+786|6266|Ontario | Canada
Fuck Money, Smoke Bitches, Get Trees

Amdi Peter wrote:


Asking if she is serious about having kids with you is a little weird though.  It's a joke dude.
Don't be so sure about that. I've met some pretty weird girls in my life.
Ie, one living 200km away from me, who desperately wanted to have sex with me, and her friend, who wanted the same (they even send pics of themselves nude).
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Belgium,.. *sigh

Don't date weird girls tbh, you don't have low self esteem now do you? I thought you wére a girl by the way.

Also, don't date girls you know from the internet and dont rate them based on a small 160x160 pixel avatar. In general, don't rate people based on a photograph. Many people that look good on pictures are fuckly in real life and the other way around; I know quite a few stunning girls, that I would rate average if I'd only know them from pictures. Being photographed is as much an art as taking photographs.

Amdi Peter wrote:

Okay, so there is this girl that I only know through MSN, we somehow have each others. She's 16 and I'm 17, we just started writing by accident (neither of us could remember from where we know each other).

I showed her a pic of I, and she showed me a pic of her.
Then she asked for my number, and I gave it to her.
We texted for a bit, she didn't really seemed that interested in writing with me.
Then yesterday she texted me.

Her: "Hey ^^"
Me: "Hey ^^"
Her: "haha^^ you're so pretty I wanna have kids with you ^^"

Then I asked if she was being serious, and she said a bit.
Two hours ago I got a text saying "hey" followed with, and I quote,

I, again, asked her if she was serious, and she said it depended on my answer. So to sum it all up, I asked her if she wanted to have kids at 16 with a guy she has never met, and she said, "I know, but you are so pretty, and I don't wanna get old".
Now she's not answering my text, so she has either gone to bed or is refusing to answer me.

What should I do?
She's fucking around with you dude... leave it
Looking for my Scooper
You don't want to meet such a girl anyway tbh
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6470|New Haven, CT
Lai, that is why they invented Facebook (according to something Uzique posted, literally.) Multiple pictures provide for a sufficiently accurate determination of someone's looks.
Amdi Peter
Well, I kinda like weird girls, but I think this is a bit too weird for me..

Amdi Peter wrote:

Well, I kinda like weird girls, but I think this is a bit too weird for me..
Weren't you a girl a few weeks ago?


Uzique wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Uzique wrote:

the unstable girl can fuck off; im still living with her but personally i hope she develops a heroin addiction and fucks off.

i still love her but that's just an overhanging emotional inconvenience; she's fucked up and isnt worth the self-degrading, mindfucking hassle.
So are you two still together or is it going to be a drunk hookup only type of thing?
confirmedly not together and would take a helluva lot of absinthe to provoke a drunken hookup.

all the good feelings are still there but a lot of bitterness, spite and negativity arising from being the victim of selfishness and inconsideracy hangs over me. lots of other booty calls and hassle-free hookups; the tolerance, understand and patience with her emotional/mental baggage ran out a looong time ago. im 20 years old; fuck bitches, have fun, they're never worth it and certainly never appreciate it.
Good man. How's Ibiza?
+5,233|6675|Global Command
I'm about to lose my mind.

Me and the missus have been married for nine years. There is a pretty settled routine; one of us will mention sexy time, we prod each other into the shower and have at it after being sterilized.

This morning I came into the room, snuggled up to her in the classic spoon position, and hit her up. " got to go, I'm late. "

So this evening, I suggested it again. She says okay. I shower and come out. She showers and then when she comes in the room, she's like " so is this your way of whooing me? "

I'm like, " wtf??? "

No affection, blah blah blah, no compliments, yadda yadda yada. She goes on this full tirade and ends up in bed alone while I pace the house wondering what the hell happened.

It's not like a case of blue balls, I would be fine if somebody took a bat to my nuts and rendered them useless. I don't fucking get it. She rarely hits me up for sex. When she does, it's usually in some whiny way like " you don't like me any more, because you never want to do me..."

This whole time we have been married I have told her two things; " if you are thinking about sex, just know that I want to do it. Never wonder. And secondly " nothing makes me happier than when a woman tells me exactly what she wants ". That doesn't just go for sex; I'd be happy if she said, hug me, hold my hand. Instead, no. She'll just sit there, not touching me, getting madder and madder by the second because she isn't getting what she wants. Which, I gotta say, is not conducive to a boner, meaning a pissed off woman is not exactly attractive.

I have also explained in detail the mental state I'm in with the financial stress and what all.

