As he was an illegal, I don't care.

Did he deserve to die?  No.
Should he have been in the US?  No.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Object in mirror will feel larger than it appears
They were convicted of simple assault... but it looks like involuntary manslaughter to me. But the article doesn't say they were ever charged with that. If they weren't then the prosecutor F'ed up by over charging them and that may have been on purpose.

When cases like this go bad there is the possiblity that the feds will charge these guys. Otherwise it could lead to civil unrest between the two groups in the town.
+3,936|6809|so randum
what if, what if arguments are nice and all. but end of they day, this was racially aggravated murder.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

Turquoise wrote:

What... the... fuck?....

Lotta, you're insane.

You know how people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson shit a brick over trivial shit and call it racism?  THIS is fucking racism.

This is the shit that Sharpton and Jackson should be protesting.  But, of course, because the victim wasn't black, they don't give a shit.

I knew rural Pennsylvania was a shithole, but god damn....   this is just horrible.
Racism?  I never brought race into it.  Illegal Alien and Sex offender are not races? 

Post again...

Last edited by ATG (15 years, 10 months ago)


Uzique wrote:

He didn't deserve to die.

Having consensual sex with an underaged minor is technically an illegal act, but only if the parents want to charge and attempt to prosecute- in all actuality it's not really anything more than a morally contentious act. I'm sure there are lots of underage true-American relationships going on in your country too... you wouldn't jump to call them 'child molestors'. A child molestor is a completely different class of criminal to a person that has a two-way, loving relationship with someone that just happens to be below an arbitrarily-defined legal requirement.

When your petty racist beliefs and bigotry starts to justify vigilante law-enforcement and mob-beatings, then you know you're into dangerous territory. You're basically condoning and applauding the same sort of lynch-mob shit that the KKK were doing 100 years ago. Are you really that ignorant and delusional in your justification or have you just turned over a new leaf on BF2s as a Hick-shit redneck? At worst this guy deserved to be shacked up for sex with a minor, not child molestation or child abuse - besides, none of those crimes are a death sentence in waiting. Get your head out of your ass. If a bunch of Mexicans beat and killed an American who was down in Tijuana and was caught with a Mexican underaged minor, or any other range of small-crime, e.g. petty theft or drug infringement, you'd be fucking outraged and would no doubt be crying against the barbarity of those inferior beaners.
Please describe my petty racists beliefs.  Please show me where I was racist.

You name call like the 643567q346336 you are.  The Internet brings out tough guy Uzi with his uneducated liberal rants on race and bigotry.

Last edited by ATG (15 years, 10 months ago)


FatherTed wrote:

what if, what if arguments are nice and all. but end of they day, this was racially aggravated murder.
#1  how is it racially aggravated?  wtf is racially aggravated?  Do you mean motivated?

#2  When people are taunting and fighting they always look for differences to insult.  If the dude had red hair they probably would have called him a ginger, opey, red.....  I am willing to bet racial slurs flew on both sides.

#3  What I took from the article is that they told the girl it was late for her to be out, she was with a child molestorer, and HE took offense.  He being the 25 year old man with a little girl that he was engaged to.  Hmmmm, I am not religious but I know fucked up when I see it.

#4  He shouldn't have been allowed to stay in America in the first place.  The police and judicial system failed this poor child molesting fence jumper.
Object in mirror will feel larger than it appears

Lotta_Drool wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

what if, what if arguments are nice and all. but end of they day, this was racially aggravated murder.
#1  how is it racially aggravated?  wtf is racially aggravated?  Do you mean motivated?

#2  When people are taunting and fighting they always look for differences to insult.  If the dude had red hair they probably would have called him a ginger, opey, red.....  I am willing to bet racial slurs flew on both sides.

#3  What I took from the article is that they told the girl it was late for her to be out, she was with a child molestorer, and HE took offense.  He being the 25 year old man with a little girl that he was engaged to.  Hmmmm, I am not religious but I know fucked up when I see it.

