I'm moving to Brazil
Facebook has hit 250 million active users according to a post on the site's official blog, and a report by CNET.

"For us, growing to 250 million users isn't just an impressive number; it is a mark of how many personal connections all of you have made, and how far we at Facebook have to go to extend the power of connection to the billions of people around the world.", wrote Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. "Today as we celebrate our 250 millionth user, we are also continuing to develop Facebook to serve as many people in the world in the most effective way possible. This means reaching out to everyone across the world and making products that serve all of you, wherever you are--whether through Facebook Connect, new mobile products and the other things that we are building."

About a year ago, Facebook reached 100 million users. In January, it hit 150 million users. Three months ago, Facebook hit 200 million users, and last month, Facebook was catching up to Myspace in terms of the number of unique visitors.

Facebook's growth explosion as of late has mainly been overseas thanks to foreign language versions of it's site. Facebook Connect, which lets sites use Facebook login credentials, has had a big success as well.

How long before it hits 500 million? predictions or do you think its gonna go down the hill? Do you like facebook? yes or no, pointless, useless?


Map of all of the Facebook users around the world still a lot of people dont use it in Asia and Africa and South America

Last edited by blademaster (2009-07-15 13:13:54)

+2,187|6742|Mountains of NC

when will the next big thing hit .... myspace was big and facebook has taken it down .... so whos next
The town bike
I'm moving to Brazil


when will the next big thing hit .... myspace was big and facebook has taken it down .... so whos next
Google is still #1
Fission Mailed


when will the next big thing hit .... myspace was big and facebook has taken it down .... so whos next
I barely know anyone that doesn't have Facebook. I use it all the time, and like it.
I'm moving to Brazil

liquidat0r wrote:

I barely know anyone that doesn't have Facebook. I use it all the time, and like it.
yeah not everyone has it but a lot of people do have it
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6858|West Yorkshire, U.K

liquidat0r wrote:

I barely know anyone that doesn't have Facebook. I use it all the time, and like it.
Germans did 911
+427|6854|Disaster Free Zone

blademaster wrote:
It's like a disease.
+2,187|6742|Mountains of NC

ebug9 wrote:


when will the next big thing hit .... myspace was big and facebook has taken it down .... so whos next
my fav site

Never made one. Really don't feel like meeting new people or reconnecting with people.
+783|7017|Reykjavík, Iceland.

DrunkFace wrote:

It's like a disease.

There is a tiny spot on Madagascar

There is nooo way a disease could get to Madagascar.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6711|Long Island, New York
lol Saudi Arabia.
Netherlands with one of the highest users/km
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6329|Vancouver | Canada

Sydney wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

It's like a disease.

There is a tiny spot on Madagascar

There is nooo way a disease could get to Madagascar.
Especially when they shut their shipyards down.
Official EVGA Fanboy
+94|6287|SC | USA |

DrunkFace wrote:

It's like a disease.
Except it didn't originate in Africa.

I'm not sure it will die a death as soon as MySpace did. For one, everyone (at least everyone of a college age, maybe this isn't the case if you live in Bumfuck, TN) has an account, whereas with MySpace a lot of people (such as myself) never made an account because it served no real purpose. Facebook accomplishes the task of allowing people to stay in touch very well. There is simply no way I could keep in contact with all my friends without it; email is just not good enough.

DefCon-17 wrote:

Sydney wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

It's like a disease.

There is a tiny spot on Madagascar

There is nooo way a disease could get to Madagascar.
Especially when they shut their shipyards down.
There is no swine flu reported in Madagascar.There are cases reported of swine flu in Madagascar.
More information soon There is no swine flu reported in Madagascar. But there were some suspected cases.
shit is closing down
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6858|West Yorkshire, U.K
Swine Flu.
I read an interesting article the other day, it may have been in The Guardian or The Times, about the 'seedier' start-up history of Facebook, back in its infancy during the Harvard days... apparently it was started up as a sort of co-project between a CompSci geek with the know-how and a bunch of preppy fratboys, for the purpose of basically making it easy to see all the hot, date-worthy girls on campus. Almost like a social-networking version of 'Hot or Not?' or one of those picture-rating websites. Strange how their model and design moulded to hit the profitable sweetspot.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Kurazoo wrote:

Swine Flu.
Some authorities object to calling the flu outbreak "Swine flu". U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack expressed concerns that this would lead to the misconception that pork is unsafe for consumption. In the Netherlands, it was originally called "Pig Flu", but is now called "Mexican Flu" by the national health institute and in the media. South Korea and Israel briefly considered calling it the "Mexican virus". Currently, the South Korean press uses "SI", short for "Swine influenza". Taiwan suggested the names "H1N1 flu" or "New flu", which most local media now use. The World Organization for Animal Health has proposed the name "North American influenza". The European Commission uses the term "Novel flu virus".

The WHO announced they would refer to the new influenza virus as influenza A(H1N1) or "Influenza A (H1N1) virus, human" as opposed to "swine flu", also to avoid suggestions that eating pork products carried a risk of infection.

The outbreak has also been called the "H1N1 influenza", "2009 H1N1 flu", or "swine-origin influenza". However, Seth Borenstein, writing for the Associated Press quoted several experts who objected to any name change at all.
I heard Swine Flu can spread via Facebook.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Kurazoo wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

I barely know anyone that doesn't have Facebook. I use it all the time, and like it.
I'm moving to Brazil

Uzique wrote:

I read an interesting article the other day, it may have been in The Guardian or The Times, about the 'seedier' start-up history of Facebook, back in its infancy during the Harvard days... apparently it was started up as a sort of co-project between a CompSci geek with the know-how and a bunch of preppy fratboys, for the purpose of basically making it easy to see all the hot, date-worthy girls on campus. Almost like a social-networking version of 'Hot or Not?' or one of those picture-rating websites. Strange how their model and design moulded to hit the profitable sweetspot.
yea I guess the rumor was the guy who developed Facebook stole the idea from some of his friends and then later on he got sued, but he settled the case out of court for 60 million
bad touch

Replace Cough with facebook

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