Alaska and Montana are my two home states. Live in Montana, born in Alaska.S3v3N wrote:
Bullshit.Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
Go to Montanta. The views are amazing and rivers are clear enough to drink straight from them. Plus theres no annoying people to deal with.
I live thar.
One, You'll get Diarrhea for a year if you drink the water in a river. Remember fish fuck and shit there.
Two, Its filled with fucking tards from California that migrate north to view the foilage and animals.
Three, its an outdoor's man paradise, if you're into hunting, fishing, hikings, skiings, snowmobiling, trail riding etc.
Glacier National Park> Yellowstone National Park.
The Going to the Sun highway is f'n amazing.
Both have some stunningly beautiful scenery, excellent hunting & fishing, and enough wilderness to get away from civilization for as long as you like.
Alaska is much better in all respects, but the wilderness is correspondingly less forgiving, and the animals are bigger.
Alaska: unofficial state bird - the giant f'ing blood sucking mosquito.
Montana: unofficial state bird - the giant California yuppie loon, migrates to Western Montana seasonally, buys up property, infects local government with Californication Syndrome. Still no official hunting season on them, unfortunately.