san4 wrote:
62.5 hours isn't too shabby. Do you think your instructor is good, knowledgeable, helpful, etc? I'm concerned about ending up with a crappy instructor and not realizing it until I start to know what I'm doing.
I liked my instructor. If you have the option, choose an instructor you're comfortable with. The sooner you feel at home up there, the easier it is. If you get stuck with someone you dislike, make the best of it. Ask a lot of questions and work though it. Worst case, try changing instructors. What school you taking, part 61 or part 141?
On another note, I just went up for my first IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) flight today, meaning we could legally fly through the clouds. Needless to say, secksy pictures ensued. Can't wait to get my IFR rating after tonight.

The plane