Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

RoosterCantrell wrote:

FLIGHT queue!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Round starts, click on an in-game menu button that reserves a spot in line.   When it is your turn, you will "die" but not lose points, or the team won't lose a ticket.  You instantly respawn in the aircraft.  IF you die, you can re-enter the Queue at the end of the line.  EVEN IF YOU BAIL OUT-you must wait until you die, THEN you can enter the queue.  YOUR QUEUE will freeze if you are the driver of ANY VEHICLE, so you can't leave people in a lurch in a jeep, tank, boat, etc.

Server options to allow "clan" members to reserve every....5thslot in the queue.  (gives an incentive for people to pay for servers) so you can sorta cut in line,  but the 5th slot is only ONE slot that all ALLOWED clan members can fill, by jumping in, or being nearest to the empty slot in the QUEUE.

This above Idea is a bit, offensive to some people I think, but SOMETHING needs to be done about the Jet/Chopper TK/Theft/Crowding/stupidity.

MORE TANKS Slightly weaker against AT, better splash damage. OBSTRUCTED areas where armor cannot go.  Making it partial Infantry, partial vehicle maps. 

AA Radar Commander Asset-  Any AA near Friendly Cap points becomes more powerful/Accurate (or something Similiar)  making certain areas of the map dangerous to anything airborne, while other areas dangerous to drive through without AA suport of some sort.  Or, Engineers have better Accuracy with AA and TOW.

UNDERGROUND! cap points;  Bunkers, Tunnels, etc. where vehicles CANNOT reach

SPec-Ops have UAV DETECTION = Spec Ops know when they are under UAV and if the player stops moving (running/walking) they will not show up on UAV

Snipers DO NOT show up on UAV BUT cap flags at 1/4 Speed

Engineers carry AT Mines OR C4 OR Claymore-type explosives.

Kits More customizable like 2142.

Various kits give unique perks while commander
Spec-Ops: commanders are invisible to UAV, radar sweeps, and cannot be "pointed out"  Commander Assets 2X damage resistance
Support: commanders fire longer/more artillery shots,  quicker Supply drop timers.
Engineer: Commanders have longer UAVs,  All vehicles Repair faster on the TEAM, +5% damage
Medic: Squad Leaders have +15% hit points, Supply Crates heal 2X fast
Assault:  All Players have more Ammo and +3 Grenades

etc. etc.

AA Rocket (weaker than Standard AA) for Support, Engineer, AS A KIT OPTION. (I think 2142 had that? Yes?)

Some not so realistic options, but better for gameplay.

Attrition damage for uncaps.

SERVER OPTION- Cannot Steal Enemy Vehicles.

SERVER OPTION- Support CANNOT resupply Grenades.

C-RAM with weak armor-  Basically, aircraft are done for near it, but one AT round and it's destroyed (for better aircraft/troop teamwork)

FOR TK Bullshit.
Do Not Resuscitate button on keyboard.
Flashbangs, etc.  Do not team damage/disorientation.
Auto-kick for TKs, but for TKing ONE person repeatedly.

:::::::::::::::::::::Other Ideas::::::::::::::::
Method/Keyboard button for Planes to LAND TO RELOAD. (counter with MUCH great splash damage with bombs, and/or more armaments to them.

MORE DIVERSE PLANES on Zatar sized levels.


More Ticket options.

No friendly fire (like in Heroes, 1943 and Bad-Company) would be better than some complex Team Kill punish algorithm.
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine
No friendly fire (like in Heroes, 1943 and Bad-Company) would be better than some complex Team Kill punish algorithm.
No friendly fire should be cut off BF series once and forever. This option is only for no-brainers, I personally accidentaly TK teammate once in a 3-5 rounds. Do not spam claymores/grenades and you wont get massive ammount of TK's. Also think where are you pointing your carpet bombing/Mi-28's gun. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I absolutely hate No FF option, it promotes more arcadish playing style among players, which is unacceptable for BF games.
got any popo lolo intersting?

Longbow wrote:

it promotes more arcadish playing style among players, which is unacceptable for BF games.
You know I lol'd pretty hard. Arcadish gameplay is what sets this game apart (in a good way) from it's competitors.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

No friendly fire (like in Heroes, 1943 and Bad-Company) would be better than some complex Team Kill punish algorithm.
Isn't that already a server option?

Another wish:
Re-introduce artillery spotting/targetting, like in 42, but give spotters some incentive as well.

Last edited by Pubic (15 years, 7 months ago)

+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

DeathUnlimited wrote:

You know I lol'd pretty hard. Arcadish gameplay is what sets this game apart (in a good way) from it's competitors.
I think you havent understood my idea - I ment that with FF=1 people still have to use their brain and look where are they pointing their gun when they press LMB/throw nade/shoot auto cannon/drop artillery barrage. With FF=0 it is completely unnecessary thus making the game completely unrealistic, while BF was always about kind of 'arcade realistic shooter'. If you shoot a teammate - he dies, simple as that. Use your brain and don't shoot teammates.
got any popo lolo intersting?

