I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7141|Denver colorado
+252|7016|Sextupling in Empire

lavadisk wrote:
me and cougs and IEEX killin a carrier … l_id=89592
GJ. Cap kills FTW.

Tip: Put your cursor over the icon of your target, and the camera will center over it after a couple seconds.

That way you don't have to constantly adjust the camera on things you are orbiting.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7141|Denver colorado
I know but I like doing it manually. It feels like im actually doing something.
That looked cool and all but it really didn't seem that... exciting. I wish EVE was more alluring .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7141|Denver colorado
Thats the most exciting its going to get. if you dont love internet spaceships dont bother tbhimo123456/bread
+3,936|6811|so randum
hmm. its more of a rush when your actually doing it. like when your doing fairly ok, then something big jumps in and starts ripping you to shreds.

then it's either a) run away (if poss) or go out in a blaze of glory. which makes everyone in local laugh.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7141|Denver colorado
Today, in eve online and over skype, a scenario I don't think I'd see happen happened. Today, one of my favorite games, eve online, caused drama between me and a friend of a friend. I've had my share of E-drama and there's nothing I find more unattractive than being involved in it. It's a huge buzz kill and a total downer that keeps people from enjoying themselves when their at their computers trying to take a break from 'real life' for a bit... But when you take somebody like me who uses the internet to escape and puts them in the proximity with somebody who takes everything as 'serious business' and keep them around each other for a long enough time (over a year in my case) somethings going to happen. This is an extremely ridiculous discussion between a friend of canyons whom I've met in Denver before who takes this fantasy of being an 'honorable pirate' in eve online WAY too seriously.
I managed to bug him after joining his channel and occasionally just talking into it about nothing.. just like you'd act in a chat room.. but that's not enough, You're supposed to treat it like a second job, like a professional. Hell, this guy owns 3 15$ a month accounts to fund his habits (WITHOUT A JOB/HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA)

<after being banned from the main channel without a words notice>

[5:53:34 PM] Jacob moretti says: Dude. I know I was being obnoxious on you're channel at one point but you honestly have to ban all of my alts because Im not snotty enough in eve for you to have any respect for my presence?
[5:54:02 PM] Jacob moretti says: I would have liked it better to learn about you're problem about it if you told me personally
[5:54:17 PM] Jack McSwain says: My quartermasters and officers wanted you gone
[5:54:21 PM] Jack McSwain says: I respect their authority
[5:54:27 PM] Jack McSwain says: So I kicked you and your alts
[5:54:31 PM] Jack McSwain says: Simple as that.
[5:54:43 PM] Jack McSwain says: I'm not trying to be a dick, but we take the game seriously and you don't
[5:54:50 PM] Jack McSwain says: and thats our public channel for all public relations
[5:54:54 PM] Jack McSwain says: Soooooooo
[5:57:55 PM] Jack McSwain says: I really wish this whole eve debaucle had never happened because I rather like you as a person alot
[5:58:12 PM] Jack McSwain says: So I hate to creat bad blood here =P
[5:58:12 PM] Jacob moretti says: And I know you take this game way seriously. Im not holding that against you. I dont have anything to do with your corp and I dont want to either. However. I felt like it was nice to have a channel where I could ask you and your men how you were doing. I used it like any other channel. If you had a problem with it you could have told me personally that the channel was reserved for those reasons. The way you kicked me without telling me these things felt like you had something with me personally
[5:58:29 PM] Jack McSwain says: Well
[5:58:35 PM] Jack McSwain says: and Canyon ahd a fight with you about eve
[5:58:37 PM] Jack McSwain says: and he told me to
[5:58:37 PM] Jack McSwain says: so
[6:04:13 PM] Jacob moretti says: Honestly. I dont see the argument in this whole 'honorable pirate' thing. I told canyon that and he pestered me in to admitting that theres value in small gang pvp. it went from there to me telling him that I do the same thing as him sometimes in lowsec but I have to base my entire existence around being an honorable pirate that spesifically does that to hold any respect from people like you.

