How often do you lie and how well are you at it?
I'm a compulsive liar, and I get away with it alot of the time so I just keep going.

I don't lie to friends, but when I need to, I am very good at it.
terrible liar tbh

Baba Booey
I lie in stories to add drama to conversation. I never do it to make myself look good though.
I lie if i really need to, if i can avoid it ill do it.
I just stretch the truth
I know fucking karate
I don't really lie, but I like to call out people's bullshit when they're trying to embellish a story. Awkwardness makes me moist.
oi jamesey, your gf called me a liar that time on vent saying I wasn't from London, then she said say a sentance, and I did and she was all "oh ok i guess you are from london after all."
remember that?
good times
remember that?
good times

To save my ass or profit, but there are a very few people whom I can't.
I'm lying right now.
cause.Sup wrote:
Why is it ok for politicians to lie?

Baba Booey
love to lie, makes me good at spotting others too
life is fun
life is fun
fuckin liarjsnipy wrote:
I'm lying right now.
I try not to lie.
I'm the worst liar there is, so I tend to do as little lying as possible.
"Lying is not only saying what isn’t true. It is also, in fact especially, saying more than is true and, in the case of the human heart, saying more than one feels. We all do it, every day, to make life simpler".
Albert Camus on the absurdist/existentialist motherfuckin' bomb there, thank you very much.
Albert Camus on the absurdist/existentialist motherfuckin' bomb there, thank you very much.
Last edited by Uzique (2009-08-17 16:01:29)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Ask me no questions and I shall tell you no lies.
Or however the quote goes.
I think I tend to work on that philosophy. When "required".
Or however the quote goes.
I think I tend to work on that philosophy. When "required".
How can you tell when a politician is lying?.Sup wrote:
Why is it ok for politicians to lie?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
his mouth is moving
On topic, I lie to save my ass, and like Jamesey, I love calling people's bullshit and watch them try and get around it somehow, always makes me laugh.
good timesDauntless wrote:
oi jamesey, your gf called me a liar that time on vent saying I wasn't from London, then she said say a sentance, and I did and she was all "oh ok i guess you are from london after all."
remember that?
good times
SirSchloppy wrote:
How can you tell when a politician is lying?.Sup wrote:
Why is it ok for politicians to lie?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
his mouth is moving
On topic, I lie to save my ass, and like Jamesey, I love calling people's bullshit and watch them try and get around it somehow, always makes me laugh.
.Sup wrote:
I call bullshit.mafia996630 wrote:
its true..Sup wrote:
she said http:....?
Calling bullshit....
I hate people who lie to make themselves look good. But I'm one of the best liars about(no pun that's not a lie). I can usually get myself out of anything with persuasive talking.
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I'm a bit weird, I sometimes lie without thinking about it about really trivial stuff. Like, someone will ask me if I've seen a movie and I'll say yes, then realise that I actually haven't, then say that I haven't.