#4  He shouldn't have been allowed to stay in America in the first place.  The police and judicial system failed this poor child molesting fence jumper.
FatherTed --> This case looks too messed up for a murder charge. Its possible that it was racially motivated, but harder to prove. It would be easier to show a groups of kids beating on one person and killing him. It should have been a slam dunk involuntary manslaughter case not a simple assault.

Lotta --> pedophile? sure.  fence jumper? sure. But still not an excuse for beating someone and certainly does not excuse killing someone.
It was none of their business. You have a 25 year old with a 15 year old, where were the parents? If these kids wanted to be little shit heads they should have went to the girls mother an tattled on her, or went to the cops to squeel about the illegal raping a 15 year old. They beat the guy because they wanted to and who the guy was and what he was doing was just an excuse they used to pick out their victim.

The 25 year old was a dumb ass though, they beat him and left him and he went after them... that's what makes it involuntary manslaughter and not murder and it probably also washes the racially motivation behind what started the attack. You really have to start from the time the 25 year ran after them and those events leading up to his death. IMO
I never excused killing him based on anything. 

Some kids made fun of a pedophile in the park and HE got pissed and a fight ensued.  The guy was a fucking turd.  Both groups were fighting.

#1  What does it say about our society when a 25 year old person living in our country illegally dicking a 15 year old hangs out in a public park with said 15 year old obviously with no shame/fear/embarrassment about what he is doing and then when called out about it by LEGAL citizens he wishes to fight with them vs tuck tail and run knowing he was caught.

#2  Perhaps the town could learn something from these kids and not allow their town to become a safe haven for child molesters and illegals.

#3  If this was a White/Asian/Europeon/American pervert Illegally in Mexico/France/Brazil who stood up to locals ridiculing him for being an illegal child molester I wouldn't care any more or less about the pervert.

#4  I don't want to live in a society that gives acceptance to the behavior this turd displayed by turning a blind eye.  I commend the kids for correctly identifying a worthless fuck and not making his existence easy.  Their community is stronger for it in the end.
Object in mirror will feel larger than it appears
Like I said before, where were the parents?

if the parents knew 15 year old was seeing a 25 year old and didn't care then its none of the kids' business. For all the kids knew its possible that these two were married. Would that have changed the scenario? I suspect that that little change makes a world of difference. What if this couple were married and the kids attacked, is it manslaughter then? Because it's a pretty thin line to say the status of the couple changes whether we have manslaughter here or not. What if the girl were 18 or the age of consent and only looked 15. Is the guys illegal status enough of an excuse to harass and beat him to death? I would say no.

I don't know where the two facts that this was a minor girl and the illegal status combine to permit someone to harass another person.

Gang vigilante justice is nothing to be proud of and this incident does smack of the 1950s where gangs of whites targeted interracial couples. The kids would not have been turning a blind eye if they had  simply tattled on the girl, but no they were football players from a party, full of spirit with a wild hair up their ass and looking for trouble. They deserve jail time. Maybe then they'll get something else up their ass to teach them a lesson.

Besides the kids were really really stupid doing what they did, what if this guy were MS13 or some other gang, this 15 year old was his whore. Those kids would be likely dead right now. Sticking you nose in other people business is also dangerous.

ABC NEWS wrote:

The youths goaded Ramirez and the girl, saying, "You should get out of this neighborhood" and "Get your Mexican boyfriend out of here," documents said. After Ramirez and the girl began walking away, someone yelled an ethnic slur at him, court documents said. He responded, "What's your problem?"
He should have kept walking away.
Before I get an AWM for that, I'm not laughing at his death, just the circumstances. That he had a chance to just walk away but he didn't so he died. Also that he came here for a better life and just ended up beaten to death mainly cause of his race and the fact that he was here.

Last edited by Macbeth (15 years, 10 months ago)


Lotta_Drool wrote:

Uzique wrote:

He didn't deserve to die.

