MASKUltrafunkula wrote:
Penny racer (sry, cheat-o)
The cartoon was awsum!
I had the Scalectrix set of it because I'm
MASKUltrafunkula wrote:
Penny racer (sry, cheat-o)
The cartoon was awsum!
Mighty Max!AussieReaper wrote:
Nostalgia attack:
I have the frickin army version of that set I love army Micro Machines{M5}Sniper3 wrote:
I'll make this a little bit harder: … 460290.jpg
Those were wicked
It's actually Tinkertoysburni$te wrote:
i got it 1) erector setfirebolt5 wrote:
1)ffffuuuu - it's right here, don't tell me
2) licoln logs
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Megazord
What? You're in Aussieland and you had that too?
Ahhh nostalgia.
Last edited by Noobpatty (15 years, 7 months ago)
There was a Scalextric set!?!?!coke wrote:
MASKUltrafunkula wrote:
Penny racer (sry, cheat-o)
The cartoon was awsum!
I had the Scalectrix set of it because I'm
Yep and I still have it at the top of my wardrobe lol.Ultrafunkula wrote:
There was a Scalextric set!?!?!coke wrote:
MASKUltrafunkula wrote:
Penny racer (sry, cheat-o)
The cartoon was awsum!
I had the Scalectrix set of it because I'm
Speaking of Scalextric, I won a pair of welding glasses at a convention in the nineties Scored the best track record for a two hour period.
I loved that!!!!{M5}Sniper3 wrote:
I'll make this a little bit harder: … 460290.jpg
Yeah, nice site. I know a better site though but it's been down for a long time now. The archive doesn't work either.