poo pickles

Might have already been mentioned, but...what the heck?

    *  100h while playing (x SF army)
    * 1s while playing Devil's Perch
    * 1s while playing The Iron Gator
    * 1s while playing Leviathan

That can't be true...LMAO.
I think Expert Armor is wrong .. I'm pretty sure its 400Hours not 300 because I have 330ish and regularly score more than the required 24kills in armor and I haven't got the award yet.
Perviously UBAR had it at 400hours.

update - its also not 350 hours .. so 400 is looking pretty certain.

I've just got it .. 400 hours 24kills.

Last edited by g0s3k1 (2006-05-15 20:41:21)

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