Having consensual sex with an underaged minor is technically an illegal act, but only if the parents want to charge and attempt to prosecute- in all actuality it's not really anything more than a morally contentious act. I'm sure there are lots of underage true-American relationships going on in your country too... you wouldn't jump to call them 'child molestors'. A child molestor is a completely different class of criminal to a person that has a two-way, loving relationship with someone that just happens to be below an arbitrarily-defined legal requirement.

When your petty racist beliefs and bigotry starts to justify vigilante law-enforcement and mob-beatings, then you know you're into dangerous territory. You're basically condoning and applauding the same sort of lynch-mob shit that the KKK were doing 100 years ago. Are you really that ignorant and delusional in your justification or have you just turned over a new leaf on BF2s as a Hick-shit redneck? At worst this guy deserved to be shacked up for sex with a minor, not child molestation or child abuse - besides, none of those crimes are a death sentence in waiting. Get your head out of your ass. If a bunch of Mexicans beat and killed an American who was down in Tijuana and was caught with a Mexican underaged minor, or any other range of small-crime, e.g. petty theft or drug infringement, you'd be fucking outraged and would no doubt be crying against the barbarity of those inferior beaners.
Please describe my petty racists beliefs.  Please show me where I was racist.

You name call like the 643567q346336 you are.  The Internet brings out tough guy Uzi with his uneducated liberal rants on race and bigotry.
Uneducated? Take a hard long look at yourself.

Liberal? I'm a liberal because I disagree with the unprovoked, racially-motivated gang-murder of an innocent guy, whilst you condone it just because he was Mexican and was banging a fine piece? Fuck you.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Uzique wrote:

Liberal? I'm a liberal because I disagree with the unprovoked, racially-motivated gang-murder of an innocent guy, whilst you condone it just because he was Mexican and was banging a fine piece? Fuck you.
The man charged the group (apparently you think 3 constitutes a gang) a second time and that's what caused his death.  He could have walked away.  The Americans were attacked by an illegeal.  He should have never been in America to begin with.  "fine piece", wow -if you say so....
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

The Americans were attacked by an illegeal.

cl4u53w1t2 wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

The Americans were attacked by an illegeal.
You forgot the part where I typed 'he could have walked away'.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Liberal? I'm a liberal because I disagree with the unprovoked, racially-motivated gang-murder of an innocent guy, whilst you condone it just because he was Mexican and was banging a fine piece? Fuck you.
The man charged the group (apparently you think 3 constitutes a gang) a second time and that's what caused his death.  He could have walked away.  The Americans were attacked by an illegeal.  He should have never been in America to begin with.  "fine piece", wow -if you say so....
Open your eyes. He was attacked unprovokedly and only stood up for himself when it became a seriously threatening matter. He was not aggressive or antagonistic in any way- he asked what their problem was, he didn't charge back and create the problem. It was clear that the bone-headed racist thugs that victimised him in the first place weren't going to let him walk away, so what difference does it make and what is your fucking point? I swear that some of you American bigot pricks will see a heavily-distorted version of the 'truth' that suits your own morally-twisted sense of righteousness and casually-implied racism. A Mexican guy got killed by a bunch of American racist thugs, that's the truth of it. The accusations of him being a 'child molestor' are completely unrelated and ancillary to the main offense- and as it has already been clarified, dating an underaged minor does not constitute child abuse or child molestation anyway. By dating a 15 year old, he did no 'real' damage or crime. By being a Mexican in America he did no real damage or crime- he was picking fruit for fuck's sake. Neither of those two facts of circumstance warrant a citizen-ruled death sentence, and no American yobbos should be entitled to take the law and their own perverted sense of 'justice' into their own hands anyway. Lock them up, sympathize with the poor guy. The end.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Uzique wrote:

