koreans are cunty to everyone.DonFck wrote:
Koreans think white people are stupid gits as far as I know.Ilocano wrote:
I have. White people are adored all over Asia. Many of them want to marry white men. And it does have to do about image. They want a piece of that American dream and live the American life. That is the image of America that they see. Not some super power pushing it's agenda on the world.CameronPoe wrote:
That has not much to do with image. That has more to do with being in total shithole impoverished nations and simply wanting a decent standard of living. Plenty of people flock into Europe for the same reasons, irrespective of what they think of Europe's 'image'. Many Algerians must hate France but they flock there all the same. If you think the US does not have a bad image abroad then I suggest to take a trip outside.
The majority of asaia however, does in fact, envy the american lifestyle and most women would rather marry a white male.