I learnt that speed traps (speed cameras) use beats to determine the velocity of a car. But that was an accident, I didn't mean to learn it, I just stumbled across it.
very nice.liquidat0r wrote:
I learnt that speed traps (speed cameras) use beats to determine the velocity of a car. But that was an accident, I didn't mean to learn it, I just stumbled across it.
they've done away with speed camera's here in the valley. apparently, it was only taking pictures of the plate, and therefor could not establish who was driving. . .
wait did liq ban himself
yepNarupug wrote:
wait did liq ban himself
Holy shit Finray's playing something other than WoW
Finray doesn't play WoW, he plays Wowbee.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Hey, that's my avatar. No fair!Poseidon wrote:
That U looks exactly like the WoW 'W'
How does a U look like a W?Mekstizzle wrote:
That U looks exactly like the WoW 'W'
The same style, you know what I meantliquidat0r wrote:
How does a U look like a W?Mekstizzle wrote:
That U looks exactly like the WoW 'W'
and that's how a U can look like a W
It's all gold and epic-looking.liquidat0r wrote:
How does a U look like a W?Mekstizzle wrote:
That U looks exactly like the WoW 'W'
Whenever I used to play WoW on Xfire, the 'W' would merge with my Xfire username and make me into "W i n k y ~".
It was a definite bonus.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
You mean in the WoW logo?
The Xfire-logo for Warcraft, yes.
It's very similar in graphical style to the Unreal Tournament-series.
It's very similar in graphical style to the Unreal Tournament-series.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
quick, someone go on wow so i can see too!
10038, fuck me.
Shut up Cammy.
it only took you 3 weeks to notice too!liquidat0r wrote:
Hey, that's my avatar. No fair!Poseidon wrote:
Shut it Alba.
WoW runs pretty well on my Macbook, sweeeet .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Why does my xfire logo always appear red?
ohai liq you dumb bitch, lel at 3 daysliquidat0r wrote:
lawl hi
turns out my ban was 3 days
Because you're gay.SirSchloppy wrote:
Why does my xfire logo always appear red?
What was the y/n thing about yday!?
Cause you play a gay red game.