Open your eyes. He was attacked unprovokedly and only stood up for himself when it became a seriously threatening matter. He was not aggressive or antagonistic in any way- he asked what their problem was, he didn't charge back and create the problem. It was clear that the bone-headed racist thugs that victimised him in the first place weren't going to let him walk away, so what difference does it make and what is your fucking point? I swear that some of you American bigot pricks will see a heavily-distorted version of the 'truth' that suits your own morally-twisted sense of righteousness and casually-implied racism. A Mexican guy got killed by a bunch of American racist thugs, that's the truth of it. The accusations of him being a 'child molestor' are completely unrelated and ancillary to the main offense- and as it has already been clarified, dating an underaged minor does not constitute child abuse or child molestation anyway. By dating a 15 year old, he did no 'real' damage or crime. By being a Mexican in America he did no real damage or crime- he was picking fruit for fuck's sake. Neither of those two facts of circumstance warrant a citizen-ruled death sentence, and no American yobbos should be entitled to take the law and their own perverted sense of 'justice' into their own hands anyway. Lock them up, sympathize with the poor guy. The end.
Did you not read the article?  The ass kicking had all ready broken up then...

OP source wrote:

The two sides eventually went their separate ways. But Scully kept yelling at Ramirez, leading the immigrant to charge after the group.
Be it noted that Ramirez was yelling in Spanish at them too after they made the remark about the girl being out late.  He shouldn't have said anything.  Or do you usually mouth off to a group of chavs?

So are you calling me a bigot prick?  You know nothing about me.  Pretty weak man.  Bottom line is that this guy shouldn't have been in my country.

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (15 years, 10 months ago)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

Uzique wrote:

Open your eyes. He was attacked unprovokedly and only stood up for himself when it became a seriously threatening matter. He was not aggressive or antagonistic in any way- he asked what their problem was, he didn't charge back and create the problem. It was clear that the bone-headed racist thugs that victimised him in the first place weren't going to let him walk away, so what difference does it make and what is your fucking point? I swear that some of you American bigot pricks will see a heavily-distorted version of the 'truth' that suits your own morally-twisted sense of righteousness and casually-implied racism. A Mexican guy got killed by a bunch of American racist thugs, that's the truth of it. The accusations of him being a 'child molestor' are completely unrelated and ancillary to the main offense- and as it has already been clarified, dating an underaged minor does not constitute child abuse or child molestation anyway. By dating a 15 year old, he did no 'real' damage or crime. By being a Mexican in America he did no real damage or crime- he was picking fruit for fuck's sake. Neither of those two facts of circumstance warrant a citizen-ruled death sentence, and no American yobbos should be entitled to take the law and their own perverted sense of 'justice' into their own hands anyway. Lock them up, sympathize with the poor guy. The end.
He provoked the Americans by breaking into their country and raping a 15 year old. 

Now you might be stupid enough to believe that this 25 year old man wasn't banging his soon to be wife child, but that is just because you are stupid enough to believe that.

The kids got it right, there was an illegal immigrant child molester in their neighborhood and they didn't embrace him like some liberal pussies on the forum would have liked.  He didn't get the hint and got his ass kicked and die.

Be-still my bleeding heart, sniff sniff.  Poor fucking child molester illegal thought he had the right to be a child molesting illegal in the wrong neighborhood.  He should have moved next to Uzi and banged his little sister/daughter.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Open your eyes. He was attacked unprovokedly and only stood up for himself when it became a seriously threatening matter. He was not aggressive or antagonistic in any way- he asked what their problem was, he didn't charge back and create the problem. It was clear that the bone-headed racist thugs that victimised him in the first place weren't going to let him walk away, so what difference does it make and what is your fucking point? I swear that some of you American bigot pricks will see a heavily-distorted version of the 'truth' that suits your own morally-twisted sense of righteousness and casually-implied racism. A Mexican guy got killed by a bunch of American racist thugs, that's the truth of it. The accusations of him being a 'child molestor' are completely unrelated and ancillary to the main offense- and as it has already been clarified, dating an underaged minor does not constitute child abuse or child molestation anyway. By dating a 15 year old, he did no 'real' damage or crime. By being a Mexican in America he did no real damage or crime- he was picking fruit for fuck's sake. Neither of those two facts of circumstance warrant a citizen-ruled death sentence, and no American yobbos should be entitled to take the law and their own perverted sense of 'justice' into their own hands anyway. Lock them up, sympathize with the poor guy. The end.
He provoked the Americans by breaking into their country and raping a 15 year old. 

