Toilet Sex wrote:
wtf they bake goldfish? cruelTravisC555 wrote: … ldfish.jpgToilet Sex wrote:
no need to be racist, i know it was a goldfish
Wikipedia wrote:
Goldfish are American snack crackers manufactured by Pepperidge Farm. The crackers come in several flavors and are shaped and colored like small, cartoonish goldfish.
Goldfish come in many varieties:
* Original (plain)
* Cheddar
* Colors (Cheddar flavor, but with green, purple, red, and original colors)
* Parmesan
* Pretzel
* Pizza
* Ranch
* Cinnamon
* Chocolate
* Cheese Trio (Cheddar, zesty cheddar, and Parmesan)
* Reduced Sodium Cheddar
* Calcium Enriched
* Cheddar Made With Whole Grain
* Toasted Corn Made With Whole Grain
* Baby (Miniature crackers)
* Flavor Blasted
* Grahams (Honey, Cinnamon, Chocolate)
* Starfish (A mix of starfish- and goldfish-shaped crackers)
* PhysEdibles (Strawberry and Lemon)[2]