Longbow wrote:

DeathUnlimited wrote:

You know I lol'd pretty hard. Arcadish gameplay is what sets this game apart (in a good way) from it's competitors.
I think you havent understood my idea - I ment that with FF=1 people still have to use their brain and look where are they pointing their gun when they press LMB/throw nade/shoot auto cannon/drop artillery barrage. With FF=0 it is completely unnecessary thus making the game completely unrealistic, while BF was always about kind of 'arcade realistic shooter'. If you shoot a teammate - he dies, simple as that. Use your brain and don't shoot teammates.
BF2 has never been any realistic. Or even tried to. That is the thing that makes it good.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
I'm moving to Brazil
ability to skin or upgrade ur guy's outfit, or download new outfits and get new weapon upgrades... then when a bomb drops I want to see a crater so u can hide inside one... also want to see the tree's being cut down when u shoot at them so if a tree falls it kills a guy or if u shoot at a coconut it hits some guy in the head and he becomes dizzy. Also we should be able to download or buy (either with real money or something along those lines) new outfits, shoes, shirts, weapon upgrades, new masks, also make gas more effective so the guy chokes, also the gas should take up a bigger area. Also more maps like Wake should be made where you are outside in the jungle so u can hop and hide somewhere. But yeah like I said weapon customization, player customization but in general very in DEPTH player customization. Also we should see the time of day change from morning to night, and possibly weather too. Also if it rains the guys should move slower and the land should become muddy...also when u roll in the dirt u become dirty... or if u lay down...
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

DeathUnlimited wrote:

BF2 has never been any realistic. Or even tried to. That is the thing that makes it good.
BF2 just has enough realism. It still have arcadish gameplay, but a lot of things are done reasliticaly. Arcade gameplay + realistic features = win.

blademaster wrote:

ability to skin or upgrade ur guy's outfit, or download new outfits and get new weapon upgrades... then when a bomb drops I want to see a crater so u can hide inside one... also want to see the tree's being cut down when u shoot at them so if a tree falls it kills a guy or if u shoot at a coconut it hits some guy in the head and he becomes dizzy. Also we should be able to download or buy (either with real money or something along those lines) new outfits, shoes, shirts, weapon upgrades, new masks, also make gas more effective so the guy chokes, also the gas should take up a bigger area. Also more maps like Wake should be made where you are outside in the jungle so u can hop and hide somewhere. But yeah like I said weapon customization, player customization but in general very in DEPTH player customization. Also we should see the time of day change from morning to night, and possibly weather too. Also if it rains the guys should move slower and the land should become muddy...also when u roll in the dirt u become dirty... or if u lay down...
Player customization with real money?  Good god, stop giving them ideas...  What is this, Combat Arms?
formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5924|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)

Pubic wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

No friendly fire (like in Heroes, 1943 and Bad-Company) would be better than some complex Team Kill punish algorithm.
Isn't that already a server option?

Another wish:
Re-introduce artillery spotting/targetting, like in 42, but give spotters some incentive as well.
I think spotter should receive kill assist point if there is ranking like in BF2, 1 point for assist is a good incentive... especially for people who think stats=life
This shit still going?
+508|6313|The Mitten

firebolt5 wrote:

blademaster wrote:

ability to skin or upgrade ur guy's outfit, or download new outfits and get new weapon upgrades... then when a bomb drops I want to see a crater so u can hide inside one... also want to see the tree's being cut down when u shoot at them so if a tree falls it kills a guy or if u shoot at a coconut it hits some guy in the head and he becomes dizzy. Also we should be able to download or buy (either with real money or something along those lines) new outfits, shoes, shirts, weapon upgrades, new masks, also make gas more effective so the guy chokes, also the gas should take up a bigger area. Also more maps like Wake should be made where you are outside in the jungle so u can hop and hide somewhere. But yeah like I said weapon customization, player customization but in general very in DEPTH player customization. Also we should see the time of day change from morning to night, and possibly weather too. Also if it rains the guys should move slower and the land should become muddy...also when u roll in the dirt u become dirty... or if u lay down...
Player customization with real money?  Good god, stop giving them ideas...  What is this, Combat Arms?
...I thought that was Heros, tbh....
EE (hats

firebolt5 wrote:

Combat Arms
Fuck that game is awful!!  Is it just me or was it basically a clone of Cross Fire?
Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

Longbow wrote:

No friendly fire (like in Heroes, 1943 and Bad-Company) would be better than some complex Team Kill punish algorithm.
No friendly fire should be cut off BF series once and forever. This option is only for no-brainers, I personally accidentaly TK teammate once in a 3-5 rounds. Do not spam claymores/grenades and you wont get massive ammount of TK's. Also think where are you pointing your carpet bombing/Mi-28's gun. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I absolutely hate No FF option, it promotes more arcadish playing style among players, which is unacceptable for BF games.
Well, I personally don't like FF-off also, but the thing is is Intentional TKs

Alot of my ideas are to prevent Assholes from being assholes.

"No TKs" is unrealistic, but better than some dickhead who C4s all his teams tank because he didn't get it for himself.

