Aries_37 wrote:
sounds like she's full of shit
and the photo of the tattooist looks badly shopped

had to.
Aries_37 wrote:
sounds like she's full of shit
and the photo of the tattooist looks badly shopped
Holy shit. My first thought was that they were trailer trash, but judging by the shape of the heads of the father and the son, it looks like they were actually stuck in between trailers.FlemishHCmaniac wrote:
Chav family portrait
From right to left it plays as such.
Touché, fine fellow. Well played Jebus, +1 to you sir!Jebus wrote: … 350_13.jpg
Anyway, I heard she asked for 3 stars, but she only spoke Dutch, and the tattooguy French. If you look at the stars in a whole, what size is it? (Or of what number does it make you think-.-)
Last edited by JdeFalconr (2009-06-17 07:37:36)
Oh, and that guy looking hard as fuck in the family portrait is actually her uncle.i love jou so mutch,i can't believe that i pushed jou awey
like that.i will do anything
to take it up to jou
i'm sorry for evrything.i prmise i will never forget the day
we kissed or the day we met. the sky may fall and the stars may too bbut in the end i will
still love jou,jou make me laugh when i i don't even want to smille.
i love it when jou look at me, because then i know for ona seccond i crossed jour mind
when i can't find love just close my eyes and i think of jou
and what do srr,i see love and more,i see evrithing that i dreams about it jou
Last edited by FlemishHCmaniac (2009-06-17 08:56:50)
lol belgium, you and your language problemsAmdi Peter wrote:
Why would you go to a French speaking tatoo-artist, when you yourself only speeks Dutch (and a little English)?
Lol, that's what we have been trying to do ever since we became one country. Seriously.Mekstizzle wrote:
lol belgium, you and your language problemsAmdi Peter wrote:
Why would you go to a French speaking tatoo-artist, when you yourself only speeks Dutch (and a little English)?
why are you even a country, just give the dutch bit to the netherlands and the french bit to france
Last edited by Jebus (2009-06-17 10:17:44)
FlemishHCmaniac wrote:
diggin that belt buckleAussieReaper wrote: wrote: … yhello.jpg … lolwut.jpg
I saw that in the newspaper, OMFG how can you make your face like that? What an emo...FlemishHCmaniac wrote:
Nah, the original article states that it's the girl saying that. They've now posted a video and she clearly says she fell asleep. So either she's contradicting herself in the article, or the journalist made a mistake.
Btw, this is the tattoo artist that placed the stars ^^ … manian.jpg
SourceKimberley Vlaminck, the girl who claimed her face was tattooed with 56 stars while she slept, has admitted she made up the story.
Ms Vlaminck, 18, had initially insisted she went into the tattoo parlour requesting three stars, but dozed off during the procedure and awoke in horror to find a veritable galaxy on her face.
She then vowed to sue the tattoo artist, Rouslan Toumaniantz, for $20,000 for failing to understand her instructions.
"It is terrible for me,” she said last week.
“I cannot go out on to the street. I look like a freak."
But under a wave of cynicism from the public Ms Vlaminck has finally admitted she wanted all the stars and was “fully aware” of what Mr Toumaniantz was doing.
"I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them,” she said.
“But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and the that the tattooist mad made a mistake."
Mr Toumaniantz had previously agreed to help pay for the tattoo removal saying: "Kimberley is unhappy and it is not my wish to have an unsatisfied client."
But according to the UK’s Daily Telegraph this offer has now been withdrawn, although Mr Toumaniantz concedes he will now get written consent from his clients.
owndHaving been accused by Kimberley Vlaminck to have tattooed her against her will and while she was sleeping, I want to react here to those calumnious allegations and to say exactly how things went.
First of all I’d like to say that the girl is complaining to have asked for only three stars and to end up with around fifty on her face. But as a matter of fact, she now asks to have a part of them lasered off and still wants to keep something like 20 or 25 stars on the forehead (as it can be seen on various TVs and in police reports), which means that this part of her accusation is totally irrelevant.
Then, the girl said she felt asleep during the tattoo session. But :
1) Tattoo hurts,
2) Tattoo hurts more on face than on most other places,
3) Tattoo hurts even more on the nose than on the face,
4) Apart from the pain factor, the emotional impact of a first tattoo is huge, which makes it even less likely to sleep during such a session,
5) During this tattoo I had to ask Kimberley to change quite often her position, because the face isn’t flat and you need to always adjust the persons position and yours to be able to tattoo,
6) Kimberley did stand up many times during the session and did check up the work in a mirror,
7) We spoke during a part of the session,
8) The call log of her mobile phone and SMS activity could easily show that from the start of the session to its end she wasn’t sleeping,
9) And most importantly, a witness, being totally independent from both sides saw all the session from its start to the end, and confirms every word above. Kortrijk police made an inquiry, and both of us (me and the witness) were conducted shortly after Kimberley tattoo was finished to the police station, and both of us said exactly what did happen, and therefore gave exactly the same version of the events. Copies of minutes (in Flemish) we can provide.
So Kimberly was absolutely aware of what was happening during all the tattoo session and got what she asked, no more no less.
Moreover, I’d like to insist on the fact that the media buzz that’s making this whole affair so popular at the moment is based on the reaction of most people to the view of the tattoo. Still, you have to understand clearly that she doesn’t ask at the moment to have it removed, but just want a part of it removed.
Plus, to get this tattoo done she was accompanied by her father, who left her to get some beers (and not ice creams, as opposed to what he told to media and as it was proved by his breath) exactly when we started to design Kimberley’s tattoo on her face.
Without judging anybody here (positively or negatively), we’re not talking about a totally ordinary demand, and we’re not talking here about a totally ordinary family
Besides all those elements, what is clearly astonishing and unacceptable is the runaway in the media and the ability for most of them (papers, radio or TV) to relay derogatory and calumnious information without a hint of evidence, without checking up anything and without any kind of care for truth, the priority being quite obviously sensationalism and media impact even if it has to destroy anything on the way.
But what is even more despicable is some capacity in the media to meticulously get rid of the elements that could make the story a little bit less interesting to read and the voluntary concealing of simple and irrefutable arguments.
Still, from the very start, when some “journalist” hears of such stuff like « she slept during her first tattoo on her face », he could be a little bit more careful before deciding to put instantly such bullshit as the big news of the front page.
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