CameronPoe wrote:
So the details of FBI interviews with Saddam following his capture have been released and it transpires that:
- Saddam didn't readmit weapons inspectors until so late in the day because he didn't want Iran to know how militarily weak Iraq had become. "By God, if I had such weapons, I would have used them in the fight against the United States."
- Saddam described Osama as a 'zealot' with whom he had no links and with whom he had never co-operated.
So what do ye all think of these interesting insights?
Okay, so let's pull out and give the country back to Saddam-
Oh, we killed him? Oops, my bad. Mia culpa and all of that.
Okay, you want people (who, exactly? Those of us who ordered the invasion?) to admit that the US invaded Iraq for reasons now proven to be false? I am sure that has never happened before- oh, wait; the Spanish/American war (and that is just pulled from my head). I am sure that if you look back over the history of warfare, invasion for trumped up reasons has to have happened a whole hell of a lot. It seems to be a politician's favortie tactic. I mean, fighting for nearly a decade in Europe because a prince got assassinated?
The point is, what do you think the US is doing in Iraq at this point? For the last few years, the point of operations in Iraq was to form a stable nation and government
so we can get out. Sure, we could have just smashed the machine and pulled out, but that would be irresponsible of us (enter people taking this sentance out of context and joking about how invading them must have been responsible here). We smashed the machine, and we need to rebuild it into some semblance of order before we leave. To do otherwise would be prolonging the suffering of the people in the area as various factions would fight to gain control.
The funny thing is, all those people gallantly fighting the oppressors (the US, of course) have prolonged the US occupation of Iraq. If they had stayed quiet, we would have left sooner. They have been attacking the Iraqi infrastructure, so it would take more time to rebuild Iraq and trying to prove that the current Iraq government was incapable of protecting them (from who, exactly?).
I laugh at those who still say this was a war for oil. The oil 'crisis' we had a couple years back should have proven the lie to that argument. The US has spent billions and billions of dollars rebuilding Iraq, while taking nothing in return. We have been trying to rebuild that which we had destroyed. The 'Iraqi' insurgents, on the other hand, have been destroying all they can and killing Iraqis who are trying to make the nation a peaceful and stable place.
And yet
we are still the bad guys of this piece.