I just hate this fucking bullshit cause I play eve to escape these social ideals people have and I hate e-drama
[6:04:31 PM] Jacob moretti says: and sorry about my mates harassing you but thats what homies for each other
[6:04:45 PM] Jack McSwain says: One sec in a fight
[6:04:54 PM] Jacob moretti says: homies do for*
[6:13:08 PM] Jack McSwain says: MMOS are social games
[6:13:20 PM] Jack McSwain says: EVE is the most social of all MMOs since we have a single server
[6:13:30 PM] Jack McSwain says: if you're playing eve to get away from E-Drama and social constructs
[6:13:34 PM] Jack McSwain says: you'll likely be disapointed.
[6:13:42 PM] Jacob moretti says: and I love hanging out with my friends blowing up internet spaceships
[6:13:53 PM] Jack McSwain says: Alright well
[6:13:58 PM] Jack McSwain says: I'm sure EVE can accomadate
[6:14:00 PM] Jack McSwain says: but I can't
[6:14:06 PM] Jack McSwain says: I do not judge your playstyle
[6:14:10 PM] Jack McSwain says: I just won't do it
[6:14:18 PM] Jack McSwain says: and would rather you not poision my pilots with it
[6:14:35 PM] Jacob moretti says: lol
[6:22:08 PM] Jacob moretti says: keep them in the 'magical pirate mindset' so they never realise anything outside you're 'honorable' playstyle.

I have numbers!

So.. with this I'm going to blow off your corp as anything above average and remind myself that eve is a game about numbers. the Internets most pretty online spreadsheet simulator.

now featuring real graphics.

and please dont talk about eve to me again plox.
[6:40:49 PM] Jack McSwain says: mk
[6:40:53 PM] Jack McSwain says: likewise
[6:51:24 PM] Jack McSwain says: One thing first
[6:51:28 PM] Jack McSwain says: I contest you findings
[6:51:42 PM] Jack McSwain says: Your killboard shows the last 4 weeks, mine shows the last CALLENDER month
[6:51:52 PM] Jack McSwain says: So the kills on my front page are from the last 4 days
[6:52:05 PM] Jack McSwain says: if you go and compare our most recent WEEK via the kills tab and your most recent week
[6:52:17 PM] Jacob moretti says: use battleclinic
[6:52:33 PM] Jack McSwain says: 1.41 billion killed, 200m lost
[6:52:35 PM] Jack McSwain says: for us
[6:52:38 PM] Jack McSwain says: for you:
[6:52:41 PM] Jack McSwain says: 1 billion killed
[6:52:43 PM] Jack McSwain says: 400m lost
[6:52:51 PM] Jack McSwain says: >.>
[6:53:12 PM] Jacob moretti says: die.
[6:53:34 PM] Jack McSwain says: We've moved from passive agessive to agressive agressive
[6:53:35 PM] Jack McSwain says: =P
[6:54:32 PM] Jack McSwain says: roaming
[6:54:33 PM] Jack McSwain says: on vent
[6:55:25 PM] Jack McSwain says: sorreh


as I was discussing this over skype to my skype friends everyone started harassing him. At least I have annoying E-thug skype friends lol.  LOVE U COUGAR AND JESTAR.

AHA! more. now there's false accusations of me trying to dishonor his honorable pirate corp. … amp;page=1

op: I paid a ransom of 150mil to the CEO of blood money Skira Ranos and yet they still killed my harbinger, They then disrupted my pod and asked for 50mil so i said ok and paid yet again. They podded me now im out of a drake and +4 implants.

Moral of the story, Dont trust blood money members.


This never happened. Considering the timing of this post coincides with an RL acquaintance of mine having a large fight with me about how being an "honorable pirate" is apparently "stupid", featuring many childish insults from him and his in-game friends, it seems almost certain to me that this is one of their alts.

Killboard analysis of my kills will show that I have not killed a harbinger for some time. Likewise any drakes. Not for over a month, I believe.

Those who know of Blood Money and our policies know exactly how rigid we are on the subject of ransoms, and how we are trying to build a reputation as such, for our own benifit. Any act of ransom dishonoring on my part would be highly out of character, and illogical of me.

Edit: Obviously, reading over the other posts in this thread, my refutation was unnecessary, but I thought it would be prudent of me to personally defend my (and my alliances) Honor when attacked so directly.


It sounds like you need new friends.

Expressing a contrary opinion to a friend is one thing.
Attempting to commit character assassination is quite another.

As for their buddies, if these yapping toy dogs are not in Blood Money Cartel hand out some bonus assignments to make them go away.
Alternatively or additionally, perhaps an addendum to your recruiting criteria is in order as well?


Originally by: Skira RanosEdited by: Skira Ranos on 04/05/2009 11:59:32
an RL acquaintance of mine

Originally by: Queue K'Umber

It sounds like you need new friends.

Bolded the distinction you failed to see.

I never said he was my friend.


