Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
Spark wrote:
If things like getting pushed around can kill you, you might want to stay out of mosh pits and potential riot zones.
He was walking home from work, and how many 47 year olds have you hit exactly?
The plod did something dangerous and stupid, the guy died, I hope he gets done for manslaughter.
So being 47 is now a medical contition?
Don't walk through riots areas. Take the long route home. Or don't fucking lollygaggle in front of cops in riot gear.
I don't think he was expecting to be attacked from behind by a dick in riot gear, I don't think anybody would expect something like that from the police or anyone, you just don't really expect to be attacked in such a cowardly fashion, let alone from the police
Like I said before, you can take away the fact that he died from a heart attack soon afterwards, if you want, that doesn't change the fact that this guy was still attacked from behind by some guy wearing a balaclava who happened to be police, for no reason whatsoever
I don't see why you idiots are discussing stupid things like "how the hell does that result in a heart attack"
The fact is, this guy was attacked by a policeman and then had a heart attack a few minutes later, it would be ....illogical to think that the two have no connection whatsoever. The guy was pretty far away from the actual big protest blocs, and again, clearly he wasn't a protester or a threat whatsoever
Even if he did have a heart condition, so fucking what? The guy was on his way home, he lived and worked in the area, it doesn't matter that he didn't know he had a condition or not cos he shouldn't have attacked him in the first place
To try and put some sort of blame and "personal responsibility" on the deceased just shows some peoples true colours, yeah, it's all his fault clearly