Zee Ruskie
+295|7090|Moscow, Russia

lowing wrote:

Why do I need to re-research what has extensively already been shown.
you do not need to re-research anything - you need to read the bloody thing to form your, the mighty lowing's own opinion. you do know the difference between some phrases that've been taken out of context and posted on the internetz, and first hand experience, don't you?

lowing wrote:

... Christianity's message... the teachings of the 2 major religions...
... the teachings and actions of Christ and the teachings and actions of Muhammad...
had you actually read them "holy" books you'd have known that there is no christianity's or islam, or any other religion's "message". all, a hundred bloody percent, of so called religious teachings are utter nonsence, as are any other information and public opinion manipulation tools - obtuse, self contradictory, easily turned around to support whatever agenda those in power may have. basically, you are comparing one set of nonsence-texts to another, dude, by picking random sentences and setting them against each other in an attempt to see which one's more "violent". um... lulz?

lowing wrote:

Stop squirming and accept Islam for what it teaches and practices in Islamic run nations
islam doesn't run nations - religious nutjobs do.

FEOS wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i think all we've proved so far is humans use religions = among other things, to justify violence.

edit: one of these days i should start using a spellchecker...

Last edited by Shahter (2009-08-11 05:06:51)

if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

Shahter wrote:

lowing wrote:

Why do I need to re-research what has extensively already been shown.
you do not need to re-research anything - you need to read the bloody thing to form your, the mighty lowing's own opinion. you do know the difference between some phrases that've been taken out of context and posted on the internetz, and first hand experience, don't you?

lowing wrote:

... Christianity's message... the teachings of the 2 major religions...
... the teachings and actions of Christ and the teachings and actions of Muhammad...
had you actually read them "holy" books you'd have known that there is no christianity's or islam, or any other religion's "message". all, a hundred bloody percent, of so called religious treachings are utter nonsence, as are any other information and public opinion manipulation tools - obtuse, self contradictory, easily turned around to support whatever agenda those in power may have. basically, you are comparing one set of nonsence-texts to another, dude, by picking random sentences and setting them against each other in an attempt to see which one's more "violent". um... lulz?

lowing wrote:

Stop squirming and accept Islam for what it teaches and practices in Islamic run nations
islam doesn't run nations - religious nutjobs do.

FEOS wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i think all we've proved so far is humans use religions = among other things, to justify violence.
For once I agree with you.

The X stands for
+1,818|6420|eXtreme to the maX
judeo-christian religions are poison, islam is not an exception so much as the norm.
Precisely, Christianity and Judaism have just developed better PR.
The Islamics are at least honest.
Fuck Israel
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6760|The Land of Scott Walker
A small degree of study of the Bible will reveal several distinct facts:

1. The OT was the age of law and following specific rules to prove allegiance to God

2. God's people carried out military campaigns against their enemies on His behalf

3. The OT is the background ushering in the NT

4. The NT began the age of grace (which we are still in now) and a change of heart is the focus

5. The judgment described in the NT is carried out by God at the end of the world, not by His people on His behalf 

See the difference?

Last edited by Stingray24 (2009-08-11 12:55:15)

pub hero!
+603|6696|the land of bourbon
even though he's a comedian, there is some SERIOUS truth to this...
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6760|The Land of Scott Walker
Ok, comedy routine taking the Bible completely out of context and making typical false assumptions.  Next?
pub hero!
+603|6696|the land of bourbon

Stingray24 wrote:

Ok, comedy routine taking the Bible completely out of context and making typical false assumptions.  Next?
ok, try this:
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6760|The Land of Scott Walker
I've already seen just about every comedy routine that says religion is bs.  Not very convincing in debate tbh.  Care to share some of your own thoughts?
pub hero!
+603|6696|the land of bourbon

Stingray24 wrote:

