You say "adding tons of lore", everyone else says shitting on a perfectly decent intellectual property for the purpose of making the game even easier and even more accessible to everyone, shamelessly altering fundamental game design mechanics in order to open the floodgates for every possible customer.

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

You say "adding tons of lore", everyone else says shitting on a perfectly decent intellectual property for the purpose of making the game even easier and even more accessible to everyone, shamelessly altering fundamental game design mechanics in order to open the floodgates for every possible customer.

In WoW, I have never considered the lore to be a part of the gameplay. Most of it works out to be "we're fighting dragons? OH SHIT, dragons did important stuff in the past!"
Moderator Emeritus
+148|6882|Cheshire, UK

Defiance wrote:

Blizzard can make really fucking awesome cinematics. Go download WC3 and watch them. If they have creative control of the screenplay, it would work out very well.
Blizz used to be known mostly for spending a long (loooong) time getting a game right and boy did they get it right (WCI,II,III,FT... Diablo... once again...Diablo). Now they're known as "that corporate giant that owns World of Warcraft". That immediately paints them as this insidious money-maker out to screw over gamers for cash. you're right, they make good cut scenes but I dunno how well they would do with a movie audiences expectations. They will undoubtedly maintain some strong control but I think they are wise enough to know that they have a skille dprofessional in the media to make the appropriate decisions.
this is why I have good hopes.

Defiance wrote:

Supposedly, another expansion is in the works for WoW. If the released info is accurate (and it usually is) then the plot is becoming rather more intricate. Not that it isn't already, but they're adding tons of lore which could only help the movie along, if not coincide with the expansion.
It's Blizzcan this fri/Sat and there's a LOT of expectation that Cataclysm will be announced. the kinda thing that's being talked about (leaked) is new races (goblin & wargen), revamping the old areas, class/race shakup.

Uzique wrote:

You say "adding tons of lore", everyone else says shitting on a perfectly decent intellectual property for the purpose of making the game even easier and even more accessible to everyone, shamelessly altering fundamental game design mechanics in order to open the floodgates for every possible customer.
As an endgame raider (RL, GM) I get where you're coming from but people cry about the "good old days" when serious gamers were men and casuals were... what was I saying about a girls game?
It's all nostalgic BS.
The same hardcore players have QQ'd enough about how "they cba to level their alts", "it takes sooo long" etc but when levelling was made easier/quicker it's all "we had it hard in our day (queue monty Python scetch). Putting together 40 man raids was horrible and a sizeable number of top quality players never got to raid because guilds would not make the grade.
Accessibility is a good thing. Blizz making more money from their flagship product is a good thing. If you are a top player you can get into a top guild, you can raid the top instances before anyone else, you can put yourself up against hard modes that others can't handle. It's different but all the crying is seriously lame and mostly the ignorant repeating the trolls.

That said, I could be wrong.
Still gonna watch the film.

Defiance wrote:

In WoW, I have never considered the lore to be a part of the gameplay. Most of it works out to be "we're fighting dragons? OH SHIT, dragons did important stuff in the past!"
Yahtzee of ZP reviews sums WoW up as "a load of grind and spiders". The lore can be as important to your game as you like (RP servers) or as trivial as you want ("I don't care why you wanted 500 boars dead, just give me the cash!"). For the film however it's pretty fundamental. The next expansion will draw out more of the lore and I expect will move the game on more than we have seen for a long time. It'll be interesting to see what the film adds to that.
as himself

Bruccie as ????

joli as an elf???

@Duffry: Personally, I picked up WoW at Beta and played two characters a shameful amount- Rank 14 in PvP was my first 'major' achievement, and I think you are right about drawing the connection between former-FPS competitors and WoW-PvP. With the same character I seamlessly migrated into PvE and raided all of the content constantly until the death of Vanilla WoW... had seen most of Naxx, and then the next day Blizzard decided to give all of my Grand Marshal PvP gear, that took 4 months of hard grind to get, to casuals for pitiful amounts of AV-idled honor. Ever since then, in my personal opinion, the game has gone downhill... although of course my own personal experience taints that. When TBC launched I rolled a blood-elf mage and, again, enjoyed playing in 2500+ rated Arena teams and raiding SSC/TK, before Black Temple was introduced. It just didn't have the same difficulty gradient; it was fun, but it was noticeably mediocre in comparison-- nothing to do with nostalgia.

But I digress... yes it is a great game, incredibly good for casual gamers and mindblowingly good for somebody considering their first MMORPG. The movie is going to be a huge money-spinner for the franchise.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|6882|Cheshire, UK

Uzique wrote:

the next day Blizzard decided to give all of my Grand Marshal PvP gear, that took 4 months of hard grind to get, to casuals for pitiful amounts of AV-idled honor.
Yup, this welfare epics approach is something that (understandably) winds a lot of people up. I've been found to bemoan the system myself many a time.

As someone who puts a scary amount of time into developing and maintaining a community and raiding guild I take a certain pride in knowing we get gear others can't get. Then along comes the next patch and suddenly anyone running 5 mans can get the badges we have wiped night after night for.

It sucks.

On the flip side though, instances like Sunwell take a lot of time. If they only get experienced by the hardcore elite then it's a pretty hard sell to fund a decent budget for their development when other content could be developed that more people will enjoy. It's a pretty decent system to have a new zone that can be enjoyed sooner, faster harder by the 'elite' and then also by everyone else when a loot-piƱata comes along for the casuals.

On the flip-fliup side. if you piss off your hardcore minority player base you might just find that they're the ones investing their time in the communities, websites and information prorogation that you relied upon.

Balance is the key I guess.

duffry wrote:

Yahtzee of ZP reviews sums WoW up as "a load of grind and spiders". The lore can be as important to your game as you like (RP servers) or as trivial as you want ("I don't care why you wanted 500 boars dead, just give me the cash!"). For the film however it's pretty fundamental. The next expansion will draw out more of the lore and I expect will move the game on more than we have seen for a long time. It'll be interesting to see what the film adds to that.
Certainly. I don't think it's fair to call this a "WoW movie" as WoW is going to have next to doing to do with it, or so I hope. There were a handful of things that happen in WoW but most of the content would come from the RTS games. A bit came in WotLK; IE Wrynn declared war on the Horde after the huge Undercity event but it had little to no effect on the actual gameplay. PvP was around before it, now the RPers can more gleefully yell battle cries.. or something.

Then Cataclysm info leaked. Faction leaders are changing, Thrall ragequits Hellscream declares war as well; the Horde capital is destroyed and the short arses finally get their city back. Dragons do some more important things.

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