Guys, do your self a favor; take a razor blade and cut your penis off. It will bring little to you but pain and expense.
Wiki Contributor

But what if we're not as lucky as James May?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
cry! that'll teach her!

tbh i have no idea.... they're nuts

ATG wrote:

nothing makes me happier than when a woman tells me exactly what she wants ". That doesn't just go for sex; I'd be happy if she said, hug me, hold my hand. Instead, no. She'll just sit there, not touching me, getting madder and madder by the second because she isn't getting what she wants.
If that makes you happy, this world wasn't made for you

Other than that,.. isn't it just the time of the month? If it's not maybe you should break the routine. No offense, but pretty settled routine can get boring. Considering your remark regarding "financial stress" I guess that taking her to Europe or something isn't an option, so you'll have to make do with opportunities given and seize the moment.

I wonder myself sometimes; why the hell do I have to be an atheist? Because if I wasn't I would have become a priest long ago, it's just such a wonderfull excuse for celibacy.

ATG wrote:

I'm about to lose my mind.

Me and the missus have been married for nine years. There is a pretty settled routine; one of us will mention sexy time, we prod each other into the shower and have at it after being sterilized.

This morning I came into the room, snuggled up to her in the classic spoon position, and hit her up. " got to go, I'm late. "

So this evening, I suggested it again. She says okay. I shower and come out. She showers and then when she comes in the room, she's like " so is this your way of whooing me? "

I'm like, " wtf??? "

No affection, blah blah blah, no compliments, yadda yadda yada. She goes on this full tirade and ends up in bed alone while I pace the house wondering what the hell happened.

It's not like a case of blue balls, I would be fine if somebody took a bat to my nuts and rendered them useless. I don't fucking get it. She rarely hits me up for sex. When she does, it's usually in some whiny way like " you don't like me any more, because you never want to do me..."

This whole time we have been married I have told her two things; " if you are thinking about sex, just know that I want to do it. Never wonder. And secondly " nothing makes me happier than when a woman tells me exactly what she wants ". That doesn't just go for sex; I'd be happy if she said, hug me, hold my hand. Instead, no. She'll just sit there, not touching me, getting madder and madder by the second because she isn't getting what she wants. Which, I gotta say, is not conducive to a boner, meaning a pissed off woman is not exactly attractive.

I have also explained in detail the mental state I'm in with the financial stress and what all.

Guys, do your self a favor; take a razor blade and cut your penis off. It will bring little to you but pain and expense.
Do something impulsive...take her out for a picnic on a nice day and bang her next to a river.

ATG wrote:

I'm about to lose my mind.

Me and the missus have been married for nine years. There is a pretty settled routine; one of us will mention sexy time, we prod each other into the shower and have at it after being sterilized.

This morning I came into the room, snuggled up to her in the classic spoon position, and hit her up. " got to go, I'm late. "

So this evening, I suggested it again. She says okay. I shower and come out. She showers and then when she comes in the room, she's like " so is this your way of whooing me? "

I'm like, " wtf??? "

No affection, blah blah blah, no compliments, yadda yadda yada. She goes on this full tirade and ends up in bed alone while I pace the house wondering what the hell happened.

It's not like a case of blue balls, I would be fine if somebody took a bat to my nuts and rendered them useless. I don't fucking get it. She rarely hits me up for sex. When she does, it's usually in some whiny way like " you don't like me any more, because you never want to do me..."

This whole time we have been married I have told her two things; " if you are thinking about sex, just know that I want to do it. Never wonder. And secondly " nothing makes me happier than when a woman tells me exactly what she wants ". That doesn't just go for sex; I'd be happy if she said, hug me, hold my hand. Instead, no. She'll just sit there, not touching me, getting madder and madder by the second because she isn't getting what she wants. Which, I gotta say, is not conducive to a boner, meaning a pissed off woman is not exactly attractive.

I have also explained in detail the mental state I'm in with the financial stress and what all.

Guys, do your self a favor; take a razor blade and cut your penis off. It will bring little to you but pain and expense.
A woman cannot live without compliments. They will shrivvle up and die. Do something romantic or spontaneous, be very romantic. That will bring back the sex in your life. A woman will never tell a guy what she wants, because in her mind, her man should know what she wants already.
Amdi Peter
Now, later today (in about 3hours) I'm going to meet with this girl (yup, the crazy one)

Now, she has told me that she's a girl that wants to be taken by storm (is that a term in english?), so that she can't say no.

Any ideas how to do that?
This is quite urgent.

