Source: … -make.html
But, but Lord Obama said that Iran has the right to Nuclear Energy! They couldn't possibly be stockpiling Uranium (or buying it from Chavez in Columbia), for a Nuclear sad.War News Updates wrote:
From The Scotsman:
IRAN now has enough nuclear material to make its first atomic bomb, it was claimed last night.
The Islamic republic, whose president has threatened to "wipe Israel off the face of the Earth", has nearly doubled stockpiles of enriched uranium in the last six months, the United Nations said yesterday.
Experts believe it would take no more than six months for Iran to turn its stocks into enough weapons-grade material for a bomb – if it decides to defy warnings from US President Barack Obama not to do so.
Officials from the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) yesterday reported huge rises in the amount of low-enriched uranium or LEU in Iran and the number of centrifuges needed to make it.