Last edited by lavadisk (15 years, 10 months ago)

+3,936|6811|so randum
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Ready for combat
+211|6906|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
hey im technically a member, want me to do what i can to them?
eve is srs bzns
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6976|NT, like Mick Dundee

menzo2003 wrote:

eve is srs bzns
very fkn srs bzns m8
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+3,936|6811|so randum

Flecco wrote:

menzo2003 wrote:

eve is srs bzns
very fkn srs bzns m8
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Wiki Contributor

Flecco wrote:

menzo2003 wrote:

eve is srs bzns
very fkn srs bzns m8

I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7141|Denver colorado
If somebody wants to join eve and not bother grinding on low level agents for isk while grinding on missions for standing tell me you want to join in pm form and I'll give you a link for you to start playing that gives my alt gametime... in return Ill fund you for your fittings up to your battle cruiser!

that means a frig+ fittings a cruiser+ fittings and a battlecruiser+ fittings... for no difference to you.
Ok I've given this game some actual time and effort now and I'm starting to see some of the appeal...

At the moment I have an Amarr guy, an old-fogey of a fuck, and I'm working my way through the 3 tutorial trees for Career Advancement- introductory Agent missions, I guess you could say. I have an Amarr Terminator or something, as well as a free piece-of-crap Mining Frigate that one of the agent-missions gave me, and everything seems to be going... er, ok? I'm working my Skills towards obtaining the 'n00b Player' certificates, the basic-level stuff for each career tree as it was, that and things like Core skills or something- basically playing off the random advice of a few helpful guys in-game.

What's the purpose of "grinding on missions for standing" and whatnot? To me this game still seems incredibly directionless... and I'm sure that's the point. But I just want to understand how and why I should progress in ways that don't involve just accumulating ISK or idling Skills to make my pilot incrementally better. What are the real goals and real measures of success? It seems so much easier when there are just levels to grind through .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+3,936|6811|so randum
there honestly is no 'path' in the game. i'd reckon most players with half a brain end up pirating, but i've got a mate who does pretty much just industry and trade, and he's 100% happy doing that. missions are a great way to get isk fast though, so stick with them for a while. and give cougs et al your api keys so they can draw you up a quick skill list to train
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7141|Denver colorado
You're grinding to get to level 4 missions so you can fly with a BS. If you haven't yet activated you're account but you're going to Ill fund you for ships that will be able to do level 1,2and 3 missions as long as you use the buddy program. that way you only have to worry about isk after you've gotten on your feet skill wise.

after you amass isk and are ready for pvp you learn how to pvp!
+3,936|6811|so randum
if you can, take lava on his offer. tis good. like i got given a fitted t1 desty and that had me well sorted for the lvl1's
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7141|Denver colorado

FatherTed wrote:

i'd reckon most players with half a brain end up pirating,


That e-drama bs was about some pirate alliance leader.. unless you want to deal with arrogant faggots who hold no power as far as gameplay mechanics are concerned DON'T JOIN A PIRATE CORP.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6934|Little Bentcock
I got a good start from an unknowing cybargs thanks to cougz that had cybargs pw.
Sounds good, I do like the concept of there being no rigidly-defined path, as it were. I just like to know what actual stats I am progressively journeying through, the first week just seems to be an overwhelming experience of multiple agents, multiple jobs, and each job introducing a seemingly-new aspect to the game with no real explanation (e.g. Hacking, Salvaging, Analyzing... what is all of this shit? Faux-professions?).

What exactly do you mean by "end up pirating"? My only experience of rats in-game thus far has been shitty bots in seemingly-instanced pockets of space, flying around asteroids and getting two-shotted, have never seen any players pirating but that's because I guess I haven't left the n00b nurseries yet. And, am I on the right path to Level 4 missions by going through the summary career-advancement agent missions first? I don't really know how to track my progression or gain any clue as to what 'Level' a mission is, which I'm sure doesn't help.

In regards to 'activating' my account, I'm a bit stuck. I want to buy the full-version from Steam, which costs only £9.00 with the first-month included. The only problem is, I used my trial years ago on Steam and now I'm playing on a fresh-client version of the trial, and it won't let me associate my 'new' trial account with my Steam-account or Steam-registered email address; it says the 'CD Key Is Already In Use'. Which is a bit poop, because I feel partially attached to my new Amarr pensioner already.

Last edited by Uzique (15 years, 10 months ago)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+3,936|6811|so randum
sorry, like lava pointed out pirating was a bad word to use.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7141|Denver colorado
nothing personal father babes.
+3,936|6811|so randum
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
My Amarr guy is called Lord Uzique, which isn't pretentious at all, no no. 'Uzique' was taken by one of my 27 previous trial accounts from 1997 and I only just figured out that you can have multiple names in EVE, which completely startled my WoW-player mentality. So I went for a two-part name, and instead of being role-play g33k with a name like 'Lexus Dickius', I just used Lord for my aristocratic Amarr doofus .

Last edited by Uzique (15 years, 10 months ago)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

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