I've already seen just about every comedy routine that says religion is bs.  Not very convincing in debate tbh.  Care to share some of your own thoughts?
the penn & teller vid is not a comedy routine... it points out the simple fact that the bible is FULL of contradictions.  anyone who believes to a letter what is written in the bible is a moron.  how can moses produce commandments, from god, prohibiting killing, yet in the same book quote god telling his followers to kill non-believers?  its pure bullshit, plain and simple.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6999|United States of America

steelie34 wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

I've already seen just about every comedy routine that says religion is bs.  Not very convincing in debate tbh.  Care to share some of your own thoughts?
the penn & teller vid is not a comedy routine... it points out the simple fact that the bible is FULL of contradictions.  anyone who believes to a letter what is written in the bible is a moron.  how can moses produce commandments, from god, prohibiting killing, yet in the same book quote god telling his followers to kill non-believers?  its pure bullshit, plain and simple.
The highlighted area is  the only part of this post that is worthwhile. More important than whether events depicted are true are not is the fact that it's a story and you as a reader are to determine the message behind it, which is how there are all these different interpretations of the book.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7066|Toronto, ON
If you are religious, then whatever house you live in needs a good ol' government liberation.

Seriously now, nearly every war IN HISTORY has been precipitated by religion.  If you want me to prove this, just go die and remove yourself from the gene pool because obviously your history classes have taught you shit.

Religion is a sorry ass excuse for controlling the masses.

I will not be checking this thread again because my word is the last word.  If you disagree, then you are wrong because I am always right.
Alpha as fuck.
pub hero!
+603|6696|the land of bourbon
modern religion has always provided a form of exploitation.  people have always manipulated others based on their beliefs, and religion provides yet another avenue for weak minded people to be preyed on.  when it comes to religion, believe whatever you want, but don't

a) try to get me to believe in the same thing and
b) ask me for money
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6999|United States of America

steelie34 wrote:

when it comes to religion, believe whatever you want, but don't

a) try to get me to believe in the same thing and
b) ask me for money
I fully agree with this part that a persons religious beliefs be kept on a personal level; however, that's where it ends.

I love how everyone throws the word "weak-minded" around. Religion has played an integral role in the history of humankind because we didn't have the science to explain phenomena, and still don't, in many cases, but that certainly doesn't make it obsolete; it was the only thing people had to explain these aspects of life. Religion is FAR more than "I believe there's a god, called God". That's why people are able to use religion as a mask for actual intentions in the "exploitation" you mentioned.
O Canada
+1,596|6719|North Carolina

Stingray24 wrote:

I've already seen just about every comedy routine that says religion is bs.  Not very convincing in debate tbh.  Care to share some of your own thoughts?
Well, to be fair, I'm not sure if anything would be convincing to a believer.

Faith doesn't rely on evidence or logic.  It's simply belief, so debating it is pointless anyway.

Shahter wrote:

lowing wrote:

Why do I need to re-research what has extensively already been shown.
you do not need to re-research anything - you need to read the bloody thing to form your, the mighty lowing's own opinion. you do know the difference between some phrases that've been taken out of context and posted on the internetz, and first hand experience, don't you?

lowing wrote:

... Christianity's message... the teachings of the 2 major religions...
... the teachings and actions of Christ and the teachings and actions of Muhammad...
had you actually read them "holy" books you'd have known that there is no christianity's or islam, or any other religion's "message". all, a hundred bloody percent, of so called religious teachings are utter nonsence, as are any other information and public opinion manipulation tools - obtuse, self contradictory, easily turned around to support whatever agenda those in power may have. basically, you are comparing one set of nonsence-texts to another, dude, by picking random sentences and setting them against each other in an attempt to see which one's more "violent". um... lulz?

lowing wrote:

Stop squirming and accept Islam for what it teaches and practices in Islamic run nations
islam doesn't run nations - religious nutjobs do.

FEOS wrote:

burnzz wrote:

i think all we've proved so far is humans use religions = among other things, to justify violence.

edit: one of these days i should start using a spellchecker...
By this I take it you have read both the Koran and the Bible?  First hand experience?  Do you need to jump off a building bridge to know you will die from it or does the obvious come into play at all in your world.

Already agreed several times the teachings of Christ has been twisted to suit evil agendas. It takes twisting to do evil in the nam of Jesus.

