I really don't understand this madness. It's quite obvious that most of the posters on this thread never actually tried to single shot or small burst at range pre 1.21.
I've been single shot firing the M249 and PKM for months and have not seen much of a difference since 1.21. There was absolutley no difference between 1.2 and 1.21 that I could tell. Even in TWL matches I could hide at 200m and take hit others using the standard LMG. Sure maybe two or three hits but still fairly easy hits even when the body is only a few pixels on the screen.
I suspect that many of you have now since seen the video of the Mashtur PKM king and as a result cry foul. It's probably the single fault of this poster that let this little known secret out of the bag and now you have more people using the PKM as the weapon of choice.
Sort of like how a few months after release more and more people were using the GL at point blank range.
Sure the PKM is great but certainly not over powered. Remember with Iron sights your not getting any zoom. So a sniper worth anything can hit the PKM'er quite easily if they knew where to look. In fact I've had to pull out the sniper kit to get a sniper where I could not reach him with the PKM.
The only complaint I have is that as a sniper I should have an easier task of hitting a target that appears the same size. I.e when sniping I have a scope with zoom so a target that is a few pixels high is further away than a target of the same size with the PKM. Yet I find that I can head shot more often with the PKM against a target of the same size than I can with the sniper rifle. Maybe it's because the Iron sight does not obsuce the target where the scope does.
In any case a sniper can out range and out shoot a PKM'er any day of the week. But if your'e stupid enough to attempt to snipe from the top of the TV station and I choose to whack you with a PKM then that's your problem and not mine. It's not my fault that the TV station's wall hides your torso and basically only lets me aim at your head!
Oh and BTW you can snipe the players on the TV station with any rifle class weapon. You just have to be a good shot and have patience. If you want to shoot anything at range you have to select single shot, or for the people without lead fingers tap the fire button and not hold it down!
Oh and if in RL the PKM is a pure suppression weapon then why does that picture of one in this thread have a scope?!!
So just stop complaining. Weapons are unbalanced just the same as the classes. Balance comes from putting the correct mix of classes in an effective squad. If you can't figure that out then go play something else. The next thing you'll be complaining about players who have the skill and patience to place shots on your head while you just blast at them without thought.
Last edited by Westend (2006-03-22 13:13:05)