There is something that has been bothering me for a while now, i am a pretty decent chopper pilot (well flying anyway) but im not too sure about the gunners view.

Is that little square near the bottom of the pilot's view the actual view the gunner has to line up the T.V.


Last edited by ssonrats (2006-04-03 04:42:03)

Δ > x > ¥
Right-click (your mouse) and you toggle between cannon and TV missile.
Thanks for replying, but that isn't what i mean, i meant piloting not gunning.
Yes...and gunners...please hit C to change your view and kill those little bastards straight below the chopper that keep Eryx'ing me. If you had hit C you could have seen him and killed him in time.
I think the gunner view represent the direction the gunner is looking at, with the cannon as the TV Missile view is always looking forward ... but I might be wrong.
ok cheers keep em comin in.

ssonrats wrote:

Is that little square near the bottom of the pilot's view the actual view the gunner has to line up the T.V.
It's the direction his cannon is pointing / direction he's looking - so if he's firing and straining at the far edge of the guide give him a bit of a turn so he can get more movement.

Some pilots seem to think the gunner can spin 360s and do magic tricks with the TV even when they can't see a target or read the pilots mind
prince of insufficient light

Everything you ever wanted to know about chopper views, helped me out a lot.

Megaboost, my clan members can do a pretty good job of reading my mind when we're on TS.
Nice one, that guide's ace, that's all i needed to know.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Megaboost, my clan members can do a pretty good job of reading my mind when we're on TS.
No, your clan members can hear your voice on TS, it doesn't have a mind reading feature

I have TS, it just feels so geeky to use it... I really must try harder to live with the shame though.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX
The rectangle at the bottom of your HUD as pilot is not what the gunner is looking at. It only represents at what angle left or right the gunner turret is pointed. Hence the little circle inside the rectangle that moves.

The actual spot that is the center for the TV Guided missle view on the pilot HUD is actually about 1cm below the central crosshairs for the pilot. This distance does vary slightly based upon which attack chopper you are flying but it's close enough for this standard to be used. If you want your gunner to have the perfect TV missle shot so that the target is in the middle of his TV missle screen then aim centered on your crosshairs on the target and then lift up slightly so that the target is 1cm below the crosshair.

This should work just fine. Now it's up to your gunner to hit it if they even know the damn TV missle exists half the time. That's my problem... finding a good gunner.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

Nakryak wrote:

I think the gunner view represent the direction the gunner is looking at, with the cannon as the TV Missile view is always looking forward ... but I might be wrong.
Yes that is correct.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Yes...and gunners...please hit C to change your view and kill those little bastards straight below the chopper that keep Eryx'ing me. If you had hit C you could have seen him and killed him in time.
i here ya! gunners hit the "c" button!!!!!!
PR Only
+70|6962|United States - Illinois
You shouldn't really have to line your gunner up perfectly.  Depending on who you're gunning with really i generally line up with the gunners view in my HUD and look down a tiny bit and keep her steady and then once he's fired get the hell out of there.   Competent gunners don't need to have what they are shooting at perfectly in that box. 

All i ask is that helo pilots don't get greedy and take kills when the gunner could do it faster and easier.  I pilot for my buddy and hes had 40 kills and i've had none he has 80 gl pts i have 40 gl pts.  Do i care hell no because i know we are f'ing dudes up on the ground and they hate us not just my gunner both of us.
I want my money, or my bud!

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Yes...and gunners...please hit C to change your view and kill those little bastards straight below the chopper that keep Eryx'ing me. If you had hit C you could have seen him and killed him in time.
God damnit I HATE THAT SHIT.  Can you believe people are that stupid? 

  And wtf,  I was on a server once and I couldnt change the view.  I thought I was trippin balls and redid all my key bindings etc.... i guess its a server setting.  FFS.