No such twisting is required to do evil in the name of Islam. Its very founder has laid the foundation for it.

Uhhh no, Islamic law rules in some nations, it does not matter if you accept that or not. That fact remains.

No worries unlike most, I take posts for their contents and am not am too bothered by spelling. I leave that for people who have no argument to make, and need something to grasp at.
'twice cooked beef!'
human action as inspired by scripture always involves interpretation, whether literal or metaphorical.

it's amusing how people will discount the violent themes in the bible for frivolous reasons.

'it's in the old testament so it doesn't count'
'it's in revelations so it doesn't count'
'it is a teaching of one of the apostles so it doesn't count'
it might as well be 'i don't agree with it so it doesn't count.'

as if it made any difference. did christ reject the old testament as untrue? does the modern church reject the teachings of paul, or the act of revelations?

or is it simply convenient to willfully ignore those passages in the bible that are at odds with your conviction that christianity is peaceful?

the central theme of christianity is that mankind's sins can only be redeemed and forgiven through violence. god, as an omnipotent being, is unable [or unwilling] to absolve humans of their inherent evil, to the point that he had to resort to ritual human sacrifice to do it.

there is also the inherently violent threat of damnation, as in 'believe in what i say or i will torture you for eternity.'

these are the core beliefs of christianity. compare that with other religions where man can achieve apotheosis through self-actualization [like buddhism] and the contrast is stark, even obvious.

all this word mincing is pointless. what makes one religion peaceful and another one violent? the writing is open to interpretation and we can sit here and argue all day without getting anywhere.

if a religion is full of violent teachings, but no one has ever been harmed as a result, would you call that a violent religion?
how about if a religion doesn't explicitly instruct violence, but millions of people have been killed in its name, would that qualify as a violent religion?

i would sure as fuck call the second one violent. christianity [and judaism] have caused at least as many deaths as islam. all three are violent.

Krappyappy wrote:

human action as inspired by scripture always involves interpretation, whether literal or metaphorical.

it's amusing how people will discount the violent themes in the bible for frivolous reasons.

'it's in the old testament so it doesn't count'
'it's in revelations so it doesn't count'
'it is a teaching of one of the apostles so it doesn't count'
it might as well be 'i don't agree with it so it doesn't count.'

as if it made any difference. did christ reject the old testament as untrue? does the modern church reject the teachings of paul, or the act of revelations?

or is it simply convenient to willfully ignore those passages in the bible that are at odds with your conviction that christianity is peaceful?

the central theme of christianity is that mankind's sins can only be redeemed and forgiven through violence. god, as an omnipotent being, is unable [or unwilling] to absolve humans of their inherent evil, to the point that he had to resort to ritual human sacrifice to do it.

there is also the inherently violent threat of damnation, as in 'believe in what i say or i will torture you for eternity.'

these are the core beliefs of christianity. compare that with other religions where man can achieve apotheosis through self-actualization [like buddhism] and the contrast is stark, even obvious.

all this word mincing is pointless. what makes one religion peaceful and another one violent? the writing is open to interpretation and we can sit here and argue all day without getting anywhere.

if a religion is full of violent teachings, but no one has ever been harmed as a result, would you call that a violent religion?
how about if a religion doesn't explicitly instruct violence, but millions of people have been killed in its name, would that qualify as a violent religion?

i would sure as fuck call the second one violent. christianity [and judaism] have caused at least as many deaths as islam. all three are violent.
Religion is just reason for mindless drones to go to war. War is always surrounded by economic or political reasonings.
Red Forman
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6915|132 and Bush

Krappyappy wrote:

human action as inspired by scripture always involves interpretation, whether literal or metaphorical.

it's amusing how people will discount the violent themes in the bible for frivolous reasons.

