
Still, increasing bullet damage vs aircraft would just inspire even more people to go sniper than do the job at hand.
+42|6681|Montreal, Canada
M95 has an incendiary cartridge that can inflict great damage to people in Humvies just by shooting in its side. Same thing for transport. I penetrate 1" thick steel and detonates inside. That is reality.
I do agree that the M95 in BF2 is underpowered compared to its real life brother. But like other people stated in this forum, it still has to be balanced. I agree that the M95 should be able to "disable" small lightly armored vehicles with 1-2 shots by hitting the engine block (or if you REALLY want to get into it, hit the 4 inch gas cap to blow up humvies and the like) and even damage helicopters by 2-3 precision hits to the engine. That would also increase the ammount of engineers in the game which we all know most people pick up only when using armor or repairing command structures every now and then. What I don't agree with is the commander assets (yes in real life you would be able to do it). Stop and think though If you COULD take out commander assets with a clip of M95 rounds in-game. Instead of having Blitzing Spec Ops people blowing up the commander assets and stealing vehicles, you would have Sniping base campers ALL THE TIME taking out the commander assets and everyone at the base until they run out of ammo. Add that to a game where there are plane whores who bomb the incapable bases and you have one unbalanced game. Of course, they could also make it harder to snipe like in "Sniper Elite" to limit the amount of wannabie snipers who would use it just to do the things mentioned above, but that's going off the subject of the M95 slightly. I do agree that it is something that should be created and tested in a mod to see how the balance issues could be worked out.

"I have but dared too much."
+2|6764|New Hartford, New York
the_ubernoob_, I like the idea.

I love using the M95, mainly for taking out chopper pilots. It would be nice to be able to use it to take out APC tires to disable the APC's, to take out a tanks tread to disable a tank. And even as suggested, disable a heli with some strategically placed shots (rotor, engine, tail rotor). I feel that this weapon should be stronger against vehicles and objects.

I read a few complaints that if EA did this, then more people would go sniper class. Maybe, but an easy solution to this is to do like RtCW did, add in the feature of Limiting the number of people that could use the sniper kit as a server admin function. RtCW had this ability, and some servers utilized it to limit the number of players using the flamethrower kit.
...I was thinking more along the lines of the M95 tearing TOW launchers to pieces and knocking UAV's out of the sky.  It would be nice to devastate jeeps and choppers before they have a chance to run away...but that would create horrible balance issues.  As far as killing an asset, I believe it should take about half (or maybe 3/4) of all your ammo  just to take out a UAV trailer.  Otherwise everyone would camp as sniper and no-one would C4/bomb/TV assets anymore.

I really don't think that the choppers need a destroy the engine zone for snipers, they already have a 1-hit kill zone...its called the pilot's head

Destroying SAM/TOW sites and UAVs with the M95 would add to its realism without creating any real opportunities for stat padding because there is nothing to stat pad with (you don't get points for killing UAVs and if you're close enough to kill a guy by blowing up his SAM site then you're close enough to just headshot him.)

Last edited by the_ubernoob_ (2006-03-24 19:18:27)

I like the trail you are on dude.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Not a bad idea. Maybe you could also increase the damage done on jets and Helicopters too?
did you know it takes 12 shots with the m95 to take it down and 6 to a jet
I like the disableing idea. You could have different levels of disability that could, for example, affect your speed, manuerability, accuracy, and eventually fully disable or destroy the vehical.

Hummeth wrote:

I like the disableing idea. You could have different levels of disability that could, for example, affect your speed, manuerability, accuracy, and eventually fully disable or destroy the vehical.
In Sniper Elite, you can kill tanks by shooting off the gas cap...talk about how unbalanced that would make BF2.

M95 uses .50 BMG.
So does the M2.
So then we make the M2 do the same damage as the M95, i.e. extremely good.
But people complain that the M203 and SRAW etc. are explosive and do less damage.
EA improves those.

Can you tell I kinda disagree?

I mean, this would make being a commander pointless, as your crap would be blown up every 5 seconds by a sniper, Vodnik, AT guy, or nade launcher.

bad touch

soo... you can make a battery of howitzers blow up by shooting a .50 at them?

Again, if M95's are given asset-destroying capability, it should only be ground transports (for variety). Otherwise, every noob would be camped out with his M95 shooting at choppers and planes, hoping for a screenshotworthy kill. Flush good gameplay down the toilet, there.
As much as I hate choppers. LOL The ability to shoot one down with just a few hits with the m95 is too much. Pilots wouldn't have a chance two guys with m95's could very quickly down a chopper before they even could react.
I think a nice addition would be a damage bar for vehicals so you could tell how damaged an enemy vehical is.

Tanks maybe should have a vunerable spot like aircraft do now. Although its very difficult to shoot a pilot in flight its possible tanks should have something similiar. A very small area somewere that is vunerable to gun fire. Again a weak spot not a death spot this way a tank driver could turn his tank to advoid getting damaged in that area. Lets say like 500 hit points in that area. This way even the m95 would take at least 3 direct hits.  Most guns only do 25 to 30 damage per hit. Being a small area maybe equivilant to a head shot, 500 damage still makes them tough.

Daniel_Malloy wrote:

Of course, they could also make it harder to snipe like in "Sniper Elite" to limit the amount of wannabie snipers who would use it just to do the things mentioned above, but that's going off the subject of the M95 slightly.
Have you ever played Sniper Elite?

The realistic sniping with wind and heartbeat was only available on the hardest difficulty and in single player only.

