Deadmonkiefart wrote:
That's some scary stuff if it's true. I know that one of the main things keeping Japan down is their decreasing/aging population.
Dude, did you guys bother to read the article he linked as well. In case you didn't it essentially debunks the population growth rates and total numbers discussed in the article.
However, the second link by nickb64 is a case in point as far as the topic - the propaganda on the interwebs. The article is nicely presented as news facts with little to no backup documentation. It's easy to offer up these sociological observations in the form of a "news" article, editorial, youtube video...but who is doing the vetting of information? In many cases, no one is. People just regurgitate as fact something they see in a 7 minute video clip, something they read online, packaged as fact and delivered to a sleek website.
The BBC article makes a point to mention to that these articles/videos are not necessarily the product of erroneous data gathering, but a lack of analyzation in the dissemination of these statistics.
Take for instance this tidbit from Global Politician (nickb64's link)
Year 2025 - Males Aged 20-40
Non-Muslim European Population: 53.4Million
Muslim Population: 5.9 Million
Ratio: 9:1
This ratio of 9:1 is not hypothetical; the people it represents are already here in our maternity wards and schools. It does not however, represent the true picture of 2025. Europe’s welfare states need a constant ratio of workers to dependents, a situation that requires immigration due to feminism’s legacy of career before children. The aforementioned UN report suggests that Europe will require 2.2 million immigrants per year, with the majority coming from Muslim countries. When these extra 28 million immigrants are taken into account the figures look as follows.
Year 2025 - Males Aged 20-40
Non-Muslim Population: 53.4 Million
Muslim Population: 10.1 Million 2
Ratio: 5:1
As these numbers slowly change the character of Europe, many Europeans will simply pack up and leave, a situation occurring already in unprecedented numbers in countries such as Holland which has a 6% Muslim population, one of the highest in Western Europe. According to the Telegraaf an estimated 121,000 native Dutch emigrated in 2006 compared to only 30,000 in 1999. The demographic profile of these emigrants was well educated, 35-44 with good incomes. Their exodus represents a massive 4.5% of their entire age group. In one year.
In Britain, with a lower Muslim percentage but a higher incidence of terrorist activity, more than one in two wish to emigrate. So, to take an overly conservative figure of emigration amongst 20-40 year olds running at a mere 1% per annum, the figures would look as follows.
Year 2025 - Males Aged 20-40
Non-Muslim Population: 44.6 Million
Muslim Population: 10.1 Million
Ratio: 4:1
In the event of civil war erupting, does anyone seriously think that Turkey would remain on the sidelines? By 2025 there will be some 12 millionTurkish males of fighting age. They will probably be part of the European Union well before then, but, if not, it is unlikely that the necessity of a visa will stop them from crossing the border in aid of their fellow Muslims. Should this transpire, the figures are as follows:
Year 2025 - Males Aged 20-40
Non-Muslim Population: 44.6 million
Muslim population: 22.1 million
Ratio: 2:1
Third world immigration into Europe is quite possibly an issue that politically correct Europeans will grudgingly accept; the Islamification of Europe is another matter entirely and I have seen nothing in the rhetoric or physical actions of European Muslims to suggest this is not their aim. Europeans will not allow this to happen, the politicians in suits will find themselves usurped by the men in the streets. This is why these numbers are so important.
And these numbers are probably worse than I suggest here. As events unfold, the 1% trickle of European emigration I cite could well turn into a flood. Daniel Pipes considers an exodus of the bourgeoisie to be a distinct possibility. Also, I am not a demographer3, so I have no idea how to factor in the children of the millions of immigrants predicted to arrive year on year through to 2050. In addition, the majority of immigration is likely to be made up 20-40 year olds, so the 15% figure of their total between now and 2025 could be only half of the true number.
Finally, what statistical advantage do fanatics prepared to die for their cause have over post-Christian Europeans? Unless things change, Europe will find itself with a mere 2:1 advantage within 18 years, and a 5:1 advantage within the next ten. I wouldn’t like odds of 5:1 let alone 2:1, and the argument that moderate Muslims will not become involved is specious; once a few tit for tat atrocities are committed, everybody will be forced to take sides
The author is making ridiculous presuppositions and predictions for the future state of Europe in order to come to his conclusion. And we are actually supposed to believe this? People are actually linking this as inevitable fact?