This subject comes up alot in servers when players feel that some ppl over use the grenade launcher and many call it the "noob launcher", no not because it hurls noobs in the air ,but because noobs use it constantly.  Common names of the grenade launcher are noob launcher, noob tube, and the noober tuber, but I myself also refer to them as the noob203 and the GP-noob.  I feel that the launcher hurts the gameplay more than help it because any1 can use it with ease ,even som1 who is tactically retarded or couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with bullets.  They definitly over use it and i don't think alot of them even know there is a fully functionaly assualt rifle attached to their grenade launcher.  I am not totally against the launcher i beleive it should be used it certian situations when it's neccesary ,like on a hummvee or vodnik that is attacking  u or driving by or on som1 who has you pinned down with a mounted machine gun emplacment and sometimes to take out tank gunners.  The part that is noob is when ppl shoot u from 5ft away and kill you ,probably because they suck with the guns and they play too much halo where most of the bullets hit right on the target.  It is not as if it is impossible to kill ppl who use this weapon it is that they only use it because otherwise you would be owning them with bullets.  Even if you are an excellent gun fighter most of the time the launcher will defeat u because it's easy to kill with, but if u give them a gun u would easily fuck them up.  A simple way to solve the grenade launcher dilema is to give every assualt gun with the grenade attachment only ONE grenade round and make it a bit weaker.  I think a dead on shot from the GL should kill ur opponent always ,but they should make it more difficult to kill them by shooting at their feet or next to them.
+8|7084|Virginia, United States
very well put brethren
+0|7110|Your Mom's House
Needs minimum range, then it will be more balanced
Well it is pretty inaccurate at long range however the splash damage from hitting the sides of buildings and what not is pretty outrageous. I don't use it until I get gayed by some hop-tube-hop noob then I'll whip it out and show them what it's really like. You're pretty much garaunteed 3 or 4 kills using it. Then I'll go back to the G3.
+17|7107|Dayton, Ohio
i find it to be useful at times.  however, i am god aweful with the things.  i'm lucky to hit the side of a building.  i miss people all the time with them. (not that i play assualt much).

Last edited by WormGuts (2005-10-13 21:29:47)

One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
You know, I think you should stop your bitching, if someone likes to play with the Noob Tube let them... Maybe they can't afford a fast pc and can not be accurate with a assault rifle because of screen refresh, or they are just shit at it.. Why shouldn't they still enjoy the game and get reasonable kills. 

Maybe you should become a better player and kill them before they can Pwn you.

BTW I have rarely personally used the noob tube.

So what's next limit the number of C4 charges to 3 so spec ops can only take out 1 asset?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
it only bothers me when this is ALL the use, and jump prone while using it.... someone who switches back and forth  and effectivley use both is fine. using only the launcher and never anything else is just whoring an easy source of kills
+3|7100|The Void
Good weapon, yes But there is a time and a place for it.  I read a post somewhere here that mentions that it seems to be more powerful than a regular grenade as well. (which is lame, see Dual 30 mm cannons on AAs)
I do hate getting blown up in a tight alley on K-town only to see both of us fly. I think they should limit ammo and power.

Last edited by ENTR0PYMAN (2005-10-13 21:51:31)

Yes, the Grenade Launcher is fairly powerful, and I do get a bit pissed off I keep on getting repeatedly blown to pieces by the same guy with the M203 or GP-30. If that happens sometimes I will switch to Assault and get them back with the M203 until my rage settles, but otherwise, I sit back with my M95 - M24 and take off their heads at long range. Claymores work real well in alleys where they frequent. But all in all, if you can't handle these grenade launcher users switch to another server where they don't get a chance to use them that much. I have noticed that not many people use them on Wake Island 2007, on Songhua Stalemate and on FuShe Pass. Maybe because there aren't many opportunities for close ranged pwnage. Karkand is the major frag-fest so be prepared for it.
You know, at first it pissed me off too - I'm more of a gun fighter myself ... but, with all these people using hand grenades ( you can complain the same way about those ) and the M203/GP30 - - I said, what the hell, I'll join the fun too.

So far, I've got a pretty bang-up accuracy with the thing, and a not too shabby ratio with it.