Now you might be stupid enough to believe that this 25 year old man wasn't banging his soon to be wife child, but that is just because you are stupid enough to believe that.

The kids got it right, there was an illegal immigrant child molester in their neighborhood and they didn't embrace him like some liberal pussies on the forum would have liked.  He didn't get the hint and got his ass kicked and die.

Be-still my bleeding heart, sniff sniff.  Poor fucking child molester illegal thought he had the right to be a child molesting illegal in the wrong neighborhood.  He should have moved next to Uzi and banged his little sister/daughter.
Whoa,  careful there -we don't want to look like bigots for disliking child molestors.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Open your eyes. He was attacked unprovokedly and only stood up for himself when it became a seriously threatening matter. He was not aggressive or antagonistic in any way- he asked what their problem was, he didn't charge back and create the problem. It was clear that the bone-headed racist thugs that victimised him in the first place weren't going to let him walk away, so what difference does it make and what is your fucking point? I swear that some of you American bigot pricks will see a heavily-distorted version of the 'truth' that suits your own morally-twisted sense of righteousness and casually-implied racism. A Mexican guy got killed by a bunch of American racist thugs, that's the truth of it. The accusations of him being a 'child molestor' are completely unrelated and ancillary to the main offense- and as it has already been clarified, dating an underaged minor does not constitute child abuse or child molestation anyway. By dating a 15 year old, he did no 'real' damage or crime. By being a Mexican in America he did no real damage or crime- he was picking fruit for fuck's sake. Neither of those two facts of circumstance warrant a citizen-ruled death sentence, and no American yobbos should be entitled to take the law and their own perverted sense of 'justice' into their own hands anyway. Lock them up, sympathize with the poor guy. The end.
He provoked the Americans by breaking into their country and raping a 15 year old. 

Now you might be stupid enough to believe that this 25 year old man wasn't banging his soon to be wife child, but that is just because you are stupid enough to believe that.

The kids got it right, there was an illegal immigrant child molester in their neighborhood and they didn't embrace him like some liberal pussies on the forum would have liked.  He didn't get the hint and got his ass kicked and die.

Be-still my bleeding heart, sniff sniff.  Poor fucking child molester illegal thought he had the right to be a child molesting illegal in the wrong neighborhood.  He should have moved next to Uzi and banged his little sister/daughter.
Whoa,  careful there -we don't want to look like bigots for disliking child molestors.
Don't you find it somewhat puerile to boil murder down to "dislike" to be able to justify it?

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Open your eyes. He was attacked unprovokedly and only stood up for himself when it became a seriously threatening matter. He was not aggressive or antagonistic in any way- he asked what their problem was, he didn't charge back and create the problem. It was clear that the bone-headed racist thugs that victimised him in the first place weren't going to let him walk away, so what difference does it make and what is your fucking point? I swear that some of you American bigot pricks will see a heavily-distorted version of the 'truth' that suits your own morally-twisted sense of righteousness and casually-implied racism. A Mexican guy got killed by a bunch of American racist thugs, that's the truth of it. The accusations of him being a 'child molestor' are completely unrelated and ancillary to the main offense- and as it has already been clarified, dating an underaged minor does not constitute child abuse or child molestation anyway. By dating a 15 year old, he did no 'real' damage or crime. By being a Mexican in America he did no real damage or crime- he was picking fruit for fuck's sake. Neither of those two facts of circumstance warrant a citizen-ruled death sentence, and no American yobbos should be entitled to take the law and their own perverted sense of 'justice' into their own hands anyway. Lock them up, sympathize with the poor guy. The end.
He provoked the Americans by breaking into their country and raping a 15 year old. 