'it's in the old testament so it doesn't count'
'it's in revelations so it doesn't count'
'it is a teaching of one of the apostles so it doesn't count'
it might as well be 'i don't agree with it so it doesn't count.'

as if it made any difference. did christ reject the old testament as untrue? does the modern church reject the teachings of paul, or the act of revelations?

or is it simply convenient to willfully ignore those passages in the bible that are at odds with your conviction that christianity is peaceful?
You yourself are willfully ignoring passages. Highlighting only the ones that seem to agree with your message. You're Ignoring the current teachings of Christianity. I see a great bit of hypocrisy here.. in your preaching. Read the rest of the book. It is relevant.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6999|United States of America
Was posted earlier this page, ffs. He's using his status as a comedian as a soapbox to preach his beliefs anyway.
Red Forman

DesertFox- wrote:

Was posted earlier this page, ffs. He's using his status as a comedian as a soapbox to preach his beliefs anyway.
needs to be posted again.
The X stands for
+1,818|6420|eXtreme to the maX

ATG wrote:

Bah, Christians are not laying waste to cities atm, or cutting the heads off Muslims.
No, they bomb from a great height, the effect is much the same.
For cities see Fallujah, Baghdad etc.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

ATG wrote:

Bah, Christians are not laying waste to cities atm, or cutting the heads off Muslims.
No, they bomb from a great height, the effect is much the same.
For cities see Fallujah, Baghdad etc.
Strange, I do not recall anyone dropping bombs in the name of Jesus, oh well you said it, so it must be true.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7090|Moscow, Russia

lowing wrote:

By this I take it you have read both the Koran and the Bible? First hand experience?
not in their entirety, no. those books, you know, are extremely boring and the amount of bullshit in them doesn't help to draw the reader in either. i'm told koran in it's original arab language (obviously, i could only read it translated in russian) is quite poetic and beautyful but i can't tell if it's true myself. the bible, however, i tried in both russian (orthodox version, one would think it should've beeen pretty well written and all, considering) and in english. i've read enough though and, imho, neither of those "holy" books could have been writted, influenced or whatever by an infinitely wise and powerfull being - it's preposterous. the true purpose of so called "religious teachings" is so immediately obvious it's not even funny.

lowing wrote:

Do you need to jump off a building bridge to know you will die from it or does the obvious come into play at all in your world.
as i said, the only obvious thing about religious bullshit is that it's bullshit. just as it is obvious that you base your "opinion" on manufactured data.

say, have you read lewis carrol's alice? to you kids pehaps? doesn't matter, the follwing example would work either way:
i hereby declare that alice books are violent and intolerant, because thay are full of inaproppriate stuff like death jokes and so on. the queen of hearts, that evil devil, orders a beheading in about every sentence - that's just horrible!!1!1one!!1eleven!

see? your "islam is evil" preaching looks exactly like that, dude. koran, or any other "holy scripture" for that matter, is a book of nonsence, much like carrolls works (marvelous stuff, btw). the difference is carroll's nonsence is ment for entertanment, while religious stuff - for information manipulation.

lowing wrote:

Already agreed several times the teachings of Christ has been twisted to suit evil agendas. It takes twisting to do evil in the nam of Jesus.

No such twisting is required to do evil in the name of Islam. Its very founder has laid the foundation for it.

Uhhh no, Islamic law rules in some nations, it does not matter if you accept that or not. That fact remains.
/sigh this is just ridiculous. evil agendas? define "evil" for me, i dare you.
anyway, religion is ment to be twisted. the fact that islam's been twisted more towards supporting violent stuff only means that the societies in which it was being practiced went through really hard times - just that.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
'twice cooked beef!'

Kmarion wrote:

You yourself are willfully ignoring passages. Highlighting only the ones that seem to agree with your message. You're Ignoring the current teachings of Christianity. I see a great bit of hypocrisy here.. in your preaching. Read the rest of the book. It is relevant.
no, i am not ignoring anything. i am well aware that the bible contains plenty of variations on 'the golden rule.'

it's not relevant to my point, which is that the bible contains as much violent themes, teachings, and potential as the koran. again, unless i missed the pope's announcement that the old testament, and all of the violent stuff in the bible is no longer valid, it is implicitly endorsed by Christianity.

and i stand by my point that the basic underpinnings of christianity are inherently violent. no matter how we play with scripture there's no denying it.

the koran also contains plenty of passages that tell people to be nice, which the islam-bashers here are content to ignore.

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