Flecco wrote:
Either way Pos if it starts a major war I'll be pissed. How is Iran getting nukes any worse than letting Pakistan keep what it already has?
oh, c'mon, isn't this easy - preventing a state from accuiring nukes is one thing, but taking nukes from a state that already has 'em is another, don't you think so? who knows, they might be crazy enough to use one! even that bloody "land of 'em free and the brave" don't risk messing with those who have nukes (yet), no matter how eager they are to "spread democracy" and "liberate the oppressed".
but, anyway, nothing new really. israel had no problem bombing whoever they thought was threatening to become a hostile power before and i don't see why they should have problem doing that now.
so, why so serious? (c) let them bomb. if nothing else we'll know if russia really sold those s-300 complexes to iran
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.