My style is to use it against groups of people ( you can't take on 3 guys with a gun, but you can get a damn sweet multikill with the M203 - got one just today ) - and - *shock* to do long-range & anti-vehicle with it.  It's TOUGH to aim, but once you're good at it ...


These guys that use it at 5 feet, just CHANGE YOUR TACTICS! 

I would piss and whine about snipers back in the day (counter strike, day of defeat ) ... but you know what?  I changed my tune.  They're my favorite kills!

"So, you want to snipe me?  Eat pistol!"

So my suggestion - if you're THAT GOOD with the gun, then do this: 

Get out of their five foot range.

Be careful. 

Show them how to the assault gun is used

Because even without the launcher - Assault - imo - is one of the best weapons in the game.  It packs massive punch and it's accurate.  It's one of my best kits.


I've gotten people on Karakand with M203 - from up on top of the spawn hill with the MG - launching down to the wrecked LAV... and ... I use the M203 on Wake too   - I stand right smack in the middle of the road and wait for cars to come at me - one right through the windshield = 5 KILLS E-Z!  OWNED!

If you've got ranged skill with it - you've got it made.

Last edited by KyanWan (2005-10-13 22:40:35)

soup fly mod

Who cares if they use a grenade launcher?  Its part of the game so deal with it...adapt!  Personally I don't think its such a great weapons because if you miss then you're basically dead.  If there are certain levels where they are particularly deadly (e.g. Karkland) then learn where they are used and avoid them.  And is it so hard to stay out of their 5 foot range? I just don't understand why everyone is complaining.
The Mushroom Man
Cause! our shrinks say its bad to keep our emotions bottled up! so we come here and complain

and this is the complain part of the forums? what else would we put here?
It's not as if i can't kill them Iron Geek , i do all the time because they r basicully in every sever u go to, but it takes no work or skill for them to make their kills, when the rest of us aim the just point at the wall behind u and u fucked then they run like panzies when the miss u, im not the one who needs more skill it's those nade launcher abusers.  I deal with it fine ,but this is my complaint and my oppinion on how it could be made better and i'll keep playng it if there r launchers.

Last edited by Deathsc-O-pe[CoD] (2005-10-14 07:22:19)

+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
MY biggest complaint is that they don't have a minimum range.  They should not arm until they have traveled a certain distance (like the real M203).
Yeah, minimum range is the way to go. The problem with it is that people walk around with it out and then accidentally run into someone and fire it from 5ft killing them. They don't normally "hunt" someone with it. If the GL had a minimum range people wouldn't be walking through alleys with it out. They would spot an enemy or a group of enemy first and then pull it out and fire it. (the way it should be done)
+31|7137|St. Louis, MO
I really don't see the big deal about the grenade launcher.It dosn't give me that much of a problem.
Just seeing how this tactic pisses people off makes me want to use it more.So you can point and click a mouse better,so what.Tactics are just as important as shooting skill.To call someone a noob for using a sound tactic is just dumb.
+8|7084|Virginia, United States
it takes no skill, and most of the time they run up to u and shoot the ground and kill u and themselves
+0|7083|Columbus, Ga.
i don't understand why people get so upset about the grenade's part of the game and like some have stated, a necessary weapon option to certain situations.  I think one of the main problems is people getting pissed just cus someone "supposedly" not as good as they "think" they are, kills them.  Tactically sound people should avoid most of the "newbs" as you ppl like to call them anyway. 

maybe instead of complaining, you should adapt.
+8|7084|Virginia, United States
[CPD] i bet u use the noob launcher the wrong way, most of the time u walk into an area and they shoot it at u, or they kill themselves to get u, its jus stupid, and most of them dont use anythin else besides it, k it wouldnt bother me if they used their assault rifle as well, but when they always kill themselves with it plus u its damn right annoyin, or when they camp an area with it
+0|7083|Columbus, Ga.
i understand your frustration man, believe me, but that's what the squad based gameplay is for.  for instance, myself and 4 of my friends always play in a squad together, and we never have problems with these people.  They will at the most kill one of us, and then they die while reloading. 

i think it's pretty sorry when some of em shoot it right at the ground and take us both out but hey, that's how it goes.  One of the things that drew me to this game was the different classes having different playing styles and methods of killing.  In my opinion, the assault guy SHOULD be killing lost of ppl and especially with that weapon.  Hell, they are even better if they have a decent squad helping them out cus then you are really screwed.