Online it is quite similar to BF2(bulletdrop is there,plus heavy breathing) but it was much,much easier to snipe than it is in BF2 because you could actually use the mildots on the scope and calculate the bulletdrop.
After a few days of playing I could tell how many mildots the bullet drops on different ranges(200 meters = the 8th dot ) and shoot smilies into barrels(and enemies).

I think the M95 should be a bit more powerful against jeeps,boats and stingersites.
I took down some already smoking choppers with it but it's not quite enough of a kick against small stuff, for example against the DPV which basically is 3 seats and 4 wheels attached to an engine block.

Sniper Elite is awesome, but the physics required for the ballistics would kill BF2's net code. If you want realistic ballistics, go play Delta Force.
I have played both those games. All I was trying to prove with saying that they should make sniping harder like in Sniper Elite WAS to have to use the mil dots. Since BF2 is an online game, you wouldn't include windage. BD in BF2 is so small you don't even have to adjust for it in most levels except on levels like Wake. And for those levels, you just aim JUST LIGHTLY over their heads. Like I said in my post, this is going off the subject of this post, so just start another thread if you want to praise the bullet drop or critisize me for thinking they should increase the bullet drop.
Dropped on request

EvilJebus wrote:

The '95 should do more damage to thinks like helicopter and jet engines. If I shoot it in the engine it should destory the plane, maybe two shots to the engine for balance issues. As for the commander assets, maybe three shots would be a good balance too. A little area dependant damage on transports would be nice too, if i shoot the engine of a HMMWVV it should blow up.
Ok, if you are arguing against realism against planes then you also have to remember that in RL you can't fucking snipe a plane.
+50|6645|Cambridge UK
Some good ideas here, i def agree that the M95 should be able to destroy light vehicles with a shot or two to the engine. Disabling them has some merit but how many engineers repair bridges? We'd be left with disabled vehicles all over (meaning no new ones would spawn)

As for choppers and planes, maybe hitting the rota could reduce health to something like 25% giving the pilot a chance to retreat. And hitting a moving plane? Thats just stoopid.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Kontrolfreq wrote:

Some good ideas here, i def agree that the M95 should be able to destroy light vehicles with a shot or two to the engine. Disabling them has some merit but how many engineers repair bridges? We'd be left with disabled vehicles all over (meaning no new ones would spawn)

As for choppers and planes, maybe hitting the rota could reduce health to something like 25% giving the pilot a chance to retreat. And hitting a moving plane? Thats just stoopid.
If you take a vehicle and drop it off somewhere that is not it's spawn point, it'll eventually blow up and it'll spawn back at it's spawn point. Because of this, damaged vehicles would eventually spawn back at their spawn point fully repaired.
Pope Picard II

Superior Mind wrote:

this is a good idea, i mean it takes like 2 and ahlf clips to destroy a frigen RIB......come on..
But it's Rigid which means uber.

Just joking. You have to be careful how much you tweak stuff towards reality though, otherwise everything else in the game would need an upgrade and in some cases a down-grade.

I would agree that the M95 is the biggest POS unlock, and it needs a bit of a tweak. I unlocked it as my first unlock coming from DC expecting it to be great, and instead it stinks. I was then stuck with a ghetto unlock for a long time, as the ranks were different back then In fact, I remmeber when the L85A1 was the nastiest unlock on the scene along with the DAO. Now I think the L85A1 is a piece of shit, and the G36E is bread and butter. So in that context, perhaps a change to the M95 isn't so uncalled for.

Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2006-04-10 12:39:34)

+190|6666|Home of the Escalade Herds

Kontrolfreq wrote:

As for choppers and planes, maybe hitting the rota could reduce health to something like 25% giving the pilot a chance to retreat. And hitting a moving plane? Thats just stoopid.
Yeah thats all we need, another nerf to heli's and more power to no skill Jets.
+50|6645|Cambridge UK
Yea i guess so, but then i can't use jets anyway!
+10|6644|Columbus, OH
I like the Idea of Material Damage, such as hitting the engine compartment does more damage, or giving the gas cap to create a critical hit on transports making them burn so the passengers jump out in open space giving the sniper additional targets.  I agree with several posters, that it should not be able to destroy commander assets.

Flying UAV's should certainly be taken by one or two hits from a sniper.  Maybe give it a critical hit reagion too, such as the nose (avionics) or the engine.

As far as Tow's, and Sams.  These are already at a disadvantage, because most good pilots and tank drivers know where they are, and kill them before the occupants get a shot off.  Createing another way to destroy them is somewhat pointless.

Tanks, I know that in real life, the M95 can be used to disable tanks, however in the game it is just not balanced.  There are already too many people playing Anti-Tank, Tank drivers to not need one more thing to worry about.

Helecopters: shots to the engine compartment already do more damage, and a "one shot kill" is already possible by hitting the pilot.

Airplanes:  Who shoots at Airplanes with a sniper rifle.  again "one shot kill" already possible if you can hit the pilot.

Boats and APC's in the Water, should recieve extra damage from the M95, this should be obvious.  A .50 cal is going to put a hole in the side of an APC, this doesn't do much for its sea worthyness.  And a Rubber Raft? ok one shot anywhere on a rubber raft from the M95, should cause it to burn, again passengers bail, and sniper gets more targets.

Just my $0.02.

oh hai :D
+156|6692|The Netherlands
I think the m95 is good enough. dont change anything.. or soon every noob wil not use the pkm, f2000 gl, c4 but the m95. and there are already engough claymores in the bf.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Sniper Elite is awesome, but the physics required for the ballistics would kill BF2's net code. If you want realistic ballistics, go play Delta Force.
Delta Force 2 LMFAO FTW!!!

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