Last edited by Bigwrm (2006-04-03 10:00:55)

its always gunner first, and if they dont see what im looking at (which seems to happen way too often), i go ahead and take care of it for them....also, i cant stand people who will not use VOIP on voip servers (thats about every server i play in) is so much easier to get a mediocre gunner to do what you want when you can tell them what to do...
in special forces the gunners box is actually where the tv camera see's. in regular battlefield its slightly above the middle between the pilots crosshair and the gunners box.

forget what colfax said.. when you decide to give your gunner a shot at it try to be as precise as you can so even if you have a gunner who cant aim as long as he doesnt turn it then the tv will kill anyhow. bascially if i dont know my gunner ill give him a few shots and if he cant hit shit then fuck em.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
And please remember you DONT have to rush towards the target. Hang back, the TV missiles have 450 range. If you can give your gunner 300-400 m that is a good distance. Closer than that the gunners have to predict movement because they don't always have time to redirect the missile. AND the AA has a range of 300m for the lock-on, so if you stay 300-400 m away from AA sites BUAHAHAHAHAHA.

I always tell my pilot to forget he even has rockets, just fly for the TV missiles. Rockets are really weapons of the last resort because they lack guidance and thus are really short range weapons i.e. within AA range. You miss with the TV missiles and usually they don't even know.....

Most pilots ive had lately do not comprehend that here have been patches and the choppers are vulnerable now. Like flying over the farm on Dragon Valley is a good idea. *SIGH*.

Maybe we should start an unofficial guild here at BF2S for attack chooper pilots/gunners and provide XFIRE names. Like a closed-usergroup that is by invite only.....
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
less busy
+586|7153|Kubra, Damn it!

Keep an eye on where the pilot is looking. Look all around for threats, but recenter your view occasionally. It's good to be in sync (although it's very, very bad to be N'Sync!).
Use the damn TV missle. On vehicles, not infantry. That gives us a bad name.
Use the cannon on infantry. Don't wait for the pilot to attempt taking out one guys with his rockets. That's your job.
In air to air fights, start by spotting the other chopper. This lets the pilot track the other guy while he's evading their TV/missles/cannon. Then go to the cannon. When you're lined up for the TV, take your shot and guide it to the target. If you miss, go back immediately to cannon view and use that while the TV reloads. Fire in medium length bursts so your cannon doesn't overheat.
Play as engineer or special ops. The repair ability will save your life from time to time. It's also handy to stop in the enemy uncappable and blow their commander assets.

In air to air fights on certain maps, we can't see jack in the TV view. The worst maps for this are Dragon Valley and FuShe Pass. Our crosshairs are the same color as the sky and it's extremely difficult to steer. Try to get as much altitude as possible there so we can get some land behind our targets.
Be aware that gunners are not always looking straight ahead like you are. Most of us will hit F9 to get the console out of the way and can't always immediately tell where you're looking.
Play as medic or supply. If we're engineer, you can heal us as we're repairing you. If we're special ops, you can resupply us with C4 to finish of the hostile commander assets.

Also, when we jump out to help take a flag, don't hover 40ft above then ground so we can't get back in and then take off as soon as the flag turns. We get out to help YOU cap the flag faster. The attack choppers are there for attacking, but sometimes we need to grab a flag or two quickly if our side is running out of spawn points. Plus, we can watch for bad guys coming up behind you.

Communication is key and it should almost be a rule that the pilot starts a squad and his gunner joins it.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

May I include that the bloody gunner should spot EVERYTHING? Not only opponent choppers. Unlike the gunner we don't have as big an FOV.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Everything you ever wanted to know about chopper views, helped me out a lot.

Megaboost, my clan members can do a pretty good job of reading my mind when we're on TS.
thx this really helps but some of the things i already found out the hard way =P
Dropped on request

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Everything you ever wanted to know about chopper views, helped me out a lot.

Megaboost, my clan members can do a pretty good job of reading my mind when we're on TS.
Well, not everything you wanted to know, but it's still a very good guide and the best I've seen so far. I could still add a few things to that.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

polarbearz wrote:

May I include that the bloody gunner should spot EVERYTHING? Not only opponent choppers. Unlike the gunner we don't have as big an FOV.
YEAH except when the effing pilot IGNORES all the pretty red flashing armor/apc/AA/chopper icons in the radar. Or repairs at a base facing AWAY from the enemy ( I can't see them so they can't se meeeeee), or ignores flags gone white. Most players cap while in their vehicule so just point the effing nose at that white flag over yonder and maybe I can hit them, but NOOOOOOOO keep flying over the AA dumbass.

It is really hard to be patient sometimes.


2 buttwipes got the PLA chopper and we having some fun until they got shot down, then they shoot me down to get the Cobra. Then TK me again as I run for the chopper pad. Forget names but sk. was the prefix.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

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