The A W S M F O X wrote:
Combat beards are fucking MANLY NEXT LEVEL SHIT.
SASR grows em allatime bro. I got a book with plenty of pics of the SASR in Afghanistan with beards.
1) Afghanistan is not a holy land in anybody's books. The local ethnic groups have a fierce attachment and sense of belonging to it though.
2) The bulk of the sleeping poppy crops from Afghanistan are used to create heroin, which is then smuggled into Russia via the old silk road and gradually makes its way to the rest of the western world from there. Can you blame them for growing a crop that sells? Btw heroin is causing more problems in Afghanistan than anywhere else. I've heard some bad stories coming out of Kabul about addiction problems.
3) If you can't appreciate the beauty of a country like Afghanistan I pity you. It has some of the most awesome scenery in the world imo. I'd love to see the mountains there in person. Pity its so bloody dangerous.
4) It's a different culture dude. We percieve it as a terrible violation of the basic rights of the human being, they grew up with it. They must find aspects of Western Society abhorrent, if I had to think of one off the top of my head I'd say it would be the obesity problems we have. We can try to show them how wrong it is to treat women like animals but it will take time to change a culture that's been there for hundreds of years.
Last edited by Flecco (2009-04-02 08:23:23)