mostly afk
+480|6700|CH/BR - in UK

So, Facebook launched their username system today (facebook.com/your-username). I have mine - do you guys have yours? Also, what do you think about the implementation of this on a site with over 200mn users?

Crazy system.

My first name was obviously instantly-taken, and after that I just didn't really care. What's the point? You add people by their full-name because you know them and network with them, not by their net-alias as if they're a brand or a Twitter account or something. I took a completely random single-word name just because it's memorable, but I will use it literally never and slightly regret doing it in the first place.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
mostly afk
+480|6700|CH/BR - in UK

I have the same username across various websites now, and I'm moving away from the concept of aliases. Except if I'm downloading porn or torrenting - there I will still go by a different name.

I agree, though, that it's impossible this way. Domain names all over again.

+521|6889|Toronto | Canada

I got mine to be my first initial then last name, decided against using just my last name.  I was surprised it was available still though, theres quite a few people with that last name on facebook
There are several people with my basic-name on Facebook, but it was still available. Though, I didn't want it. Plus, why would you want to use an Internet-nickname for Facebook? It's a social-networking website for your actual social-life... why would you want to refer your Profile to friends by saying "facecom.com/uzique" or "facebook.com/konfusion" or whatever? Doesn't make any sense.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
mostly afk
+480|6700|CH/BR - in UK

Mine says facebook.com/berfarah, to go along with my domain berfarah.com, my email address and it's an abbreviation of my full name. I'm starting to use that abbreviation of my full name on more and more sites.

Eat my bearrrrrrrrrrr, Tonighttt
+163|5867|Vancouver, BC, Canada
Yeah, I considered using thedonkey, but I honestly don't want bored-as-fuck people on facebook googling my net-alias and finding out random stuff about me that I at some point years ago posted on some obscure forum.

I just went with my first.last name I don't really see a use in the aliases anyways.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

first name initial.last name
Flamesuit essential

I don't have Facebook.  I know too many narcissists already.

Do we have to use it? It hasn't done anything so far for me, will it eventually force me to do so?
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6115|London, England

I hope someone posts on my wall about my new username address...
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png
+515|6805|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
I didn't get firstnamelastname sadly, but then again, I did just get up. Meh, I doubt it would ever come in useful.

edit: just looked at the guy who got it.... http://www.facebook.com/jamesholt

he DEFINITELY stayed up!

Last edited by james@alienware (2009-06-13 02:59:31)

Bah, I completely forgot about this and now all the "good names" are gone. Sad times.
pics or it didn't happen
"in the year 3000 myspace, twitter and facebook will form an alliance and create a super-time-wasting website known as mytwitface" - conan
Super Awesome Member
How do you set it? I can't find it anywhere D:

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
mostly afk
+480|6700|CH/BR - in UK

Go to facebook.com/username


Last edited by konfusion (2009-06-13 10:05:28)


liquidat0r wrote:

Bah, I completely forgot about this and now all the "good names" are gone. Sad times.
I'm lucky enough to have a rare first/lastname-combo.
I need around tree fiddy.


got my last name.  when i remembered it was launching, i was within 10 minutes of it, so i just stayed up anyway.

Last edited by haffeysucks (2009-06-13 10:08:01)

"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Davide Santon
its on the top when you hit home
it's like "introducing usernames for facebook" or some shit like that
i just used toaogcfc (it just haaas to be 5 letters)

Last edited by GCFC (2009-06-13 10:08:27)

"Rare first-name-last-name combo"?

I have the name of a massively worldwide-hyped band .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+3,611|6771|London, England
bloody facebook

I only signed up cos of a chick
mostly afk
+480|6700|CH/BR - in UK

Mekstizzle wrote:

bloody facebook

I only signed up cos of a chick
Eh, helps keep in touch with friends if they're all over the world.

Also, mine's berfarah - same as my twitter handle etc.


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