Source: … risis.html
Here's a partial list of the notable people on this list:
1. Joe Cassano - former President of AIG; and Angelo Mozilio - co-founder and former CEO of mortgage lender Countrywide
2. Phil Gramm (R) - chairman of the Senate Banking Committee from 1995-2003
3. Alan Greenspan - former Federal Reserve Chairman
4. Christopher Cox - former chief of the SEC
5. The American Consumer
6. Hank Paulson - former Goldman Sachs exec
11. Richard Fuld - former CEO of Lehman Brothers
13. Bill Clinton - former President of the United States
14. George W. Bush - former President of the United States
15. Stan O'Neal - former CEO at Merrill Lynch
16. Wen Jiabao - Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
19. Bernard Madoff - pull off $50 billion Ponzi scheme
20. Lewis Ranieri - repackaged bad loans as good
23. Sandy Weill - built Citigroup
Who I don't find on the list was Congressman Charles B. Rangel (D) and others who forced into law for low-income housing provisions.
Here's a partial list of the notable people on this list:
1. Joe Cassano - former President of AIG; and Angelo Mozilio - co-founder and former CEO of mortgage lender Countrywide
2. Phil Gramm (R) - chairman of the Senate Banking Committee from 1995-2003
3. Alan Greenspan - former Federal Reserve Chairman
4. Christopher Cox - former chief of the SEC
5. The American Consumer
6. Hank Paulson - former Goldman Sachs exec
11. Richard Fuld - former CEO of Lehman Brothers
13. Bill Clinton - former President of the United States
14. George W. Bush - former President of the United States
15. Stan O'Neal - former CEO at Merrill Lynch
16. Wen Jiabao - Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
19. Bernard Madoff - pull off $50 billion Ponzi scheme
20. Lewis Ranieri - repackaged bad loans as good
23. Sandy Weill - built Citigroup
Who I don't find on the list was Congressman Charles B. Rangel (D) and others who forced into law for low-income housing provisions.