lowing wrote:
cpt.fass1 wrote:
Weird your children(aka teenagers) don't steal things? it's only the people from the inner city that ride the train out to the burbs. If you don't have to many trains going to the burbs how do you know what's going to happen? Also there is crime everywhere.
please don't twist my words..........you know exactly what I am talking about.
Ok I will break it down for you and put it in a scenerio that might be closer to home for you........are there not places in NY that you probably don't want to go to after dark, like central park, or South of some street corner??.......the fact that it is a good idea to avoid these certain places that have developed reputations for being trouble spots and are avoided does not mean that thewre isn't crime anywhere else in NY.
All I am telling you is by spending allot of time on mass transit in ATL you might be asking for trouble that you normally wouldn't have to worry about...........No need to read into it as deeply as you are.
and yes I have ridden the mass transit in ATL and yes I almost got into a fist fight doing so. and yes I was minding my own business
Last edited by lowing (18 years, 9 months ago)