Also, dumbass players that throw a grenade at his squads feet because he doesn't know how to play the game.  Unrealistic? yes, but so is a fellow soldier banking a grenade off a tree back at his own squad (incredibly incredibly  rare IRL, COMMON on BF games)

Plus the lame argument is none-the-less true: "It's a game, not real life"

It's fun for no one to get TKed by an asshole or moron, and no gaming COMMUNITY wants a game that is Intentional TK/Asshole friendly.

That is why I suggested certain TK tracking methods, to allow TKs, but to ensure some puts doesn't come into a server and ruin it for one whole team.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Longbow wrote:

No friendly fire (like in Heroes, 1943 and Bad-Company) would be better than some complex Team Kill punish algorithm.
No friendly fire should be cut off BF series once and forever. This option is only for no-brainers, I personally accidentaly TK teammate once in a 3-5 rounds. Do not spam claymores/grenades and you wont get massive ammount of TK's. Also think where are you pointing your carpet bombing/Mi-28's gun. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I absolutely hate No FF option, it promotes more arcadish playing style among players, which is unacceptable for BF games.
People who spam will always spam, no matter what the FF settings are. In fact, FF doubles the spam because now you need to watch out for your friends spamming nades as well.

Also there is so much trolling, revenge team-killing, teamkilling to vehicles in the game, something incredibly frustrating that has a tremendous negative impact on the game, and all of it disappears when FF is turned off.

Also realism is for fags.
No FF means people will throw expaks/grenades at their feet without consequence.
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

Pubic wrote:

No FF means people will throw expaks/grenades at their feet without consequence.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5702|Fuck this.
Sniper class with rifles that, OMG, zoom in. Seriously....Sniper/Recon class should be able to choose between a Designated Marksman Rifle (with the standard zoom from BF2), a sniper rifle (M24:with double the zoom capability), long distance sniper rifle (M 95/M 107 with x3 the zoom).

Also, I think multiple camo choices would be awesome. Like, the ghillie suit for the usmc for forested areas, a burlap flap suit for urban environments, or none at all; so as to go DM.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Wrench turnin' fool

ROGUEDD wrote:

Sniper class with rifles that, OMG, zoom in. Seriously....Sniper/Recon class should be able to choose between a Designated Marksman Rifle (with the standard zoom from BF2), a sniper rifle (M24:with double the zoom capability), long distance sniper rifle (M 95/M 107 with x3 the zoom).

Also, I think multiple camo choices would be awesome. Like, the ghillie suit for the usmc for forested areas, a burlap flap suit for urban environments, or none at all; so as to go DM.
This, and to reload a bomber plane such as the F-15 or Su you actually have to land.

Last edited by Blade4509 (15 years, 7 months ago)

"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
Germans did 911
+427|6995|Disaster Free Zone
I don't mind having to land to reload aircraft.
But to compensate there needs to be much better protection around airfields and you should get a lot more 'ammo' each time.

Pubic wrote:

firebolt5 wrote:

Combat Arms
Fuck that game is awful!!  Is it just me or was it basically a clone of Cross Fire?
lol, I thought Cross Fire was a clone of Combat Arms.  Meh, different name, same shit.
Have a map of a "country" or part of the globe, and have the maps key points of that specific country. Every day the team with the most wins on that part of the map captures the region or country. All servers would feed the data to EA or BF2s, and the map changes every day. The following day the winning team must defend the region. Have each map serve some strategic purpose; airfield, tank depot, the actual base. This will determine what kind support the commander can call.

Reward players with weapon parts for performing something tasks, getting certain medals, etc. Upgrades include stocks, barrels, sights, scopes, firing mechanisms to prevent jamming. Each player would have his own and unique armory of firearms. Would be nice to see a black market system where players can exchange unlock/reward points for other players already customized weapons, or weapon for weapons.

Pretty much blend in customization of heroes, destructibility of BC, map concepts like freedom fighters.

Post some more up later if I think of anything

Last edited by Volk1917 (15 years, 7 months ago)

got any popo lolo intersting?

firebolt5 wrote:

Pubic wrote:

firebolt5 wrote:

Combat Arms
Fuck that game is awful!!  Is it just me or was it basically a clone of Cross Fire?
lol, I thought Cross Fire was a clone of Combat Arms.  Meh, different name, same shit.
CF is a ripoff CS 1.6
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5924|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)
XM8 (multiple versions)


Maps here(for the epicness of the views and stuff):

firebolt5 wrote:

Pubic wrote:

firebolt5 wrote:

Combat Arms
Fuck that game is awful!!  Is it just me or was it basically a clone of Cross Fire?
lol, I thought Cross Fire was a clone of Combat Arms.  Meh, different name, same shit.
The one thing in those games' favour over BF2 was the variety of weapons.

edit: addition to wishlist:
Dolphin diving must die with BF2!  Or failing that, it should attract a health penalty, to account for magazines crushing your ribs when you land on the ground stomach-first..

Last edited by Pubic (15 years, 7 months ago)

formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5924|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)
I think it would be reasonable to make dolphin diving take ~10% health off...

Or just get rid of it.

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