The news has been evolving steadily over the last quarter of a century usmarine; it has went from traditional, straight-up presentation of the facts with little or no graphic razzmatazz to sensationalist "info-tainment" with all the bells and whistles that modern CGI can muster. FOX News are not alone in this trend, but for many they are the touchstone of all that has gone wrong in modern news media. 24 hour blanket news coverage has ironically made the world a more confusing and false place in terms of news because networks find themselves having to fill several hours and construct stories out of stuff that would probably never even have made the news back in the day. Add to this the lust for ratings and advertising revenue and journalistic integrity quickly goes out the window, what you're left with is a fast-food version of the news where the ratings are all that matter and where Britney Spears getting her head shaved is deemed more important than a civil war in East Timor.usmarine wrote:
the news during the day is not what makes them #1 brad. you guys need to wrap your heads around this, because a lot of you do not get it. news is the news. all of them do a good job with it for the most part. its the opinion shows during primetime that make the money.Braddock wrote:
That's the sad reality of modern media... the notion that news should be entertaining.usmarine wrote:
fox news is more popular because they are entertaining. its entertainment at night. they dont have empty suites like larry king or boring metros like anderson cooper. but, you know the real reason so.....
Networks like FOX et al. are dumbing down society because by providing a platform for ill-informed, reactionary opinion they validate these ill-informed opinions in the minds of many viewers... "yer man on the news said it so it must be true, I knew I was right all along".