EDIT: She also said I could decide where we'd meet. Any ideas to that too? (what kind of enviroment)

Last edited by Amdi Peter (2009-08-18 03:21:38)

Un Moderador

Hm, that's a hard one. I dunno.... cock-in-a-box?

Just do something you wouldn't normally do with girls or something you think she'll enjoy. No movies or dinner or lunch.
Amdi Peter

Zimmer wrote:

Hm, that's a hard one. I dunno.... cock-in-a-box?

Just do something you wouldn't normally do with girls or something you think she'll enjoy. No movies or dinner or lunch.
The problem is just, my mind is blank. I need insperation.

Taken by storm I think means grab her, drag her to the nearest hotel room and fuck the shit out of her repeatedly. That or she's a massive cock tease, which is much more likely.

Personally, I'd meet somewhere public with lots of witnesses. I'm not entirely convinced you're going to return from meeting your e-girl alive.
Amdi Peter

ghettoperson wrote:

Taken by storm I think means grab her, drag her to the nearest hotel room and fuck the shit out of her repeatedly. That or she's a massive cock tease, which is much more likely.

Personally, I'd meet somewhere public with lots of witnesses. I'm not entirely convinced you're going to return from meeting your e-girl alive.
I'm serious about this, besides, it's in my neigbourtown.

And besides, if it's a 40-year old man, I'll just run.

Amdi Peter wrote:

she's a girl that wants to be taken by storm (is that a term in english?), so that she can't say no.
Sounds like a perfect opportunity for rape, tbh.
Amdi Peter

liquidat0r wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

she's a girl that wants to be taken by storm (is that a term in english?), so that she can't say no.
Sounds like a perfect opportunity for rape, tbh.

Amdi Peter wrote:

I'm serious about this

Amdi Peter wrote:

Now, later today (in about 3hours) I'm going to meet with this girl (yup, the crazy one)

Now, she has told me that she's a girl that wants to be taken by storm (is that a term in english?), so that she can't say no.

Any ideas how to do that?
This is quite urgent.

EDIT: She also said I could decide where we'd meet. Any ideas to that too? (what kind of enviroment)
I'm getting the funny feeling it's neither a girl nor a 40 year old bloke, but some kind of pedo squad, suspecting YOU of being a 40 year old bloke.

That said, I guess there isn't an awfull lot of exiting things you can do in Belgium. You can of course take it literally and take her to the North Sea shore; uncomfortable gusts of wind guaranteed! Other than that I think you should just see it as a hint that she doesn't want you to be shy or slow and leave the initiative to her. She lets you pick the place, so she expect you to have come up with something briliant when you meet. If you live close to the ardennes, you could take her to a riverside or something. In general though, pick a place you supose both of you feel comfortable. Not overly remote or lonely the first time, but also not some place overly crowded. Avoid places overly cheap or tacky as well; no Mac Do, Ali Kebab or whatever. And because your from one of the low countries, I emphasize: you pay everything!
Amdi Peter

Lai wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

Now, later today (in about 3hours) I'm going to meet with this girl (yup, the crazy one)

Now, she has told me that she's a girl that wants to be taken by storm (is that a term in english?), so that she can't say no.

Any ideas how to do that?
This is quite urgent.

EDIT: She also said I could decide where we'd meet. Any ideas to that too? (what kind of enviroment)
I'm getting the funny feeling it's neither a girl nor a 40 year old bloke, but some kind of pedo squad, suspecting YOU of being a 40 year old bloke.

That said, I guess there isn't an awfull lot of exiting things you can do in Belgium. You can of course take it literally and take her to the North Sea shore; uncomfortable gusts of wind guaranteed! Other than that I think you should just see it as a hint that she doesn't want you to be shy or slow and leave the initiative to her. She lets you pick the place, so she expect you to have come up with something briliant when you meet. If you live close to the ardennes, you could take her to a riverside or something. In general though, pick a place you supose both of you feel comfortable. Not overly remote or lonely the first time, but also not some place overly crowded. Avoid places overly cheap or tacky as well; no Mac Do, Ali Kebab or whatever. And because your from one of the low countries, I emphasize: you pay everything!
It's the most bring town ever.

No parks or lakes, just buildings, road, a shopping center..

So I don't want us to meet up a place, and then don't know where to go.
+718|6667|Austin, Texas
I was going to suggest that she's not the girl in the pictures but some ugly chick instead who'll say "I thought you'll like me for me" despite having a beer belly.

I dunno, I would never deal with those types. Can't see it going right tbh.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
wait wait wait, have you ONLY seen her in pictures?

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