Now you might be stupid enough to believe that this 25 year old man wasn't banging his soon to be wife child, but that is just because you are stupid enough to believe that.

The kids got it right, there was an illegal immigrant child molester in their neighborhood and they didn't embrace him like some liberal pussies on the forum would have liked.  He didn't get the hint and got his ass kicked and die.

Be-still my bleeding heart, sniff sniff.  Poor fucking child molester illegal thought he had the right to be a child molesting illegal in the wrong neighborhood.  He should have moved next to Uzi and banged his little sister/daughter.
Whoa,  careful there -we don't want to look like bigots for disliking child molestors.





libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

mikkel wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

He provoked the Americans by breaking into their country and raping a 15 year old. 

Now you might be stupid enough to believe that this 25 year old man wasn't banging his soon to be wife child, but that is just because you are stupid enough to believe that.

The kids got it right, there was an illegal immigrant child molester in their neighborhood and they didn't embrace him like some liberal pussies on the forum would have liked.  He didn't get the hint and got his ass kicked and die.

Be-still my bleeding heart, sniff sniff.  Poor fucking child molester illegal thought he had the right to be a child molesting illegal in the wrong neighborhood.  He should have moved next to Uzi and banged his little sister/daughter.
Whoa,  careful there -we don't want to look like bigots for disliking child molestors.
Don't you find it somewhat puerile to boil murder down to "dislike" to be able to justify it?
NOBODY, REPEAT, NOBODY has justified murder or the man's death.

People just keep accusing people of Justifying it.

I justified them harrassing him for being an illegal child molester.

His death was most likely the unintended consequence of a fight which he willingly participated in.

Please put a quote of where ANYONE said he deserved to die or kudos for murding the turd.  You can't, just like you can't argue with the statements that have been made without misrepresenting what was stated.  You sir are a typically liberal, no common sense and has to lie about facts when argueing.

Uzique wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

He provoked the Americans by breaking into their country and raping a 15 year old. 

Now you might be stupid enough to believe that this 25 year old man wasn't banging his soon to be wife child, but that is just because you are stupid enough to believe that.

The kids got it right, there was an illegal immigrant child molester in their neighborhood and they didn't embrace him like some liberal pussies on the forum would have liked.  He didn't get the hint and got his ass kicked and die.

Be-still my bleeding heart, sniff sniff.  Poor fucking child molester illegal thought he had the right to be a child molesting illegal in the wrong neighborhood.  He should have moved next to Uzi and banged his little sister/daughter.
Whoa,  careful there -we don't want to look like bigots for disliking child molestors.





While it might make a 20-30 year old feel better about raping a child, talking a little kid into sex does not make it right.  So please stop hanging around those 2nd grade girls with your bag of candy telling them it is good for them to let you touch them and they get free candy.

You sir are retarded.
arrivederci frog

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I justified them harrassing him for being an illegal child molester.

His death was most likely the unintended consequence of a fight which he willingly participated in.

Please put a quote of where ANYONE said he deserved to die or kudos for murding the turd.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

The kids got it right, there was an illegal immigrant child molester in their neighborhood and they didn't embrace him like some liberal pussies on the forum would have liked.  He didn't get the hint and got his ass kicked and die.
Your satisfaction at the apparent justice in his death is implied.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Has anyone else come to the realisation that this "rapist" may not have even been sexually active with the under aged girl?

AussieReaper wrote:

Has anyone else come to the realisation that this "rapist" may not have even been sexually active with the under aged girl?
Yeah, the 25 year old guy was into the 15 year old girl because they both had the common interest of my pretty ponies and found Mr. Johnson's algerba class boring in Jr. High.

I imagine they watched saturday morning cartoons together every weekend and then went to the skating rink with their friends.  Of course their parents had to drive them there and back.


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