Enjoy the diversity with the makes the game much better.

*edit - i don't use it too much except for maybe Karkand.  otherwise i'm straight Anti-Tank.

Last edited by [CPD]588 (2005-10-14 13:21:09)


DeAThSniPer[CoD] wrote:

it takes no skill, and most of the time they run up to u and shoot the ground and kill u and themselves

DeAThSniPer[CoD] wrote:

It takes no skill, and most of the time they run up to you, shoot the ground and kill you and themselves.
I just wanted to point out that you were eight keypresses away from not looking like a total moron.

Anyway, I think the real issue with the GL is that it's a one-hit kill, and even though it has very small splash damage most anything inside it takes 100% damage. And often, you can't hear it, and it's easier than scoring a headshot at close range, and, because it's an unguided projectile, you can pop out of cover, aim, fire, and be back into cover quickly; you don't have to stand there and fire off several rounds.

If you really want to avoid it, keep moving, and stay away from walls if you can help it (it's easier to kill with the splash damage than a direct hit). If they're bunnyhopping, lead and aim for their chest/throat where they are going to land, instead of following them.

Now, I use the GL. A lot. It's especially fun on Karkand when you knock someone out with the assault rifle, switch to the GL and wait for a group of medics to arrive and try to resurrect their fallen teammate. One time I got seven kills doing this (killed the guy, two medics showed up, killed them and the guy again, another medic shows up and I let him res two before popping them).

As far as skill, it does take some. Well, bunnyhopping doesn't, but there's a difference between bunnyhopping around in close quarters and being able to hit a moving target 20m away, or hitting the driver's side windshield of a Vodnik or Humvee at speed. (This is great because it really pisses off people who thought they were going to run you down, and you get a free vehicle, albeit 49% damaged.)

Mastering the GL is a long road and it takes an insane amount of practice. [url=]But it's a beautiful thing.[/url]

(Those two guys were capping the flag, if you zoom in you can barely see the corpses.)
+0|7083|Columbus, Ga.
ty sir. and damn....nice shot.
I agree with DeathSC.  Im not saying limit the number of grenades you have to launch or decreasing the damage it does.  Compared with real grenades and 203s the ones in the game are actually quite underpowered.  But what pisses me off the most is when I am close enough to someone to knife them and they shoot me with their 203 killing me and running off to do it again.  If they are going to use it at that close of a range they shouldl die too.  Now i don't know how many of you guys ever played Americas Army, but I feel that game got it right.  They had it worked out so you the actual 203 round would not explode unless you shot it about 10-15 yards making it more realistic.  I think it's a hard weapon to master at long to medium.... but it's sad when someone uses it at short ranges exclusivly and gets away with it.
Mass Media Casualty

I agree with IronGeek. I like pulling out the grenade launcher sometimes and blasting people with it. It's good fun. Keep it how it is.
[Blinking eyes thing]
its a game.  the 203 is part of it.  theres alot of other ghey things to bitch about. like the new message that allows all seeing eye not to connect and you gotta manually enter the ip.  now that is stoopid.

the m203 is a weapon that allows an advantage. if you dont like to use it well thats on you.  you can get pretty deadly with its range and capabilities to take out  4 or 5 guys with it. and THEN even switch to the m16 or the ak which owns also.   if you cant take the heat step off.  dont whine cuz you get owned with it.

u can average 4 or 5 kills easily with it.  tween the nade and the gun its on.   its an edge.  and well i kick ass with  it. and i will continue to.  gotta love the peeps who cry when they get naded.  ive got the range down pat now and ill hit u from FAR.

no skills with other weapons?  i can use em all.  preference and edge calls for the 203. i mean why not use an advantage.     ok this gun kills easily,  but dont use it cuz if u do your a noob.  LAFF  thats an excuse for the pain u feel for getting owned with it.  like they say in the marines.  ADAPT!!!

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